Individualized Virtual Learning Program Your Virtual Learning Academy

Individualized Virtual Learning Program — Personalized Learning Plan Design

If you are looking for personal development, you need the right plan—an individualized virtual learning program. We have just what you need. Your virtual learning academy awaits.

We know finding the right resources at the right time can be difficult. You may know what you want or need but can’t find the resources. We can solve these issues by assessing your needs, developing a plan, and giving you the tools to complete it.

This program is a series of sessions built around your schedule. Some people want more time between sessions to normalize what they have learned. Others wish to have back-to-back sessions to answer questions and solve issues. And we know things change. So we can adjust the schedule, duration of the meetings, and content as needed.

Our goal is to ensure you get the training and information you need. How many sessions do you get? You meet as often as necessary to obtain the technologies you need in 3 or 16 sessions; it doesn’t matter.

Here’s Your Virtual Learning Academy

We tailor the curriculum to meet your goals. Then, we deliver the content in a series of sessions—as many as it takes to meet the training goals. That’s over $3,000 worth of training for a $99.00 donation. Our blended learning system is built on proven learning methods and techniques. It is made with your learning style and strengths in mind and emphasizes mastery of the tools taught.

The Blended Learning Process
It recognizes every student has a unique way of learning. A personalized learning plan design is the key to crafting a plan to accommodate any learning style. This learning strategy ensures an optimal learning experience. It accommodates everyone: the visual learner, the kinesthetic learner, and the auditory learner.

Individualizing provides the right lessons and resources to suit their preferences. By adopting the proper content delivery method, learning is fun, increasing engagement, knowledge retention, and concept understanding.

Focus on Mastery 
In traditional learning models, students move through materials on a fixed timeline. It doesn’t account for their readiness to learn. Personalized learning plan outcomes prioritize mastery over completion. Students progress at their own pace, ensuring that they have a thorough understanding of each tool.

An individualized virtual learning program allows students to bridge learning gaps. It builds a strong foundation and develops confidence in their ability to learn. By setting individualized goals, students are more likely to reach them, eliminating the anxiety of falling behind the group.

Flexibility and Scalability
Personalized learning plans have much higher outcomes than cookie-cutter approaches. They are flexible and scalable, able to change and grow with your needs. The freedom to choose a learning path encourages the development of critical thinking skills. Everyone has the opportunity to help and share what they learn.

Building Community
Every classroom is a diverse ecosystem. It is comprised of people with varying abilities. These characteristics apply to virtual and face-to-face learning forums.   Personalized learning plans recognize and accommodate these differences, ensuring every student receives support. It doesn’t matter if the learner is talented, requires some coaching, or falls somewhere in between.

Personalized plans eliminate the risk of students being left behind or feeling unchallenged. By tailoring instruction and support, we promote inclusion and acceptance. This platform provides a safe learning environment for everyone.

Personalized learning plan design
Leveraging technology helps us to optimize the learning experience. Group forums and virtual classrooms provide a range of different interactive opportunities.   Technology-enabled assessments and feedback systems create individualized learning paths. These technologies complement rather than replace the cultural context of the material.   The integration of technology makes these ancient technologies more accessible.

Personalized Learning Plan Design

The individualized virtual learning program is a series of sessions built around your schedule. Our goal is to ensure you get the training and information you need. How many sessions do you get? You meet as often as necessary to obtain the technologies you need in 3 or 16 sessions; it doesn’t matter.

We can design a curriculum to fit any level of experience. And we create the plan with flexibility in mind to account for changes. Everyone learns at a different rate, so we break up the learning sessions to fit your schedule and learning needs. Need to change your plan after you start? Not a problem. It gives you time to learn the techniques you need. No matter your experience level, you get what you need to develop your path.

The Individualized Virtual Learning Program

personalized learning plan outcomes personalized learning plan design

The emergence of personalized learning has redefined the way we approach learning. Catering to specific learning needs within their ability maximizes their learning outcomes.   This approach allows students to take charge of their learning journey. When you are in control, you are more engaged, which ensures better results. Let’s look at the advantages of the personalized learning plan design.

1. Assess Readiness to Learn

An effective learning program starts with assessing the readiness to learn. Every learner has their own pace and level of preparedness. Learning assessment tools enable us to evaluate knowledge, learning styles, skills, and mindset. It helps us identify obstacles that may hinder learning and create the best plan to overcome them.

First, we ask you about your previous experience and goals. Then, you complete some written assessment tools. We use three tools:

Enneagram Personality Profile.
— Instinctual Variant Type Identifier.
Cultural Narrative Questionnaire.

With this data, we can create a flexible plan. It will show learning preferences, styles, and any potential roadblocks. This plan ensures the best learning outcomes.

2. Create Learning Targets and Objectives

Once we’ve established readiness, we can set learning objectives and benchmarks. A personalized learning plan design needs quantifiable and qualitative measures. We align goals with the learner’s strengths, creating a relevant and engaging pathway for learning.

3. Building An Individualized Virtual Learning Program

Spiritual technologies are the building blocks for personal development. These are the ancient tools of spiritual exploration. We select complementary spiritual technologies to create your initial plan.

These tools come from cultures around the globe. Some have been used for hundreds of generations, while others, like the Enneagram Profile, are still being refined. Chances are some of your ancestors used these techniques. It’s time for you to rediscover them.

These tools stand up to the test of modern science. They must be repeatable and produce consistent outcomes. Many of these methods produce physiological changes we can measure. We divide these tools into four categories:

Analytical Tools and Methods.
Seated and Moving Meditation.
Techniques to Expand Awareness.
Natural Healing Modalities.

Analytical Tools and Methods

Critical thinking skills are a fundamental part of the individualized virtual learning program. Analytical thinking skills may seem out of place in the arena of spirituality. However, you will need these tools to sort out the facts from fiction.

These are the essential tools for thinking clearly and making informed decisions. Every spiritual explorer needs them when searching for the truth. You’ll use these tools every day. We separate these critical thinking tools into three modules or articles.

Logical and Rational Thinking Skills
Rational thinking skills give us a foundation for making good decisions. This module explains how rational and irrational thinking differ. Then, it provides the correct use of deductive and inductive logic. If you know the proper form of the argument, you can spot logical errors.

Spiritual Axioms
A spiritual axiom is a formula that reveals the truth and provides valuable insight and wisdom. These tools help us identify false arguments. This tool offers twelve spiritual axioms to help you avoid the common spiritual roadblocks.

Spotting logical Fallacies
This module builds on the foundation of spiritual axioms and rational thinking skills. It outlines ten of the most common logical fallacies to show the dangers of false narratives.

Comparative Analysis
Comparative Analysis is a scientific approach to comparative religious study. This technique evaluates your worldview by comparing your core beliefs with those in other systems. It takes you through the process of creating a core values worksheet.

The Enneagram of Personality
The Enneagram is a powerful psychometric tool. It identifies the thinking patterns and psychic structures of the mind. It helps us understand the mechanisms of the Ego. It is written in a common language, making it accessible to everyone. Yet, it is deep enough for clinicians. This is a basic tool in the mix of personalized learning plan design. It provides a blueprint of our personality and instincts.

Seated and Moving Meditation

Meditation is often the heart of spiritual practice. Meditation involves guiding or directing the focus of the mind. There are many kinds of meditation, including both seated and moving forms. The meditation process often uses mental tools like mantras, sutras, and affirmations.

Seated Meditation
Many people use seated meditation, which is the primary tool for exploring consciousness. Seated meditation comprises a continuum of methods, from the most simple to the most complex. It starts with a simple two-step method and progresses through increasingly more powerful methods.

You’ll have the opportunity to learn the progression that fits your situation. You can choose methods, such as Mindfulness Meditation or Transcendental Meditation (TM). There are also more advanced techniques like the Siddhis Yoga Sutras.

Moving Meditation
Moving meditation expands awareness. It is the ability to focus inward and outward at the same time. The Japanese Tea Ceremony is a form of moving meditation. There are also forms of the Shamanic Journey that involve dance.

