pros and cons of opening and closing the third eye chakra

Learn About the Pros and Cons of Opening and Closing the Third Eye Chakra

Are you thinking about opening the mystical portal of the 3rd eye? If so, it’s important to know the pros and cons of opening and closing the third eye chakra.

The concept of the 3rd eye chakra, also known as the Ajna chakra, has roots in various spiritual traditions, such as Egyptian mysticism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. It is associated with the brain’s pineal gland near the forehead, between the eyebrows.

The energy concept surrounding this mystical aspect of the pineal gland has roots in several spiritual traditions. It is found in Egyptian mysticism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. This gland is at the center of the brain, at a point behind the forehead between the eyebrows.

Many ancient cultures understood this part of the brain as the gateway to enhanced perception. In Indian traditions, it’s the sixth of seven chakras. Egyptian tradition refers to this portal as The Eye of Horus and The All-Seeing Eye (1).

Opening and closing the third eye chakra perception generates a lot of questions. You will find conflicting information about this subject if you search the internet. It’s a good idea to conduct your research. Weigh the answers you get with the credibility of the source.

Our organization has over 30 years of experience in research techniques. We have over 30,000 contacts around the world. So, the information here reflects a lot of research. It may not be the most popular but is based on unbiased research.

Dealing with Third Eye Activation Challenges

This portal is dormant or inactive for most people. It’s all part of our design. We need time to adjust to this reality and become grounded and ready before we open this next level of awareness and perception.

If we are not ready, activating this portal can be problematic. Joseph Campbell tells us the mystic and shaman swim with delight in the same water of consciousness that the psychotic drowns. You don’t want to jump into the deep end of the pool until you learn how to swim.

Many cultures with processes for opening the 3rd Eye ensure candidates are ready before initiation. They developed systems with checks and balances to ensure the candidate’s readiness. Assessing readiness to learn is a valuable tool to ensure we can use any spiritual technology. This kind of assessment is essential for the 3rd Eye activation process. Here’s the recommended process:

1. Do your research
2. Determine your readiness
3. Select a process, source, and teacher
4. Partner with others on the same path

The Pros and Cons of Opening and Closing the Third Eye

You are here because you want answers. Some are born with this center activated. We know these as “gifted individuals” and natural “shamans.” They talk about other worlds that many people can’t see.

The dominant culture views these gifted individuals as a threat. It brands them as heretics, witches, or sorcerers and persecutes them with the culture’s approval. The Church actively sought them out under the Inquisition. In later times, the culture used sanatoriums and insane asylums.

If you want another perspective on what to expect if you open this portal of perception, try reading Carlos Castaneda’s works (2). His books are sold as a fictional account of his Toltec traditional training. However, if you open this sensory receptor, you can expect perceptual changes similar to those in the works of Mr. Castaneda.

You don’t need to use psychotropic additives,” he outlines. These are exercises that use breath and intention. When you are ready, follow this link. Dealing with third eye activation challenges can be difficult. One must learn how to handle them and learn to swim the hard way.

Rene Descartes (3) called the pineal gland “the seat of the soul.” It’s the place where the soul intersects with the physical body.   This portal changes everything about inner and outer perception. It cleanses the filter of awareness. Our perception of reality happens within the mind. Our physical senses are only a tiny part of our picture of reality. Opening this portal is life-changing.

Determining Readiness for Opening the Third Eye

benefits of opening the third eye dealing with third eye activation challenges

Opening this portal has both intended and unintended consequences. This process involves an expansion of awareness and perception. We think of perception as an outward-focused tool of the senses. However, perception also affects our internal world of the mind. Most people equate awareness with social insight or mindfulness. Awareness also involves the bandwidth of consciousness. This is critical for cognitive function, attention, concentration, and emotional regulation.

This portal also unlocks the full potential of your spiritual gifts, so it makes sense to be prepared before you attempt to open this door.

Read through the pros and cons of opening and closing the third eye chakra. Remember that everyone starts out in a different place. If your pineal gland calcifies, you will need more preparatory work. How do you tell if you are prepared to open this portal?   Here are the points that determine your readiness:

Assessing Readiness of the Mind

Emotional stability is a crucial factor. Do you feel emotionally balanced and can handle stress effectively? Mental clarity is needed to execute processes. Is your mind clear, and can you focus without being easily distracted?

It is important to be in touch with your intuitive feelings. Can you trust your gut feelings and have a strong sense of intuition? General mental health is essential for this type of inner work practice. Do you regularly monitor your thoughts and emotions? Are you feeling positive and motivated?

Unimpeded cognitive function is also essential. Do you regularly engage in activities that challenge your brain, such as puzzles, reading, or learning new skills?

It is best to have a solid grounding experience with the fourth state of pure consciousness. You should have at least six months of experience with some form of seated or moving meditation. If you are beginning your inner journey, learn the basic mindfulness meditation techniques. Similarly, forest bathing and tree grounding techniques also promote grounding.

Knowing your personality and instinctual stack is important. It will help you understand how opening your 3rd Eye will affect perception. The Enneagram Personality profile uses a questionnaire to outline your default settings. You need to know how opening this portal will affect your personality and instinctual mechanisms. Any techniques to raise your vibration will also help you prepare for this expansion of perception.

Readiness of the Physical Body

Positive physical health is often a key to the success or failure of this type of process. Do you eat a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and get regular exercise? Pay attention to any physical symptoms or changes in your body.

Proper Rest and recovery are essential to normalizing the changes in 3rd eye activation symptoms, which are always accompanied by physical symptoms. Do you get adequate sleep and relaxation without medication or medical devices like a CPAP machine?

Assessing Spiritual Readiness

Spiritual health is often overlooked and leads to complications. Do you engage in activities that nourish your spirit, such as meditation or spending time in nature? Do you avoid religious practices that promote bias and prejudice?

Many religions enforce the practice of magical thinking. Activities like rituals and prayer are used for groupthink manipulation. These tactics set up harmful and inaccurate values and prejudice. So, you must avoid or remove their influence, or you will likely suffer negative mental, physical, and spiritual symptoms. A positive, inclusive mindset is essential for creating a positive sense of purpose.

Practicing the Shamanic Journey weekly for a year is also helpful but is not a substitute for grounding in pure consciousness. Lucid dreaming techniques help expand awareness and bring any spiritual gifts to light.   Enhancing observational skills is also an excellent way to uncover your spiritual gifts. You don’t want to discover your spiritual gifts by accident.

The Benefits of Opening the Third Eye

Opening this chakra will affect perception and awareness, both inwardly and outwardly. The inward aspect will affect memories and emotions. It also affects any spiritual gifts you may have. Outwardly, it will affect perception through the senses.

It affects everyone differently. We advise that you investigate your spiritual gifts before opening this portal. If you are taking mood suppressants, consult your prescribing physician first. Opening this portal is likely to push past your medication’s emotional boundaries. It opens your heart, expanding your emotional sensitivity, empathy, and social awareness.

Strong religious beliefs conflict with new ideas about spirituality. Western mythology does not stand up to the revelations within this portal. Before you do any activation exercises, use the comparative analysis process. Comparative Analysis is a scientifically based method of comparative religious study. This process can help you identify any beliefs that may conflict with a change in your worldview.

Intended and Unintended Side Effects

Several unintended side effects may occur. So, be sure you are ready emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Dealing with third-eye activation challenges is easier if you are prepared for the range of effects.

The changes include perception and physical symptoms. It’s common to experience headaches, pressure in the forehead, or unusual sensations. They also affect emotional equilibrium. You may have feelings of anxiety, confusion, or emotional upheaval. The added sensory input can cause mental overload. Some experience increased sensitivity to stimuli and overwhelming thoughts.

These physical symptoms can culminate in questioning your experiences and feeling disconnected from reality.

On the other hand, the benefits of opening the third eye chakra may outweigh the short-term negative symptoms. Opening this portal enhances all spiritual gifts. If you have spiritual gifts, you don’t know about. This will open those doors of perception. If you are a Clairvoyant or Empath, it is best to find out beforehand. Opening this sensory portal can cause what some refer to as hallucinations. Your body may go through discomfort for several weeks or even months before it fully adapts to the new input.

If you are naturally inclined to engage in astral projection, this will enhance your control over this state. It will increase your intuitive awareness and what some call their sixth sense. Ensure you are ready for these enhancements before you attempt any activation exercises.

The danger lies in not being ready. We think of it like skydiving. You would not jump out of the airplane and then try to put on your parachute as you fall.    Be safe. Learn about yourself first. Learn about the default settings of your personality and instincts. Ensure you are grounded and know about the spiritual gifts in your DNA.

One of the major benefits of opening the third eye chakra is that it makes connecting with the transcendent easier. Techniques like Japa or TM become second nature. Activation will enhance your experience of seated and moving mindfulness meditation. It will also improve your experience of the Shamanic Journey, and even your daydreams will take on a higher degree of clarity. It will also enhance your ability to remember dreams and engage in lucid dreaming practices.

This portal will also open your heart Chakra, a doorway to the “virtues of the spirit.” Shamans talk about seeing reality from the heart; now you’ll understand what this means. Your social conscience will become more important. So, you may find yourself more involved in social and environmental concerns. This is because you won’t be able to ignore injustice, inequity, discrimination, and environmental abuse.

You’ll also be able to see through the veil of group hypnosis and groupthink manipulation tactics used by organized religion. Here are some other things you might expect:

— Enhanced ability for lucid dreaming.
Memory retention increases along with learning ability.
— A marked increase in intuition.
— Increased creativity.
— If you have psychic or similar abilities, these will become stronger.
Spiritual gifts will be more accessible.
Clairvoyance (psychic vision) may open.
— Clairaudience (psychic hearing) potentially opens.
— Clairsentience (psychic feeling/touching) has the potential to open.
— Ability to perceive things beyond the physical senses.
— Greater spiritual awareness and a deeper connection to spiritual realms
— Improved clarity and insight, clearer thinking, and better decision-making.
— Increased creativity and boost in creativity and imagination.
— Sense of inner peace and calm, as one feels more connected to their higher self.

FAQ About the Pros and Cons of Opening and Closing the Third Eye

What Methods Are Best?

If you are mentally, physically, and spiritually ready, we recommend the 3rd eye activation technique, which uses a specific set of sutras. Other people find that Kundalini Yoga will also open this portal.

We don’t recommend using Reiki, Crystals, or any religious ceremony. These latter are indirect methods with a list of unwanted side effects. If you are ready, use a direct approach with fewer known side effects.

What About Closing The Third Eye?

closing my third eye chakra

Unfortunately, closing this portal presents some difficulties. Here’s the issue. You can’t unsee something once you’ve seen it. You cannot ignore it and hope that it will go away. So, if you’ve opened this portal, you will need to cope with the fact that your heart will be more open and vulnerable. You will have more empathy.

The same issue applies to the perception of reality. Once the mind is used to having a higher level of awareness, it will seek ways to reconnect. This internal turmoil can cause stress and affect your ability to think clearly.

Make sure you understand the pros and cons of opening and closing the third eye chakra. Attempting to close this portal is more than likely like putting a blindfold on. All you end up doing is damaging your control. In that case, you lose control of the gateway and can open, close, or distort perception. It’s like the blindfold slips off or becomes translucent.

This portal can become damaged either by trauma or re-calcification. Over time, you can get used to the unexpected shifts in emotions and perceptions, but it’s not recommended. You should leave it open if activated. At least then, you have one stable portal of perception.

This is one of the answers about the third Eye that people may not want to hear. The passage of time may slowly deteriorate this level of awareness and bring some stability, but some changes are permanent. Usually, it’s those changes that prompt you to close it.

What the 3rd Eye is not

It is not the Evil Eye. The evil Eye is the superstition surrounding those who can supposedly curse with a glance.

It is not the sixth sense, but opening the Third Eye will enhance this ability if you have it. Many animals exhibit this ability. They sense when someone is watching or stalking them, even when they cannot detect them with their physical senses.

It is not evil, even though some religions teach it is. It is not evil because it provides answers that organized religion cannot. It opens up a different realm of perception that can change how you think and value reality. This portal of perception is a threat mainly to the Abrahamic religions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. So, it is not a religion.

Immediate Side Effects of Opening the Third Eye Chakra

When you open this portal, you may experience a powerful headache similar to migraines. It may last several hours, so do the activation when you have adequate time.   The severity of the side effects will depend on your pineal glands’ health state. The more atrophied or calcified it is, the longer it will take you to normalize the changes.

After activating, it is common to wake up with pressure or a tingling sensation in your forehead. The feeling may be very intense. You may also experience pulsing or throbbing in the forehead throughout the day and “hear” popping or crackling sounds within your head.

Some time afterward, you will probably experience energy flowing or blowing through the Third-Eye Chakra, similar to those practicing Kundalini Yoda. You should feel the energy flowing up through the spine or moving from the front to the back.

Now, you get to learn a fresh way of looking at the world. You will see beautiful things you’ve missed in the past and ugly things, injustice, and inequity. So this may change the course of your life. This awareness will have a profound and lasting impact on your life. It will affect everyone in your circle of influence.

In Conclusion

The pros and cons of opening and closing the third eye chakra present the spiritual explorer with opportunities and challenges. On the positive side, activating this portal can enhance intuition, spiritual awareness, and mental clarity, leading to a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe. It can boost creativity and provide profound insights during meditation and spiritual practices.

However, there are potential downsides to consider. The process can sometimes lead to physical discomfort, emotional instability, and overwhelming psychic experiences. It’s crucial to approach activation of this portal with caution, ensuring that one’s mind, body, and spirit are well-prepared and balanced. Regular grounding practices, a healthy lifestyle, and seeking guidance from experienced practitioners can help mitigate these challenges.

Ultimately, the decision to open or close the third eye chakra should be made carefully, considering one’s readiness and overall well-being. By weighing the pros and cons, individuals can make informed choices that support their spiritual journey and personal growth.

We hope this discussion will help you make informed decisions about this subject. If you have other questions, contact us, and we will do our best to answer or provide resources.


(1) The Eye of Horus and the All-Seeing Eye. Wikipedia.
(2) Carlos Castaneda. Wikipedia.
(3) René Descartes. Wikipedia.