Cultivating Good Karma Practices Karma Purification Techniques

Cultivating Good Karma Practices — Karma Purification Techniques

Karma is another name for the law of cause-and-effect. It is reflected in many spiritual and philosophical concepts. Learn how cultivating good karma practices and karma purification techniques can have positive effects on your life.

Karma is the reciprocal force of our actions, the universal law of justice. It is a kind of spiritual bank account that is part of the legacy of our ancestors. We receive it as part of our inheritance; we can improve or worsen it when we pass it along to the next generation.

It includes the concepts of reincarnation and cosmic returns or reaping what you sow. You may not see it happen, but it eventually returns to the sender. It is the law of ebb and flow. This philosophy is interwoven throughout Eastern thought and tradition.

Gaining and Harmonizing Positive Karma

Before we discuss karma purification techniques, let’s look at some quotes about karma.

Irrespective of whether we are believers or agnostics, whether we believe in God or karma, moral ethics is a code which everyone is able to pursue. ― Dalai Lama, The Path To Tranquility: Daily Meditations

Like gravity, karma is so basic we often don’t even notice it. ― Sakyong Mipham

Karma comes after everyone, eventually. You can’t get away with screwing people over your whole life, I don’t care who you are. What goes around comes around. That’s how it works. Sooner or later, the universe will serve you the revenge that you deserve. ― Jessica Brody, The Karma Club

You reap what you sow. ― Galatian 6:7

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. ― Newton’s third law of motion

 Karma as a Spiritual Teacher or the Effects of Bad Karma

effects of bad karma as a spiritual teacher purification techniques for karma

There are two opposing philosophical points of view concerning karma. One is positive, and the other is negative. On one side is love, and on the other is fear. Those who approach karma as love lives with a positive mindset filled with hopeful expectations. Those who view karma as divine retribution live with a mindset of hate and fear.

If you view karma as love, you see karma as a spiritual teacher who motivates us to show love and kindness. So, karma becomes an opportunity to give and receive positive things. Many view karma as a way of receiving dividends from the universe. It’s a mindset of hope and positive expectations. Harmonizing positive karma and cultivating good karma practices is a way of life that makes you aware of positive omens and synchronistic messages.

If you live in fear of the effects of bad karma, it creates a mindset of fear. You live in fear of the dire consequences that will return to you because of your actions. So, if you fear karma, you believe in it; you just don’t like it.

How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.― Wayne W. Dyer

Karma Purification Techniques in Western Spiritual Traditions

Western religion’s messages about karma are confusing. First, it denies the concept of karma, but then the leader of the religion, Jesus, gets reincarnated. It’s awkward.

Karma places a high value on family lineage, and this, too, is reflected in the Abrahamic tree of religions. You graft yourself into this divine lineage to receive the benefits of the religion. The major benefits are forgiveness of all your harmful deeds and afterlife rewards. You can pay for these by buying indulgences and paying tithes. You do good deeds to offset your negative karma.

So, there is a sense of karmic destiny in Christianity that affects your eternal rewards or punishment. You can reverse the effects of bad karma by becoming a member of their religion. They also hold that nothing happens without a divine reason, an unseen cause-and-effect relationship throughout creation.

In the Jewish faith, karmic density is Middah k’neged. Middah means measure for measure. This is the same as the saying, what goes around comes around. Cultivating good karma practices is an easy way to create a lifestyle of spreading love, compassion, and friendliness.

The Catholic Encyclopedia (1) describes Jainism as achieving enlightenment by removing one from the cycle of rebirth. Being saved is removing oneself from the process of rebirth. Rebirth implies the concept of reincarnation. Jainism, in their view, is somewhere between Brahmanism and Buddhism, which they believe are inferior to Christianity. Whereas, in Christianity, resurrection is a divine inhabitation of spirit, not reincarnation. It sure sounds like reincarnation.