This modality improves thoughts and frame connection and has a tremendous impact on our fitness and health. It includes Qigong and Tai Chi. Moving meditation often involves the concept of grounding, and it helps us connect with our source, with nature. This category contains Sun Gazing, Forest Bathing, and Tree Grounding.

Techniques to Expand Awareness

Expanding awareness increases every facet of thinking and memory. These tools include techniques that help us leverage the natural ability of the mind. This grouping of tools produces results that provide both subjective and objective metrics. Personalized learning plan outcomes often depend upon the experience of the traveler.

Awakening the Third-Eye
The third eye is an energy center associated with the Penial Gland. It is in the middle of the forehead. This conduit is well-known in many ancient cultures. This portal is a powerful tool for exploring your consciousness. It sparks spiritual awakening by expanding sensory input.

Automatic Writing
Automatic handwriting is a technique that the early pioneers of psychology also used. It is most often associated with the spiritualist movement of the 1800s. However, no one knows about its true origin. It is a simple technique that requires a pen or pencil and paper. It is a process for exploring your consciousness, which connects you with the subconscious mind.

Delving into Memories
This method helps us understand how our memories are linked to emotions and imagination. It is a form of inner work that clarifies memories so we can heal past traumas.

Learn How to Learn
This is a necessary process that enables us to expand the capabilities of memory. You create a memory palace that can store vast amounts of data quickly and efficiently. We’ve often wondered why we weren’t introduced to these methods in childhood. They are simple, effective, and fun. The results you get are astonishing.

Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dreaming is the easiest way to expand awareness. It is a simple process you start before you go to sleep. It enables you to remember and control your dreams. The more practice you have with the technique, the more control you have in your dreams. By increasing the bandwidth of awareness, you also increase the bandwidth during your waking state. It’s a way of increasing your thinking capabilities while you sleep.

Shamanic Journey
The Shamanic Journey is likely humankind’s first spiritual tool. This method of exploring consciousness is found in many indigenous cultures. Its proliferation serves as proof of the historical significance of the internal quest.

There are many versions of this theme, including Aboriginal Dreamtime. Most forms use the same formula. It combines musical rhythm and creative visualization. Rhythm regulates heart rate and breathing. The imaginary landscape provides the gateway to a lucid adventure. A Shaman is someone who guides us on our spiritual quest. However, you may take this inward adventure through yourself using a drum or recorded drum track.

The Shamanic Journey has been renamed or rebranded in Western cultures to make it marketable. It is advertised as “guided meditation” or “creative visualization.” These terms are apt descriptions of the process.

Natural Healing Modalities

We all need healing from time to time. This last group of tools includes Pe Jut from Indonesia and Reiki and Shiatsu from Japan. Self-care is an integral part of this category.

4. Use Feedback and Teach Back Steps

One of the cornerstones of personalized education is the provision of constant feedback. Your virtual learning academy is designed to provide the opportunity for feedback. We take polls, ask questions, and observe demonstratable skills. Students can teach back, share, and help others learn. Through this participatory approach, learners receive peer feedback.

5. Assess Personalized Learning Plan Outcomes

The ultimate proof of a successful educational experience lies in assessing learning outcomes. Your virtual learning academy recognizes the importance of measuring progress and mastery. We employ a variety of benchmarks, checkpoints, and assessments to evaluate progress.

Assessing your progress regularly gives a clear picture of growth. It empowers the learner to take ownership of their spiritual and intellectual development. And we can adjust the curriculum to address any gaps. Personalized learning plan outcomes produce obvious and subtle changes in thinking and perception.

How to Sign Up

1. First, send us an email. We can forward you some pre-work on the Enneagram to get started.

2. Set up convenient times for your remote learning and follow-up sessions. We can use almost any real-time application to deliver the training. As a result, you can enjoy these sessions almost anywhere.

The follow-up sessions will focus on reinforcing learning and removing any roadblocks.   Again, at the date and time that works best for you. We can change the date if you want to have it sooner or push it back to give you more time to practice. If you have feedback or questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

3. Finally, sign up, donate, and start learning.


Embarking on your virtual learning academy will give you the tools for growth and transformation. Take control of your intellectual and spiritual development and unlock your full potential.