We each possess a unique power that allows us to navigate the challenges of life, achieve our goals, and live a fulfilling life. Your spirit’s personal power is a force that lives within you, waiting to be discovered and harnessed. In this article, we’ll explore how to unlock your potential and connect with the source of power.
Before you can develop this energy, you must first understand what it is and where it comes from. We’ll need to understand the difference between the energy that comes from the spirit and the energy that comes from the ego.
What is Personal Power?
There are many ways to define this power. One way to see this is as the power of your spirit. It is the energy and strength within you that gives you the confidence and clarity to make important decisions, take proper actions in time-sensitive or difficult situations, and achieve goals. It is the source of your inner strength that results in what we call willpower. We recognize those people who demonstrate high levels of this energy. They may not be physically imposing, but they exude and demonstrate the ability to take charge and get things done.
What is personal power as defined by psychology? Psychology sees this kind of power or energy as the ability to influence people and events. They trace this power as originating from individual characteristics rather than formal authority. Someone with strong personal energy focuses on their self-efficacy and ability to cooperate with others.
However you define this power, it needs a source of energy. Without a sustained energy source, willpower and inner strength falter or stop just when you need them most. Energy enables us to overcome obstacles, provides perseverance and determination, and helps us resist temptations and internal and external resistance.
This power is not limited to physical strength or emotional stability but encompasses the essence of who you are as an individual. Understanding the source of this energy allows you to tap into it consciously and intentionally and unlock your potential.
The Two Sources of Personal Power
There are only two potential sources of our inner drive and self-confidence: the ego or the spirit.
“The choice of where you get your inner strength is the Spirit or the Ego. The better choice is the spirit. It is not only better for you, but it is also better for the entire world.” — Guru Tua
Our ego is the source of temporary power. Most people don’t think of the ego as something temporal, but it is. An Ego is a tool like a car. Cars wear out, and our bodies and Egos will also wear out. The real you is not your ego. The real you is your spirit or soul, which has an eternal source of power that resides in the Universal consciousness. (1)
“We suffer from a hallucination, from a false and distorted sensation of our own existence as living organisms. Most of us have the sensation that, I, myself is a separate center of feeling and action, living inside and bounded by the physical body—a center that confronts an external world of people and things, making contact through the senses with a universe both alien and strange. Everyday figures of speech reflect this illusion. I came into this world. You must face reality. The conquest of nature.” — Alan Watts, The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
Culture’s mass hallucination emphasizes temporary things. That way, it always has something new to sell us. It is common for religion or commercialism to be the source of their motivation. Commercialism is a form of religion. Modern advertising borrows all of its tactics from religion. These systems dictate the source of your inner strength so that they can profit from selling you things.
Answering the question, what is the source of my personal power, makes us look at the source of our motivation. It makes us look at the reasons we want things.
This feeling of being lonely and very temporary visitors in the universe is in flat contradiction to everything known about man (and all other living organisms) in the sciences. We do not come into this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree. As the ocean waves, the universe peoples. Every individual is an expression of the whole realm of nature, a unique action of the total universe. This fact is rarely, if ever, experienced by most individuals. Even those who know it to be true in theory do not sense or feel it, but continue to be aware of themselves as isolated egos inside bags of skin. ― Alan Watts, The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
It is a daily battle to reach goals and solve problems because internal and external forces want to control our thoughts, values, and intent. The internal obstacles are our inner critic and our habitual and addictive behaviors. Our external foes are the propaganda machines of cultural folklore. The primary source of this negative programming comes from organized religion.
Choosing the Source of Your Personal Energy
Thankfully, you have a choice. If you want to unlock your potential, you should choose the spirit. Your priorities determine where you find the source of your inner strength. We can choose either our ego or Spirit. We can derive our power from the culture or go directly to the source of consciousness via our soul. How do you build or develop it? This discussion aims to help you find out the answer to these questions. What is powering your thoughts and actions?
So, let’s discuss how to identify the source and learn how to develop the personal power of your spirit while avoiding the temptations of the ego and harmful cultural influences. We can overcome these enemies if we learn how to train, strengthen, and focus our motivation.
Identify Your Values and Beliefs
The first step in this process is identifying the basis of this energy. We can look at our experiences for clues about the source we typically use.
Here are some questions to help you identify the source of your inner strength.
1) What are your core values?
The personal power of your spirit finds its foundation in your beliefs and values. Identify what values mean the most to you and make them the foundation of your actions. What are your beliefs about spiritual reality? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in life after death? Do you hold beliefs around moral absolutes, such as not killing or stealing? What do you hate, and what do you adore?