The Psychology of Karma

The American Psychological Association (2) gives us another practical perspective on karma purification techniques. Studies show helping others is the best predictor of success. The act of helping others is better than any other type of training technique. Want to be a great leader? Start helping!

Helping others has other benefits. When you help others, you increase your self-worth. You are more likely to show positive traits of compassion and kindness. When you grow karma, you help yourself and everyone in your circle of influence.

Cultivating Good Karma Practices — Four Types of Karma

Think of your mind and soul as a garden. If you want to harvest beautiful flowers, you’ll need to ensure good soil and water and take care of it.

Like any gardener, you’ll need to repair the soil and remove rocks and weeds. It’s hard but necessary. You’ll want to do this before trying to plant seeds. To do this, we need to identify the harmful programming of our minds and remove it. Then, you’ll also need to tend the garden by watering it. The last step is applying affirmations and mantras.

Four kinds of karma act much like a spiritual credit card. If we want to improve our lives, understanding these will help us see where to put our focus:

1. Sanchita Karma

Sanchita is the sum of all accumulated past actions, the good, the bad, and the ugly. It also includes karma from past lives. Part of growing karma is learning to purify negative karma.

Dwelling on what can’t be changed is a waste of your energy. All you need to know is that you are here in human form, the highest life form on the planet. Instead, strive to make things better for yourself and the world. Help others grow karma.

2. Prabodha Karma

Prabodha is that portion of Sanchita karma that gave you your current incarnation. However, by using mantras and doing good work, we can alter our hearts and improve our current and future paths. Yes, we can grow karma! Yes, we can also purify negative karma.

Here is where some serious inner work can help you pinpoint the roadblocks to your growth. There are several tools you can use to explore your subconscious, your personality, and your soul.

The Enneagram Personality Profile will help you identify any negative baggage you are carrying. Comparative Analysis is a structured approach to comparative religious studies. Researching your sacred ground will reveal the source of harmful beliefs that support unhealthy actions or karma.

Finally, the Shamanic Journey is a powerful way to explore your spiritual essence or soul. Here, you can also find clues about what kind of ancestral baggage you may be carrying.

There are many places in the mind and spirit where we accumulate different karma. Once you identify your roadblocks, you may use a mantra to soften or remove the blockage. Then, you can rewrite the future portion of your life story.

3. Agami Karma

It results from actions in the present life that will affect future incarnations. It’s the source of generational curses. So, many practitioners seek help in breaking these chains now. It results in a better life and pays dividends for all future generations. Generational issues (curses) often show up as addictions.

4. Kriyamana Karma

It is also known as immediate karma. For example, if you hit someone, they will hit you back. If you speed in your car, you get a speeding ticket. These are easy-to-spot synchronicities.

Practice being a good person and see what kind of returns your goodwill brings.

Karma Purification Techniques

The tools for repairing and purifying karma fall into two categories: traditional Indian tools and a modern simplified method.

The Modern Purification Techniques for Karma

1) Identify the roadblocks. Then, use the tools listed above to determine what needs repair. Inner work like this is difficult and not fun, but it’s necessary if you want to restore and improve.

Finding the issues makes us face our fears. These roadblocks tend to get buried in our sacred ground. So, we want to hide them.

2) Remove harmful thought scripts. Negative programming from the cultural narrative is everywhere. Use the Repetitive Question Exercise to find and remove beliefs and values with harmful bias and prejudice. Eliminating the junk is one of the most powerful karma purification techniques.

3) Reprogram with positive affirmations and positive actions. Before using affirmations, you’ll need to fix your negative programming. Otherwise, you’ll likely discover they don’t work. You can’t cover up harmful programming with good.

Positive affirmations and healing mantras can be used to program positive thinking once harmful beliefs and values are removed. They can also help heal the negative effects of prejudice and bias. An example is the mantra of Dhanvantre, the Celestial Physician. You can use his mantra to heal any illness.

Om Shri Dhanvantre Namaha. This mantra translates as salutations to the being and power of the Celestial Physician. Helping to heal others is a way of harmonizing positive karma.

For many people, the planets of their astrological signs are the key to the right mantra. If, for example, the sun appears in some astrologically negative aspect for you, you may wish to chant the following sun mantra: Om Suryaya Namaha. This mantra roughly translates to Om and salutations to Surya, the presiding spirit of the sun.

The Traditional Indian Purification Techniques for Karma

These methods focus on repairing karma and cultivating positive karma by cleansing the body.

Neti, Cleaning the Breathing Passage: This method purifies the nostrils and sinuses with a saline solution and neti pot. A modern version is the use of a Waterpik with a modified flosser cut so that it reduces the water pressure. This process removes mucus, manages respiratory issues, and balances prana flow. It also coordinates the left and right brain hemispheres, harmonizing positive karma.

Basti, Dhauti, and Nauli: These methods focus on internal purity through alimentary cleansing. It’s not for the faint of heart, as it involves purging the stomach and intestines. There are several methods for this type of internal cleansing, but some involve risks.

Kapalabhati is a dynamic breathing practice similar to holotropic breathing that purifies the respiratory system, clears the mind, and energizes the body. It involves forceful exhalations and passive inhalations.

Trataka is a form of gazing meditation on a fixed point (often a candle flame). It cleanses the eyes, improves concentration, and balances the nervous system.

These practices require experience and guidance from a trusted teacher. Incorporating them into your spiritual practice will ensure you are physically managing your karmic energy.

Good Karma Practices for Relationships

good karma practices for relationships harmonizing positive karma

Much about karma concerns our relationships with others. The following are purification techniques for karma related to these relationships.

1. Tell the Truth. Honesty builds your integrity. If someone is constantly telling lies, they cannot be trusted. Donald Trump is a good example of someone who lies constantly. Don’t be like Don.

2. Live with Positive Purpose and Authenticity. Setting goals and having a clear intention to act responsibly and with integrity will bolster your self-confidence. When you are authentic, you attract other people who are authentic and truthful. If you do this, you won’t be in Donald Trump’s circle of associates.

3. Help People in Need. Acts of kindness create positive energy. If you pay attention to others, you will discover people who need help. It may just be the need for a smile and acknowledging them as a human. Others need material things, like food and shelter. Helping others, especially those you don’t know, makes you a better person. Seek ways to practice kindness and compassion.

4. Meditate. Regular meditation cultivates inner peace and compassion, which makes you calm and present when interacting with others. You’ll be surprised at how meditation can improve your outlook and make you a better communicator.

5. Practice Active Listening. This life skill will enhance all of your interactions. Many therapists and counselors will tell you that active listening skills are the foundation of good karma practices for relationships. Active listening is a skill set you can improve with practice. It contains three aspects:

First Non-Judgmental Mindset. Before the interaction starts, make sure you have a good emotional equilibrium and are prepared to listen without judging. This may be difficult if you are interacting with a MAGA supporter. However, avoid interrupting or providing advice prematurely. Let them express themselves fully.

Second, Listen to Understand. Be fully present and note nonverbal cues. Pay attention to body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions. These cues convey deeper meaning beyond the words spoken.

Three, when engaging in conversation, show genuine interest. Maintain eye contact and focus on the ideas communicated. Avoid blaming statements. Ask open-ended questions that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no. Paraphrase to make sure you understand what they are trying to say.

In Conclusion, Cultivating Good Karma Practices

Karma is the concept of cosmic return. Whatever you do will come back to you. Religions like Buddhism and Hinduism embrace this idea openly, while Western religion denies it but uses it within the framework of giving and receiving.

It is one of the spiritual and practical elements of life. We see its reflection in the words and deeds in our lives. All we need to do is open our eyes.


(1) The Catholic Encyclopedia and International Work, Vol. 8 (1907): 
(2) The Science of Karma: