Secrets of Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime Beliefs and Practices Aboriginal Dreamtime Cosmology

The Secrets of Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime Beliefs and Practices

Explore the secrets of Australian Aboriginal dreamtime beliefs and practices. Dreamtime may be the key to time travel and astral projection. Let’s see if we can separate the facts from myths.

Let’s explore Dreamtime, what we know, and its mysteries. We’ll look at how Dreamtime may help us understand astral projection and time travel. We’ll also compare Aboriginal cosmology with Western. By asking questions, we hope to encourage more research.

Aboriginal Dreamtime Cosmology Vs. Western

Most people know Western theology combines stories from ancient Assyria, Babylon, and Persia. For example, the Old Testament, Exodus 21, and Deuteronomy 23 contain the Babylon code of Hammurabi. Hammurabi’s laws cover criminal justice, beginning with an eye for an eye, property tax, and family laws.

The New Testament contains several elements influenced by dying-god mystery religions. Here, you’ll find copies of the lives of Mithra, Osiris, and Dionysus. There are also elements of Zoroastrianism, such as the dualistic struggle between good and evil gods. Zoroastrianism is derived from Persia and the god Ahura Mazda. This is the original source of the concepts of a final judgment in Jewish and Christian eschatology. The entire book of Esther is set during the reign of the Peria king Xerxes from 486 to 465 BC.

Abrahamic cosmology traditions are copies of creation stories from Persia and Babylon. The universe being created in seven days is in the Enuma Elish. This is an ancient Babylon creation myth about how the gods created the world and how man is created in the image of god.

The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldest known stories in literature. It comes from Babylon about 2100 BCE and is about the mythical king Gilgamesh Uruk. Elements of this story are found in the Abrahamic texts. The great flood, the creation of the Garden of Eden, the themes of eternal life, and receiving divine messages are all here. These myths show up in the stories of Joseph and Daniel.

None of these Biblical stories hold up to scientific scrutiny. However, modern cosmology has much in common with Aboriginal dreamtime cosmology. The Luritja people tell about a great fire coming down from the sky. It divested the Earth, changing the climate. It is an accurate description of a meteor collision. There is evidence of such an event in South America that would have affected the world. This event occurred about 12,500 years ago.

The Pintupi believe nothing was or is created by humans; it was all there from the beginning arising from the dreaming. The conception and birth of an individual also arise from dreaming.

Before conception, a person is said to be sitting as a Dreamtime being. This process is thought of as a transformation from the Dreaming into the actual.  Dreaming links everything together. Thus, a person is linked to a place.

Dreaming provides an identity for the person, an identity that has existed before the person’s birth and will exist after.  Thus Pintupi comes from the Pintupi land, which is they’re dreaming. ― Fred Alan Wolf, The Dreaming Universe: A Mind-Expanding Journey into the Realm Where Psyche and Physics Meet

These traditions have been handed down through generations by indigenous communities. Aboriginal culture includes a diverse number of myths and legends about creation. They are stories that have unique details, spiritual symbolism, and cosmology. Australian Aboriginal dreamtime beliefs and practices are very detailed. They rival many religions. Many historians believe these legends are even older than those of Western theology.

I lived for a couple of years when I was 9 years old on beautiful Aboriginal sacred land in a town of a thousand people in northwestern Australia. It’s where the Aborigines are still very connected to their culture, the Dreamtime culture. It was really quite a special experience. — Isabel Lucas

Delving Into Aboriginal Dreamtime Beliefs and Practices

Aboriginal Australians have a deep connection to the land and believe it is alive and sacred. They have stories called the Dreamtime that explain how ancestral beings created the world.

They have special ceremonies and rituals, like initiation rites for young people. Their cultures promote social equity. They showcase gatherings with singing, dancing, and storytelling. The society is organized with complex kinship systems that define roles and responsibilities.

Art, like rock paintings and body painting, is used to tell stories and record history. Aboriginal people also make practical items like boomerangs and didgeridoos, which have cultural significance. Aboriginal people use the stars to navigate and mark seasons. They promote living sustainably and respecting the environment.

The processes known as Dreamtime are a unique version of the Shamanic Journey. Each region in Australia has its own process. We wonder if other astral projection techniques exist in other indigenous cultures that have yet to be discovered.

Most forms of the Shamanic Journey use rhythmic sounds and sometimes psychotropic additives. This process is a common thread worldwide in many indigenous cultures. Yet, we do not know the exact mechanism of this process.

The Secrets of Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime

Dreamtime is a private and spiritually significant event. Outsiders can learn about Dreamtime and its stories. However, taking part in the spiritual practice is reserved for those within the community. One must understand the cultural context, symbolism, and practices. Members of the tribe undergo a lengthy preparation process that often takes years to complete.

The secrets of Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime maintain the integrity of the process, but they also limit our ability to understand it.

We are not sure if the process behind Dreamtime can be measured with scientific instruments or if it requires a specific mantra like the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. The mental process itself isn’t shared outside of the tribe. The journey process is available only to those who prepare according to tribal tradition.

Dreamtime is believed to be a specialized form of the Shamanic journey. It evolved independently of outside influences for eons. The Shamanic Journey is a significant part of shamanism. This inward journey is a worldwide phenomenon that opens awareness to a separate state of consciousness.

The Shamanic journey is believed to be humankind’s first spiritual technology. It is known for opening a doorway to an altered state of awareness. Michael Harner (2) calls the state “The Shamanic State of Consciousness” (SSC). In this state, the brainwaves are in the theta-wave range between 4 to 7Hz.

Can We Reverse Engineer Dreamtime?

The Shamanic Journey is a process we find in many ingenuous cultures. This proliferation shows the importance of the inward journey. Each culture found its own way of using musical rhythm to develop its own way. Each culture has a unique way of interpreting the symbolism of the mind. The Aboriginal people left glimpses of their understanding in the artwork they left in caves.

The Aboriginal form (1) differs from other forms of Shamanic Travel in a few significant ways. With this form, practitioners view events in the past or the future. So, this sounds like the experience of projecting awareness and time travel. Most other forms of the Shamanic Journey deal only with the spirit world.

Let’s see if we can reverse engineer the Dreamtime process based on what we know about the Shamanic journey process. The basic process requires a device to help regulate heart rate. This helps one to enter an altered state. Then, we add to this a script that is based on the symbolism of the inward journey. In most cultures, traveling into the depths of Earth is common. For this, we can travel down the roots of the tree or float down a river with a canoe. We don’t know the exact symbolism used for Dreamtime. Nor do we know how they use various postures or mudras to create an altered state.

Replication and Measurement

The problem is the process is difficult to replicate. Alberto Villoldo is a modern-day Shaman. He says it is possible to replicate the astral projection experience. However, it requires intensive training in the culture and process. The best way is to live with the tribe and learn from a trusted shaman. The curriculum of preparation is not something they disclose to strangers. You must prove your worthiness to receive the training.

“So what is the Dreaming? I would say the Dreaming is a non-indigenous term used in its broadest sense to describe the stories of our ancestors and how they shaped the land and how they are still part of the land… Across Aboriginal Australia, there are as many terms for Dreaming as there are language groups.” — Hetti Perkins

Another thing that distinguishes it from other forms of the Shamanic Journey is how the process is implemented. The practitioner often stands on one leg rather than sitting or dancing, as in other forms. The traveler stands this way sometimes for several hours.

Like most shamanic journey forms, they also use rhythmic sounds to induce this state. Some traditions use psychotropic drugs.

Dreamtime, Time Travel, and Astral Projection Techniques

Dreamtime, Time Travel, and Astral Projection Techniques

In this state, the practitioner projects their consciousness through time. This projection of awareness is the essence of time travel or astral projection. Somehow, these pioneers of consciousness have a way of leaping forward or backward in time. They can accurately describe events thousands of miles away on other continents. I bet you can’t do that.

How it is done is still a mystery. However, if you have experience with the Shamanic Journey, this form of astral projection is not that far-fetched. The secrets of Australian Aboriginal dreamtime beliefs and practices may be uncovered someday. For now, they remain closely held secrets.

We know other higher states exist: transcendental consciousness, the fourth state, and the Shamanic State of consciousness. We have measured them with scientific instruments. They produce different metabolic and physiological outputs from our default states of waking, dreaming, and sleeping. Unfortunately, we don’t have scientific data on the physiology of someone engaged in Dreamtime.

