The Third Eye Chakra Meditation Script or Third Eye Activation Script The Doorway to Higher Consciousness

The Third Eye Chakra Meditation Script — Third Eye Activation Script

The 3rd eye is a psychic doorway. Do visualization exercises for third-eye activation interest you? They will open the doorways to non-ordinary states of consciousness. Are you ready for the third eye chakra meditation script or third eye activation script?

In this article, we’ll outline how to open or activate this portal. Before we get to the techniques, we want to talk about the implications of opening this doorway of consciousness. We’ll also outline the precautions for practicing third-eye meditation. Then, we will go through the processes step-by-step.

The Doorway to Higher Consciousness

Doorways are portals that provide entry into another space. The pineal gland is such a doorway. The pineal gland is referred to as the third eye. It is a gland located mid-brain between your eyes. It is about the size of a pea.

Exactly how ancient cultures discovered this gland functioned as a portal to higher states of awareness is unknown. But they found out it was the doorway to higher consciousness. Opening this portal brings about a significant change in perception. It is the key to expanding awareness.

Visualization Exercises for Third-Eye Activation

In Hindu Indian tradition, it’s the sixth of seven chakras. Egyptian tradition refers to this portal as The Eye of Horus and The All-Seeing Eye (1). The third eye (3rd eye) chakra is dormant in the average person. This gland is inactive in most people. We need to be grounded in this plane as well as the transcendent before opening this portal.

Nevertheless, some people are born with the third eye portal open. We call these people mystics, gifted individuals, or shamans. Western culture has no place or point of reference for people with this ability. If you are born with these gifts today, you are likely labeled mentally deranged. There aren’t many shamans around to help them understand their gifts.

Western culture gives them labels such as heretics, witches, or sorcerers. The demonization of people with these perceptual gifts led to their persecution. The Inquisition targeted people who threatened their worldview. Sadly, the persecution of people with these gifts continues to this day. Until the 1920s, the so-called modern society incarcerated people with this ability. They ended up with life sentences in sanatoriums and insane asylums.

If you want to get an idea about what this level of perception means, read Carlos Castaneda’s (3) works. They sell these works as fiction. But his training under Mexico’s Toltec sorcerers rings true for many. When you complete the third eye chakra meditation script, you’ll understand what Mr. Castaneda is talking about.

The French Philosopher Rene Descartes (2) called the pineal gland “the seat of the soul.” This is where mind and body meet. Activating this gland will change everything about perception. What you see, hear, taste, feel, and experience will be different when this portal is opened. You must learn to filter this new level of input. It’s also a good idea to be careful with whom and what you share about your new perceptions of reality.

Grounding the mind in the transcendent is necessary before you want to open this doorway. Preparation is essential for safe activation. Many cultures had elaborate and lengthy processes for vetting potential candidates. We know these vetting processes existed. However, we don’t know their exact details. We know enough to develop some prerequisites.

Precautions for Practicing Third-Eye Meditation

Visualization Exercises for Third-Eye Activation Precautions for Practicing Third-Eye Meditation

Before diving into the third eye activation process, it is imperative to be prepared. These crucial prerequisites will make your experience safer and more successful. So, let’s begin!

1. Grounded Spiritual Practice

Activating your third eye is not for the beginner. This is an advanced spiritual technique that requires a strong grounding in the transcendent. You should have at least one year of experience grounding a solid meditation practice. The best methods are Sahaja Samadhi, Japa Meditation, or Transcendental Meditation.

Japa or Transcendental Meditation (TM) will help you achieve the grounding you need. It provides a foundation for advanced techniques like the Siddhis or the third eye activation script. If you don’t have a solid foundation of meditation where you reach the transcendent, stop here. Learn Japa or TM and build a foundation of daily practice.

Another method that will ground your practice is the Shamanic Journey. It will augment your grounding with the transcendent. It uses creative visualization to travel the landscape of the subconscious mind. So, it is also good preparation for the visualization exercises for third-eye activation. 

2. Good Mental and Physical Health

Second, use caution if you are using medications to treat mental conditions. If you are using mood stabilizers or antipsychotic medications, talk with your doctor before using these methods. Good mental health is needed before you expand the bandwidth of awareness. The mind needs to be stable in order to prepare for the increase and change in energy.

Many people are mistaken to think the third eye activation script only affects their minds. It definitely also affects the body. This is why your physical health is also important. A healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep. These basic ingredients will impact the clarity and receptivity of your mind.

Additionally, engage in activities that nurture your mental health. Meditation, yoga, and journaling reduce stress and enhance your overall state of tranquility. A healthy, balanced mind creates a solid foundation for the awakening of the third eye.

3. Self-awareness and Self-observation Activities

Before activating your third eye, it is essential to cultivate self-awareness and self-observation. This involves observing your thoughts, emotions, and actions without judgment. This makes your awareness playable and flexible. Then, you will be able to expand and accept the increase in sensory input. You’ll need the extra bandwidth to hand the input from the third eye.

Exploring your memories is another exercise that expands self-awareness. It also uncovers any obstacles that could impact your use of advanced meditative scripts.   By developing your awareness, you pave the way for a deeper understanding of consciousness. This kind of self-exploration will prepare you for the life-changing experiences of the third eye.

4. Release of Emotional Baggage

Okay, nobody gets this far in life without some emotional traumas. But before engaging in the third eye activation process, it is crucial to address any unresolved issues. Opening your third eye can magnify your emotional baggage one hundredfold, so deal with these issues beforehand. Emotional wounds, traumas, or unresolved conflicts create blockages in the energetic system. They will obstruct the flow of energy and hinder your ability to control your energy and emotions.

To release these emotional burdens, seek healing through therapy, energy work, or any modality that resonates with you. As you let go of the past, you will create space within yourself for the opening and activation of the third eye.

5. Patience and Commitment

Lastly, visualization exercises for third-eye activation require patience and commitment. Activating the third eye is not an overnight process; it requires dedication and perseverance. Results may vary for each individual.

It is essential to maintain your regular spiritual practice. Don’t become discouraged by delays or challenges. Cultivate patience and trust the process. Seek help if you run into problems. Remain committed to your journey towards self-discovery and enlightenment. Don’t skip steps or discount the precautions for practicing third-eye meditation.

The Benefits of Third Eye Activation or What to Expect

Once this portal is open, you may find it much easier to meditate and connect with the transcendent. Many say it enhances the ability with both seated and moving meditation. Daydreaming will take on extra clarity levels, and their experience of the Shamanic Journey becomes more vivid.

This portal also opens the “heart Chakra.” Shamans talk about being able to see with their hearts. Your conscience will come front and center when you activate the heart chakra. You can no longer ignore injustice and discrimination.

You will see through the veil of groupthink manipulation tactics. These are the mental chains that hold people hostage. These come from biased and prejudiced religious ideologies.

Can I Close the 3rd Eye Portal Once it’s Open? The short answer is no. It’s a question a lot of people ask. We have a more detailed answer in another article, Truthful Answers, about the 3rd eye chakra. That means you need to be sure you are ready for these changes. Visualization exercises for third-eye meditation are irreversible.

The Third Eye Chakra Meditation Script Part One

It is essential to follow the instructions and recommended use. This technology has the power to change your nervous system. You may experience significant discomfort as your body adapts to the new circuitry/pathways and energy flows. When you expand your mindset, you change how you perceive reality.

Read the precautions for practicing third-eye meditation before you begin. There is a price for this increase in perception.

Opening the sixth chakra is a process involving tonal resonance. (4)  It requires specific sounds to open and activate this portal. One must find the right tone and chant it for the proper amount of time. Then, you will need to repeat this 5-minute exercise for three consecutive days. Once you expand your mindset, it will be open forever. Again, be sure you are ready to use this process.

Process for Activation Part One

The mantra chant to open the third eye portal is “Thoh,” pronounced “TOE.” You must experiment with the volume and tone to find the correct vibration that resonates with you. Usually, the pitch is not deep or high but somewhere in between. You will feel it when you hit the right tone. There will be vibrational energy in your tongue, jaw, and forehead in the penal glad (Third-Eye). Don’t second-guess yourself. When you feel the above vibration, you’ve got it.

Again, the following exercises can activate this dormant perception energy center. Please read this thoroughly and decide whether you are ready to undertake activation. These exercises are powerful and, if not done correctly, can have undesirable side effects. Once activated, it cascades several changes (see Activation Exercise One). The third eye activation script part one:

1. Sit comfortably with your back straight but not tense. Your head should feel like it is floating above your shoulders. Close your eyes. Breathe in through your nose and hold your breath as long as you are comfortable.

2. Exhale through your mouth. Keep your teeth should be slightly apart. Open your mouth. Leave a small space between your top and bottom teeth. Place the tip of your tongue between your slightly parted teeth. Put very light pressure on your teeth. Pronounce the “Th” sound like the word “the.”

Once your tongue is in position, release your breath slowly through your mouth, saying “T-H-H-O-H-H” in one long exhale. Say it one time per exhale. Place the tongue just touching your teeth. You should feel the air moving past your tongue and teeth. When completing this technique, you will feel pressure or sensation in your jaw and cheeks.   Focus on feeling the tone vibrate in the third eye portal.

