Diversity Equity Inclusion and Equality — Moving Beyond a Tribal Worldview

Diversity Equity Inclusion and Equality — Moving Beyond a Tribal Worldview

We are living in the middle of a clash of paradigms—a tug-of-war between ideologies. Most people don’t see it because it’s been going on for so long. Learning to handle this conflict is a necessary skill in our modern world.

When different worldviews try to influence the culture, it can create a conflict. This clash can fracture the culture into several opposing groups. Depending upon their incompatibility, the dispute can cause acts of violence, even genocide.

What is a Paradigm or Worldview?

A paradigm is another word for a worldview. It is a filter containing our beliefs and values through which we view the world. Everyone has one. It’s the framework that provides structure to our thinking, but in doing so, it creates boundaries.

Our paradigm places values on thoughts and beliefs. It acts much like colored glass, coloring everything and establishing what we believe is right and wrong. This judgment is often subconscious, so we aren’t aware of its operation. This filter gets most of its programming from our cultural narrative and is often supported by family and peers.

The elements of a worldview are on a continuum. On one end of the continuum is an inclusive or universal worldview. At the other end is the biased tribal worldview. Let’s look more closely at these two points of view.

What is A Tribal Worldview

A tribal mindset or worldview is about the attributes chosen by a group to differentiate themselves from others. They select and promote beliefs to distinguish themselves from others.

The central point of a tribal mindset is separation and segregation, not inclusion. It often uses such characteristics as religious belief, race, or ethnicity.

If you are in the tribe, you have a sense of belonging. If you are not a member of the tribe, you are an enemy. It is the social effect of the tribal mentality. The tribe dictates values and religious beliefs that promote the preferential treatment of those in the group. This exclusionary philosophy promotes bias and prejudice.

What is interesting is that most indigenous cultures exhibit the traits of an inclusive worldview, not a tribal paradigm. They are more accepting of people with diverse backgrounds and ideas. On the whole, they do much better than the religions which dominate modern culture. The faiths of the Abrahamic tree dominate most of the modern culture. (1)

The three main branches of the Abrahamic tree include Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. They took their tribal characteristics from the religions they copied. Their roots come from the Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Persian mystery religions.

If you base your thinking on tribal boundaries, a clash of paradigms is inevitable. They find those outside the tribe untrustworthy and even enemies. A tribal point of view is a worldview based on biases and prejudice. It promotes an us-against-them mentality. One of the main characteristics of a tribal worldview is to build its beliefs and values based on mythology and superstition. It is a deception resulting in mistaking mythology as fact.

Tribal thinking divides people into beliefs, race, ethnicity, and gender. Those who promote these backward worldviews do so to maintain control of their followers. When this kind of religious prejudice rules a culture, it uses censorship and impression to dictate the laws of society. A good example of this is the Dark Ages (2).

“Everyone thinks their beliefs are right. So, they tend to associate with people who hold the same beliefs. In fact, they only feel safe when someone believes what they do.  This kind of thinking is the trap of belief.

For believers to feel safe, they often ask you what you believe. They need to know so they can judge you based on the boundaries of their beliefs and values. If you don’t fit their mold, you aren’t safe and aren’t trusted.

When someone asks me, “What do you believe? I tell them I believe in the good in all religions. Therefore, I am a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist, a Hindu, and a Pagan. Some believers will see this as incompatible, and they will say it is illogical, and I must pick only one. I tell them, isn’t it more prudent to believe the best in all rather than confining myself to just one point of view?”— Guru Tua

What is an Inclusive Worldview

An inclusive mindset celebrates individual differences. Inclusion creates an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and supported. It understands the value of diversity, equity, inclusion, and equality (DEI is the common acronym for these elements). An inclusive or universal worldview creates a sense of belonging for all members. It respects the value of everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. This is a paradigm that leverages the principles of empathy, openness, and appreciation. It values the unique perspectives each individual brings to the table.

Inclusiveness promotes equality, compassion, and the value of all living things. Inclusion opposes the tribal worldview. An inclusive philosophy strives for equity and equality for everyone, not just some. It holds that all of life is sacred, mystical, and meaningful.

It is a mindset that promotes the advancement of logic and science. It champions the scientific approach, which benefits everyone and everything. You should recognize it. This mindset is responsible for all the fundamental advances of humankind.

Why Moving Beyond a Tribal Worldview is Hard

There are several ways to frame this clash of paradigms. Some see it as faith versus facts or science versus religion. Faith relates to the belief that religious mythology supersedes any opposing evidence or logic. Science refers to processes with a basis in evidence. In contrast, religion places faith as superior to evidence and reason.

If we understand something, we make better decisions about it. So, we hope this article will help you see the effects of this clash of ideologies. We overlook the implications because this clash has been going on for ages.

The clash of paradigms isn’t new, and that’s why it’s almost invisible. It started at the beginning of the post-classical period, about 500 CE. On one side, we have mythology and superstition masquerading as religion. Logic, reason, and science are on the other side of this conflict.

On one side is organized religion; they control people through self-hypnosis and group hypnosis. They want to build a tribe of paying customers. Science wants to advance humankind through reason and common sense and release them to live free.

The Need to Belong and Feel Safe

Believers need to feel safe. When people ask what you believe, they are asking, what is your tribe? The answer to this question tells them whether you are safe. You are safe if your beliefs are similar enough. Do you belong to the same tribe? They want to know if you share the same sacred ground, fears, and values.