“Aboriginal Dreamtime infuses all matter and energy, connecting every creature, every rock, every star and every ray of light or bit of cosmic dust. The power to dream is the power to take part in creation itself. Dreaming reality is not only an ability but a duty, one all humans must perform with grace so that our grandchildren will inherit a world where they can live in peace and abundance.”  ― Alberto Villoldo, Courageous Dreaming: How Shamans Dream the World into Being

Dreamtime Beliefs and Practices about Time and Space

Aboriginal beliefs teach that time and space are connected in a special way. The Dreamtime is a period when ancestral beings created the world and everything in it. This time is not just in the past; it is always present and influences everything.

People believe they exist in the Dreamtime before they are born and return to it after they die. The land is very important because it is linked to these ancestral beings and their stories.

Everything in the world, including people, animals, and plants, is connected through the Dreamtime. This belief helps Aboriginal people understand their place in the world and their connection to the land and each other.

Traveling in time and space is a part of reality in Aboriginal culture. It is another partition of awareness, no different from the dream or sleep states. Some see it as the ultimate form of the Shamanic Journey.

Here, the traveler is not just on an imaginary journey like most forms. Instead, Dreamtime enables the traveler to move in time and space. It is like lucid dreaming because it has differing degrees of control. An experienced traveler can go to a specific point in the future or past at any location. Stories of travelers from the 1940s said that man would walk on the moon, and most people thought they were crazy.

This process is both a means of time travel and a form of astral projection. One projects consciousness through time and space. Others say this is proof the experience of reality is a dream. So, perhaps there is some great wisdom in the nursery rhyme. Row your boat?

“Row, row, row your boat gently down the steam.  Merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.”

Could there be a link between lucid dreaming and Aboriginal Dreamtime beliefs and practices? We all dream, but some people remember more of their dreams than others. Some people develop the ability to control this landscape of awareness, which is called lucid dreaming. Our normal dream state is something we consider an imaginary realm.

Is All Reality Non-Ordinary Reality?

Everything we experience happens within the mind. The mind is consciousness, and consciousness has no boundaries. Our imagination and memories create our experience of what we perceive. It leads to the conclusion that everything we experience is a type of dream. This means we live in a dream world. Everything we think about reality is actually a creation of the mind. So, Aboriginal Dreamtime beliefs and practices are another way to explain reality.

We understand that life is time travel and astral projection. We project our consciousness into a biodegradable container and conduct several experiments. Our life is an expression of consciousness.

The default setting is the singularity of our awareness in one body. However, we have access to other altered states and higher states of consciousness. It makes sense for us to move beyond the default setting of time.

Other methods open doorways and allow us to move beyond our default states of awareness. Waking, dreaming, and sleeping are just the beginning of the available states. The Siddhis are an excellent example.

The Siddhis have their own process for astral projection. Here, the Siddha uses two sutras: invisibility and finding things. This enables them to explore reality without the boundaries of the body, similar to the way dreamtime projects consciousness to find game and water.

The diversity of the Shamanic Journey is proof of the universal nature of the process. It shows different cultures separated by great distances could develop similar tools. They found the same ways to explore consciousness.

Some believe that Hermetics is evidence of this knowledge in Western culture. However, public documents are absent from the processes that make them work, so some think this esoteric knowledge is still being practiced in secret.

In Conclusion

All the secrets of Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime have yet to be unveiled. Understanding the dreamtime process may be a key to understanding other altered states. It may hold the key to near-death experiences, out-of-the-body experiences, and time travel.

We hope we can rediscover the secrets of ancient cultures without destroying them. Unfortunately, Western religion erases the belief systems of ancient cultures it assimilates.

Who knows what other knowledge we may possess if the ancient libraries of Alexandria and Babylon were not burned? There may be other techniques or processes that modern man has yet to rediscover. Australia’s isolation was a barrier. It helped to preserve these traditions from Western religious zealots. It gives us hope that other isolated cultures may hold similar gems of wisdom.


(1) Aboriginal Dreamtime, The Dreaming, Wikipedia.
(2) Michael Harner, Wikipedia.