The Eastern Versus Western Mindset Cultural Perspectives on Mindset

Eastern Versus Western Mindset — Balance and Proportion Versus Chaos

What we think affects the psychic structures of the mind.  Certain themes create harmony and peace, while others cause chaos and clutter.  This is the battle of the Eastern versus Western mindset.  Or the conflict between balance and proportion versus chaos.

When we talk about East and West, we aren’t talking about geography.  We are talking about the underlying philosophy that shapes thinking processes and values.  It is about how our thinking patterns and focus change and shape the psychic structures of the mind.  The difference in these two mindsets is easy to see when we see how they affect behaviors.

Cultural Perspectives on Mindset

The Eastern versus Western mindset presents obvious differences.  If you understand the programming that goes into them, then you can predict the outcomes.  This way, we can see how the effects of cultural programming control thinking and values.

How we think changes the structure of the neurological network of the brain.  If we program a computer with bad code, we get inaccurate results, the same with the mind.

The Eastern mindset has a focus on balance.  It strives to harmonize all seven elements of the mind.  On the other hand, the Western mindset does not have one controlling philosophy.  Religion, politics, and commercialism battle for control.  This battle results in imbalance, chaos, and clutter of the seven elements.

Balance and Proportion Versus Chaos

It is a natural part of life to assess the proportional symmetry of things.  Proportional thinking enables us to see all the specific values and differences.  The ability to see the subtle differences in the color grey is a perceptual skill of proportion.  Balanced thinking is the ability to weigh the differences and values accurately.

Balance, symmetry, and proportion are significant elements in painting and sculpture.  Proportion, balance, and symmetry are vital to architectural engineering and music.  It is a blueprint for what we find attractive.

Studies show symmetry is a major factor in how we view others.  (1)  We rate people with symmetrical facial features as more attractive.  This correlation relates to our intuitive ability to assess the Golden Ratio.  How do you measure up?

The Golden Ratio is an equation that determines beauty by comparing its symmetry.  The length of one line divided by the second line gives a ratio of 1.1618.  The length of a face from the top of the head to the chin is divided by the width of the face.

Another way to determine symmetry is by dividing it into three segments.  Measure from the hairline down to a spot between the eyes.  Then, measure from the spot between the eyes to the bottom of the nose.  Then, measure from the top of the nose to the bottom of the chin.  If all three measurements are similar, we see the face as more beautiful.

Symmetry and proportion are not just measures of beauty.  They reflect the health of the structure.  When something is not symmetrical, it is a potential sign of defect.
Most people do not have symmetrical faces, and they are still beautiful.  However, we can apply this principle to the symmetry of the mind.  The less symmetry and balance between the seven elements, the more unhealthy thinking.

Balanced, symmetrical, and proportional thinking is a critical thinking skill set. It is the ability to assess a wide range of data and produce coherent and logical conclusions.  This kind of thinking produces innovative, holistic, and inclusive solutions.  The result of this mindset is a calm and grounded disposition.

On the other hand, chaotic thinking causes a variety of mental conditions.  It causes everything from short attention spans to depression.  The contrast of balance and proportion versus chaos is seen in their mental outcomes.  Our thinking patterns and content shape the structure of the mind.  (2)

Eastern Versus Western Mindset

The conflict between these two different vantage points revolves around two worldviews.   Some people see this as the battle between science and mythology.  Yet, the Eastern worldview uses mythology to the same extent as the Western contrast.

Eastern philosophy uses the mythology of its texts as metaphors that communicate ideas.  They don’t regard the people or entities in these stories as real.  Whereas, Western religions believe the imaginary entities in their mythology are real.  It’s a slippery slope that treats myths as facts.

Exploring Eastern and Western mindsets highlights their typical thinking and values.  Here’s a synopsis of these differences:

1.  Valuing tradition versus exploitation.  The Eastern mindset often prioritizes tradition, ancestry, and past wisdom.  This mindset preserves cultural heritage, respectful adherence to customs, and maintains stability.

In contrast, the mindset promotes progress by exploiting people and resources.  This leads to an overemphasis on profit over long-term effects.  Nowhere is the Eastern versus Western mindset more visible than in the display of greed.

2.  Harmony and collectivism versus selfishness.  The Eastern mindset values collectivism, conformity, and maintaining harmony within a group.  This emphasizes balance and proportion versus chaos and clutter.  It focuses on creating social cohesion and cooperation.  This promotes strong interpersonal relationships, teamwork, and efficient collaboration.

On the other hand, the Western mindset celebrates individualism, self-promotion, and profit.  This encourages selfishness and personal ambition despite the consequences to others.  An excessive focus on self-interest can lead to a breakdown in social cohesion.  In turn, eroding communal values.

3.  Patience and long-term thinking versus instant gratification.  The Eastern mindset underscores the conflict between the Eastern and Western mindsets.  Eastern philosophy prioritizes patience and long-term thinking.  It focuses on delayed gratification and the bigger picture.  This strength facilitates careful planning, endurance, and resilience in the face of challenges.  Nevertheless, it may restrict impromptu creativity and hinder risk-taking.

In contrast, the Western mindset thrives on instant gratification and immediate results.  This strength promotes adaptability, quick decision-making, and seizing opportunity. But it can also lead to impatience and a lack of perseverance.  It undermines our inability to appreciate long-term benefits.

The three cultural perspectives on mindset help us see the outcomes of these two points of view.  Each value set affects the way the mind organizes data.  This is more than a different hierarchy of priorities.  It changes the mind’s structure by emphasizing and reinforcing unhealthy thought patterns.

We use two diagrams to understand these different perspectives.  It is their quality, proportion, and balance which make all the difference.  You notice both psychic structures contain the same elements:

1) Body
2) Culture
3) Heart
4) Instincts
5) Personality
6) Inner Critic
7) Thinking

Quality is a measure of accuracy and efficiency.  For example, one measure of accuracy is the statements 1 + 1 = 2 and 2 + 1 = 3.  It takes about 360 pages of advanced math to extrapolate all how it is true.  We trust this works because we prove it by simple addition.  If someone believes 1 + 1 = 3, this changes everything.  We can’t calculate proofs for the result of  1 + 2.

The second equation does not have the quality and symmetry of 1 + 1 = 2.  The first equation is both accurate and efficient, but the second one is neither.  The example of math is easier to see than that of arguments made in philosophy.

However, we can judge the quality and efficiency of the argument by testing its premises.  If the premises are factual, then the argument has high value.

So, if someone says they believe in a higher power, ask what proof they used to come to their conclusion.  Their belief will come down to three things:  First, what someone told them to believe.  Second, their belief in divinely inspired texts.  Third, cultural or family tradition.

This kind of magical thinking changes their perspective on reality and taints their worldview.  It makes them susceptible to accepting other baseless arguments and ideas.

We know we can change the structure of the mind.  That’s how many technologies work, like psychoanalysis and brainwashing.  (3)

The Eastern Mindset

We recommend the practice of tools that expand awareness and balance our psychic structures.  Mediation is a simple practice that facilitates expanding and balancing the mind.  It helps put each element in its own space in proportion to its function.

The Eastern Mindset Balance and Proportion Versus Chaos

All resources are equal in proportion when your mind is in balance, centering on the heart.  The heart channels the virtues of the spirit.  When we have this balanced mindset, we think more clearly.  You are less likely to fall prey to psychological manipulation.  This makes you better at solving problems and finding solutions.

Acting from symmetry and proportion means acting with emotional equilibrium.  This is a state where the mind, body, and spirit are in alignment and balance.  The balance of these resources enables us to access the “virtues of the spirit.”  These virtues are the higher values of our nature.  The path to accessing these involves serious “inner work.”

Talk with someone with an Eastern versus Western mindset; you’ll find some common traits.  Those with an Eastern point of view typically are involved in inner work such as meditation.  They are also prone to be involved in a positive social cause.  These practices help make you resistant to harmful cultural programming.

We have exposure to harmful programming from the cultural narrative that gets in the way.  Once you remove these roadblocks, the natural virtues can shine through.  This is one of the primary benefits of the Eastern mindset.

People with this mindset care about others and the environment.  They engage in activities, helping those in need and protecting those who cannot defend themselves.  In times past, these were just ordinary people.  Today, we call people who want to make a positive change are called activists.  We need more people like this.  What do you think?

We think too many people are complacent and apathetic.  We need more light warriors to help in the battle of balance and proportion versus chaos and clutter.

The Western Mindset

The best way to describe the psychic structure of someone from Western culture is chaotic and cluttered.  It is out of balance.  This imbalance creates skewed thinking to justify greed, selfishness, bias, and discrimination.  It exists in all parts of the world.  It manifests through a superiority complex that is the hallmark of Western religion.

The Western Mindset

Groupthink manipulation tactics install scripts.  These tools override our moral compass.  The more we expose ourselves to these tactics, the more susceptible we become to accepting harmful programming.  This programming is often a part of the culture.   When the cultural narrative is in control, it overrides every aspect of the mind.  It’s what makes us susceptible to the hypnotic effects of advertising.  Advertising magnifies our insecurities and fears.  It is effective in overshadowing our thinking and values.

The way to tell when someone is using self-hypnosis and group hypnosis tactics is by the underlying content.  It always focuses on blaming something or someone for what is wrong.  These are the scapegoats on which all the ills of the culture blame.  The scapegoat justifies greed and hate.  You are my enemy if you don’t believe like me, and my religion justifies my violence toward you.  This is how balance and proportion versus chaos and clutter show up in values.

One of the key aspects of Western thought is their belief in an imaginary friend.  It provides a sense of superiority and, again, that justification for prejudice and bias.  This idea personifies the difference between the Eastern and Western mindset.

When religious doctrines are contradictory and illogical, it leads to clutter.  You must learn how to interpret the texts your sect chooses and which you can ignore.  It’s this kind of confusion that promotes distorted thinking.  Prolonged exposure to this kind of indoctrination results in the distortion of the psychic structures of the mind.

Conclusion: Balance and Proportion Versus Chaos

The Eastern versus Western mindset is a battle between conflicting worldviews.   If policies show favoritism to one group over another, this is disparate treatment.  We see this when the rich receive what they call a stimulus or tax break.  When the poor need help, they call it an unjustified and unnecessary cost or entitlement.

It shows up most often in contrast between science and religion.  The lack of fairness and equity in our public policies is obvious. We see the preferential treatment and favoritism afforded corporations over people.  It causes an imbalance in the distribution of resources.  You can see how balance and proportion versus chaos are a reflection of political and religious thinking.

Abrahamic religions dominate almost half of the world’s population.  These are the religions of Semitic origin: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.  The extreme fundamentalist views of these religions deny scientific facts to maintain control.  This type of thinking is the most dangerous when it corrupts the government.  It jeopardizes the people and the planet.  And this is precisely why what you believe matters.


(1)  Facial Symmetry.  Wikipedia. 
Physical Attractiveness.  Wikipedia. 
Golden Ratio section.  Wikipedia. 

(2) Simple Psychology. 

(3) Psychoanalytical Theory.  Wikipedia.  
Brainwashing.  Wikipedia.