Religious followers will only consider new ideas from someone with similar beliefs. They are programmed to think within tribal boundaries. In many cases, it’s not their fault. Many people go through indoctrination at an early age in their families. Children and people in crisis are vulnerable to systematic brainwashing techniques. You can help them break free and become freethinkers.

The goal is to help someone trapped in a tribal paradigm see the value of diversity, equity, inclusion, and equality. It takes work to get someone to see outside the boundaries of their worldview. We use a process called the unconventional approach to saving the believer.

Science grew out of the need to find better answers. Science and reason provide the freethinkers who innovate and find solutions to problems. But religion is effective at programming the cultural narrative; it has been doing it longer and has deep roots in society. You’d think everyone would like science, but you’d be wrong. Science finds facts, and this exposes the origins of superstitions and mythologies. That’s the problem; exposing the truth is the root of the paradigm clash.

How to Create A Culture of Diversity, Equity Inclusion

In today’s interconnected global society, it is imperative to move beyond the boundaries of a tribal paradigm. We need to embrace the ideals of diversity. We need equity, inclusion, and equality to solve global issues like climate change. The clash between tribal and universal thinking presents both challenges and opportunities.

1. Understanding the Mindset of a Tribal Mindset.

A tribal worldview is an exclusionary perspective that promotes preferential treatment for members. Race, nationality, and cultural or religious affiliation often define these groups. Tribal thinking may have served as a survival mechanism in the past, but today, it only perpetuates unhealthy thinking and values. Tribal values are built on discrimination, inequality, and inequity. This mindset must be overcome to create diversity, equity, inclusion, and equality.

2. The Clash of Paradigms, Traditional vs. Inclusive.

The clash between the values and beliefs of a tribal mindset and an inclusive or universal paradigm can be seen in various aspects of society. We see the tension in workplaces, educational institutions, and governance structures. The conflict between religious inclusive values is evident. There is a tension between universal and tribal thinking and values. Right-wing extremists take positions in all areas and drive the division in the culture. We recognize the need to move beyond tribalism. This clash often leads to resistance and challenges as old power structures and norms are questioned.

3. Impact on Society.

Moving beyond a tribal worldview benefits individuals and has a profound positive impact on society. When diverse perspectives come together, creativity and innovation thrive. Inclusive thinking leads to collaboration, economic growth, problem-solving, and social harmony. By breaking down barriers and embracing DEI, we can create a more just and equitable world for future generations.

4. Embracing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Equality.

Creating a society that values and embraces DEI makes the culture healthy. Doing so builds a more inclusive community that benefits from the rich landscape of human experiences. Several strategies promote this shift in mindsets.

a) Education and Awareness. Building awareness around the importance of DEI and breaking down stereotypes is vital. Education about the history of the culture is important in bringing to light past inequities. It gives clarity and awareness of how history affects the present. Conversations about our shared humanity challenge the tribal mindset. In turn, this develops empathy and understanding.

Sadly, many people battle against the process of education and awareness.

b) Inclusive Policies. Organizations and governments must adopt policies that actively promote diversity and counter discrimination. These policies encourage hiring practices that prioritize diversity. We must create safe spaces for marginalized groups and ensure equitable opportunities for all.

c) Collaboration and Dialogue. Engaging in meaningful conversations and collaborations between different groups is essential. By encouraging dialogue, we can break down barriers, challenge biases, and promote inclusion.

So, here is the strategy for dialogue. When someone asks what you believe, you might say you agree with all the paths that lead to a better world for everyone. Then, ask them about their worldview. Try to avoid the clash of paradigms by aligning with the healthy aspects of their paradigm. It may take some work.

For example, if they are a Christian, tell them you believe in Christianity’s positive aspects. If they are Muslim, tell them you align with all the positive aspects of Islam. Whatever their worldview, seek common ground. Connect these beliefs to the inclusive worldview and universal perspective.

Let them know you respect any path that promotes love for everyone and all living things. We have a more detailed outline of this process we call the unconventional approach to save the believer.

The above approach works well if you can get an initial alignment. If people believe you are genuine in your alignment, you can help facilitate the shift from tribal toward an inclusive worldview. To introduce any new ideas, you must first project some alignment with the underlying concepts of their tribe. Moving beyond a tribal worldview to an inclusive worldview is a positive, healthy transition.

Sadly, some people are so ingrained and programmed into their religious beliefs that we cannot persuade them with facts. They strive to maintain tribal vs. universal conflict. Yet, these same people would not dream of giving up the modern conveniences that science has brought to their lives.

All you can do is plant seeds of thought. They must learn to question the cultural narrative. We may never end this clash of paradigms, but we can plant seeds in our circle of influence to reduce its impact on our lives.

We have global issues that need to be addressed. We can’t afford to waste time arguing about myths and superstitions. We must change our cultural priorities and adopt a healthier, inclusive worldview.

In Conclusion

There’s no time to waste as climate change takes center stage. Moving beyond a tribal worldview is a necessity. By actively promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion, we can counter tribal prejudice and bias. By embracing an inclusive mindset, we can implement changes to create a future for everyone. We can learn to value people irrespective of their tribal affiliations and save the planet in the process.


(1) Abrahamic Religions, Wikipedia 
(2) The Dark Ages, Wikipedia