The inner experiencer or observer is the real you. It is the aspect of awareness that watches or our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It exists beyond ego or cultural programming. Learn why cultivating the inner observer self-awareness practices is essential.
Conquering Self-Doubt and Overthinking — Feeling You Are Not Good Enough
Everyone fails or falls short of some goal. Our mindset determines how we frame these events, affecting our attitude and emotions. Learning the techniques for conquering self-doubt and overthinking can improve our mindset.
Creative Spiritual Journal Writing Prompts for Spiritual Exploration
Discover creative spiritual journal writing prompts for spiritual exploration. They are easy to learn. These spiritual journaling techniques can help you overcome obstacles to your growth.
Self-Guided Coaching Benefits Nurturing Personal Growth and Development
Did you know self-guided coaching benefits can exceed all other forms of coaching and instruction? It’s true. The most effective way to nurture personal growth and development is the self-guided approach. After all, you have the best knowledge of yourself. You just need to learn how to coach yourself.
Finding Spiritual Direction and Exploring Spiritual Path Options
It is normal to question your spiritual life path choices. Spiritual path life decisions affect our lives. However, deciding what spiritual path is best can be overwhelming. Finding spiritual direction can be confusing. This article may have the answers you are looking for.
Obstacles to Spiritual Growth — Living in The Hallway or Rooms of a Mansion
Living in the hallway is a metaphor for people who are content living in the default mode. They settle for a mediocre existence and fail to explore the infinite possibilities of consciousness. Are you living in default mode? Learn how to overcome the obstacles to spiritual growth and live life to its fullest.
Spiritual Journal Ideas and Different Types of Journals
We’ve put together our list of spiritual journal ideas and best practices. It’s the first tool we recommend because it’s a close friend who will be with you every step of your spiritual journey. This friend needs to be faithful in recording your experience with no judgments. Let’s go!