It may take a few minutes to find the right tone and volume. You’ll know when you find it. The results will be an undeniable resonance on your forehead. Finding the right vibration is the key to success. If you do not feel this vibration, take a break and try again in about 30 minutes. Limit your attempts to five times in one day.   If it does not work after five days, it’s a stronger indication that you are not sufficiently grounded. Do more preparatory work before attempting again.

3. Once you find the right tone, continue for at least five breaths.

4. Do this exercise for three consecutive days, 24 hours apart. Then, it should be permanent.

5. Record your experience in your journal or book of shadows. It will help you troubleshoot any problems and spot trends and incremental growth.

The Effects of the Third Eye Activation Script Part One

One of the most common experiences afterward is pressure, sensation, or even a headache in the forehead’s center. This sensation may also feel like it originates from within, an inch or more beneath the forehead’s surface. It is a positive sign the pineal gland is awakening and functioning.

Expanding your mindset is like breaking through a wall. Your senses will be open to new experiences. You will need time to normalize this additional information.

Some people experience headaches similar to a migraine, sometimes lasting several hours. We recommend using this exercise in the evening when you do not have work. The severity of the side effects will depend on how healthy the pineal gland is when you send energy through it. If it is atrophied or calcified, headaches could last for days.

The day after this exercise, you may wake up with a slight throbbing or tingling sensation in your forehead; it may feel like a goosebump. Sometimes, this sensation will be intense, like something is there. It is common for this pulsing or throbbing sensation to continue throughout the day. Some people “hear” sounds from within their heads, such as light popping or crackling sensations.

You should feel the energy flowing through the third-eye chakra in a day or two. It’s similar, if not identical, to the experience of those who practice Kundalini Yoga. You may experience energy coming front to back or back to front. This energy may come in bursts, but you learn to control this flow with your intention.

The above signs will show your pineal gland is awakening, functioning, and alive. But these symptoms are just beginning. Once it is open, you must channel this energy for positive action.

Third Eye Chakra Meditation Script Part Two

Wait 90 days after the first exercise before trying Activation Exercise Two. If you haven’t done this, stop and come back later. Otherwise, these exercises may not work. And you could manifest other undesirable side effects.

Your body needs time to adapt to the new energy flows. You will do this exercise once a week to expand awareness. This exercise is often euphoric and intensely pleasurable.

Process for Activation Part Two

1. Sit comfortably with your back erect. Your head floats above your shoulders. Close your eyes. Breathe in deeply and hold your breath for a count of five.

3. Repeat this three times. These three preparatory steps help you relax and focus. Now, breathe in and focus all of your attention on your forehead. You should feel sensations similar to the first guided meditation — an awareness or pressure in your forehead.

4. Take a deep breath, as in the first exercise. Hold it for as long as it is comfortable — do not push this — and release your breath, vibrating the word “MAY.” Pronounce it like the English word for May.

Concentrate on moving the energy from the third eye into the middle of your head. It should all come out at one time- “M-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ay,” gradually and slowly.

Adjust your pitch so that the tone resonates throughout your head. It’s okay to experiment until you find the right vibration. Breathe in again and repeat this five times. You need to find the pitch that works for you. As you perform the mantra script, experiment to find the tone and pitch. Direct the energy from your third eye through the top of your head and crown the chakra.

5. Record your experience in your journal or book of shadows. This will help you spot trends and incremental growth.

The Effects of the Third Eye Activation Script Part Two

You may experience these in varying degrees:

— Enhanced ability for lucid dreaming
— Better memory and improved learning ability
— A marked increase in intuition
— Increased creativity
— Psychic or spiritual gifts become more prominent

As with all powerful practices, your body may go through discomfort to adapt.


Visualization exercises for third-eye activation are the doorway to higher consciousness. Be mindful of the precautions for practicing third-eye meditation. Build a solid foundation, and your journey will yield positive results.

When we expand our awareness, it illuminates both the internal and external. Internally, we become aware of the boundaries of perception. Our beliefs cloud perception because perception can become a mask hiding the truth.

Externally, our conscience will help us see the inequities and harmful practices in the world. Our hearts may lead us to become a part of a cause to bring about positive change.

Using the third eye chakra meditation script will show you what’s behind your mask. It will also illuminate the inequalities and inequities of society. Be sure you are ready to see what is behind your mask of illusions. If you have other ways of activating this portal, please share. You can contact us with suggestions and questions. We strive to provide as accurate information as possible.

Our organization’s mission is to investigate and share these consciousness-expanding technologies. If you are inclined, you can help us spread this knowledge by donating to keep us online.


(1) The Third Eye. Wikipedia
(2) Rene Descartes. Wikipedia
(3) Carlos Castaneda. Wikipedia
(4) The process in this article comes in part from Lapis Links, CureZone BlogsVia “”