2) List your strengths and weaknesses.
Assessing your strengths and weaknesses allows you to identify areas where you already possess a high degree of personal power and the areas where you need to develop it. You are not looking for accomplishments or failures but personal traits.
Start with your weaknesses. Do you have phobias? Are you battling some addiction? Do you have social fears about self-image, self-confidence, or self-esteem? Do you normally project a negative attitude?
What are your strengths? Do you demonstrate courage, compassion, or friendliness? Are you kind to strangers?
3) Make a list of what motivates you.
The personal power of motivation helps us push through challenging situations. You need to discover your passions and what fuels your inner fire. Is your motivation driven by accumulating material wealth? Are you motivated by social media? Does your motivation come from religious beliefs? Many people derive their motivation from religious beliefs or material possessions. How about you?
4) What are your fears?
To develop the personal power of your spirit, you must confront your fears head-on. Discovering what blocks and inhibits your growth provides an opportunity to change the core beliefs based on fear. When we work on overcoming these fears, we grow.
So, what are your fears? Do you have a fear of death? What about the fear of losing your afterlife benefits, such as going to hell instead of heaven? Some common other common fears are the fear of rejection, failure, abandonment, or fear of heights.
5) What is your purpose?
The personal power of purpose helps us stay focused and driven toward our goals. Identify your purpose in life to fuel your inner strength and motivation. Your purpose relates closely to what motivates you. Motivation is directed toward a specific goal, such as losing weight, whereas our purpose is more general, such as being healthy.
You may or may not have a purpose. Specific goals drive many people but do not have a universal theme for their lives. You don’t achieve a purpose; it guides and shapes the goals.
Understanding Your Values and Beliefs
Now, it is time to analyze the list of values and beliefs. It is easier than you think. You can divide values and beliefs into two categories. Everything that connects with the ego is temporal, including our cultural folklore. This folklore comes from organized religion and commercialism. All religions are situational constructs and thus temporary, as they are the creation of the ego.
The Personal Power Which Comes From the Ego
Anything based on the ego lasts only as long as the situation or thing of reference remains unchanged. When the situation changes, you are like a peacock losing its feathers. If the ego is the source, then object-referenced strength. This type of Ego-based mental ability is counterfeit power. It creates a false sense of happiness from fixating on the object. Objects are temporary. Does this sound familiar? What is the source of your personal energy? Is it the ego?
For instance, the country’s president or the chairperson of a corporation has object-referenced power. Or perhaps a person has an impressive job or a lot of money; the power they enjoy goes along with the title. If they lose their title, position, or money, they lose part of their identity. We lose counterfeit power from the loss of these things.
When the ego is the source of personal power, this power will last only as the situation lasts. As soon as the condition or thing changes, your fuel evaporates. When we lose the title, the job, or the money, we also lose influence and prestige. That’s why it is counterfeit power.
As a result, you suffer the pain of loss. You lose the source of your willpower and inner strength when something changes or goes away. Therefore, things become meaningless, which we thought would fulfill a need. They represent a counterfeit type of contentment. It is better known as buyer’s remorse in retail terms.
It is possible to rise to places of power but base their influence on the Soul, not the ego. Barack Obama is an example. It is possible to be influential in the culture without falling under the power of the ego. Russell Brand, Alan Watts, and The Dalai Lama are other examples.
Ask yourself the same question. What is your greatest source of personal power? If the answer to this question is still fuzzy, don’t worry. You can blame this confusion on your ego.
Many people don’t realize that we are not our ego. The ego is only a mechanism that orients our consciousness to our bodies. Our ego and our bodies are temporary. Everything on the physical level is transitory, but our consciousness or soul is infinite.
Unlock Your Potential — The Personal Power of Your Spirit
The power which comes from the spirit is eternal, not temporary. It’s the source originating from the universal spirit or soul, the consciousness of all matter. We can experience the source directly with the mind if we meditate and enter the 4th state of pure consciousness.
You can reclaim or regain a connection with this source through regular meditation. It is a partition of consciousness without thought, only awareness. Here, we realize that our authentic source is beyond the constructs of religion and commercialism.
Here’s another way to look at it: your inner willpower allows you to overcome life’s trials. Our power is unstable and fleeting if our source is object-related and temporary. If our willpower comes from an infinite wellspring, then we live in a state of peace and contentment, regardless of our external situation.
When you decide to reclaim your personal power, you’ll be talked about… told that you’ve changed, that you’ve somehow lost the plot or that you think you’re better than others; but that’s just human nature. Your job is to realize that negative comments and backhanded compliments say more about the person speaking to them than about who you are. When people label you, they’re seeking to define you… you’re above all that.” ― Kianu Starr
You have the choice to choose what source powers your thoughts. Let’s examine the consequences of this choice more closely.
How to Develop the Personal Power of Your Spirit
The power that comes from the soul or spirit is infinite and permanent. Soul power comes from the unchanging, transcendent energy of pure consciousness. It’s the source of your awareness, your true essence.
Power derived from the Soul always attracts positive people and things. Soul power helps marshal people, situations, and circumstances to support you. This energy also draws support from the divine nature of creation. Our Soul or spirit is the best place to find the source of personal power. Positive acts of karma like kindness and compassion will always return a positive result.
How can we cultivate the strength and capacity of our souls? Use any form of meditation that connects you to the fourth state and expands awareness. It connects you to your spirit or soul. We call this spiritual exploration.
1) Eliminate the source of the harmful programming.
As we mentioned earlier, the largest sources of harmful values and beliefs are organized religion and its friend commercialism. This step is hard because the beliefs and values of these social cancers are intertwined with our lives. If you’ve answered the questions above, you have a list of the sources that use propaganda and self-hypnosis to install harmful beliefs.
2) Reframe, Replace, and Reprogram Beliefs and Values
After identifying the harmful scripts, you can replace or reprogram them. But be sure you have eliminated the source of the harmful programming; otherwise, the old scripts will resurface. The repeating question process and affirmations are excellent tools for reprogramming.
Reframing your beliefs is important. Even if you have eliminated the harmful source and want to change, your mind will still remember the harmful scripts and your ego will want to return to the comfort zone they provide. Reframing harmful scripts involves rejecting old beliefs. For example, if you identify the harmful script called God, to reframe your beliefs, you will need to replace it with, I don’t believe in God or the concept of an imaginary friend. Then, you will attach the data to support this new conclusion, such as there is no credible proof for the existence of a supreme being.
3) Cultivate a Healthy, Skeptical Mindset
Healthy skepticism means learning to question assumptions and being open-minded to new ideas. It does not mean rejecting everything that you don’t understand but being able to accept those ideas for which there is a preponderance of credible evidence. The goal is to become a freethinker; this is someone who can see beyond the boundaries of the cultural narrative, beyond the folklore that contaminates society with bias, prejudice, and bigotry.
Investigate new ideas. Read scientifically based books. Practice mediation and monitoring of your self-talk. These basic tools will make your mind healthy.
4) Connect with your Intuition
Our intuition is always on; we must learn to hear it. Practice the tools that develop and expand awareness, such as lucid dreaming and forest bathing—practice techniques that cultivate observation and introspection skills.
These tools will also bolster the health of your mind and give you confidence and courage in making decisions. Connecting with your intuition is how to develop the personal power of your spirit.
5) Use Self-Care Techniques
Self-care is about taking care of our mental, physical, and emotional needs. It involves prioritizing our well-being, taking time for ourselves, and being intentional in our actions. By engaging in self-care practices, we strengthen the link between body, mind, and spirit. This helps us to tap into our creativity, resilience, and inner strength.
There are many self-care techniques you can use to develop the personal power of your spirit, and here are some examples:
— Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the art of being present and aware of our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. It helps us to develop a sense of inner calm and clarity.
— Prioritize Sleep: Sleep is essential for our overall well-being, and when we get enough rest, we are better equipped to face life’s challenges. Prioritizing sleep is a simple self-care technique that can help us to develop the personal power of our spirit.
— Set Boundaries: Boundaries are essential for maintaining our emotional and mental well-being. By setting boundaries, we can protect our mental space and cultivate a sense of self-respect. This includes healthy boundaries of belief.
— Exercise Regularly: Exercise is an excellent self-care technique that can help us to stay physically healthy and mentally strong. Regular exercise can boost our self-confidence and self-esteem, contributing to our overall health and wellness.
In Conclusion
If we want to unlock our potential, we need to learn how to develop the personal power of our spirit; we need to take steps to remove the sources of the harmful influences of commercialism and religion. We must identify the bias, prejudice, and bigotry these institutions program into our minds. Then, we must have the courage to change by replacing, reprogramming, and reframing our beliefs and values. If we do this, we become a better person and help to change the trajectory of sectarian and separatist ideologies infecting society.
(1) Striving for personal power as a basis for social power dynamics: