The Legacy of Nordic Folklore Returning to the Ancient Ways Norse Gods and Goddesses

The Legacy of Nordic Folklore — Returning to the Ancient Ways

Returning to the ancient ways of Pagan tradition is gaining in popularity. Reconnecting with ancestral wisdom has many benefits. Because of the way ancient paths are portrayed in popular culture, we tend to overlook their potential.

Yes. The Gods of old are still with us. They are the Earth, sky, moon, and sun. Nature embodies all of the analogies we associate with God. We need nature to live. But our modern culture not only overlooks them but also abuses and misuses them for short-term gains.

The tide is turning, and many are returning to the ancient ways. Climate change is a reminder that we need to be responsible stewards of the environment. Otherwise, we jeopardize the future.

Norse Gods and Goddesses Today

The Gods of old are still with us. The legacy of Nordic folklore is undervalued outside of academic circles.  It is a snapshot of what life was like before the advent of Abrahamic religions and their quest to erase these ancient traditions.

During the assimilation of ancient mystery religions of the Mediterranean region, nature was seen as an inexhaustible resource. Previous systems that revered and worshiped nature were enemies of the Church. So, to protect its cash flow and control, the Church systematically eradicated all vestiges of these traditional systems. They installed a new 12-month calendar based on the Zodiac and forbade using the more practical 13-month lunar calendar.

“As the Roman Empire came to its close, all the old gods of the pagan world were seen as demons by the Christians who rose. It was useless to tell them as the centuries passed that their Christ was but another God of the Wood, dying and rising, as Dionysus or Osiris had done before him, and that the Virgin Mary was in fact the Good Mother again enshrined. Theirs was a new age of belief and conviction, and in it, we became devils, detached from what they believed, as old knowledge was forgotten or misunderstood.” — Anne Rice

The 13-month calendar based on the moon’s cycles is one of the best-kept cultural traditions of this ancient system of reverence. Returning to the ancient ways is beneficial for several reasons.

We often forget that we are part of nature. Nature includes the world’s phenomena untouched by man’s hand, including plants, animals, insects, and all other products of the Earth.

Are you interested in finding out why and how we should return to the ways of our ancestors? If so, ask yourself some questions. What sustains all life? Well, of course, it is our Earth and its environment.

The Legacy of Nordic Folklore

Many people worship nature. Don’t laugh. You can prove that nature exists. The remnants of the Pagan traditions grew out of an understanding of nature. The old Nordic religion today puts us in touch with the environment. That’s more than you can say for all the other imaginary friends of the dying god sects.

Archeological evidence suggests that Gods and Goddesses were understood as typologies, symbols of nature. They are a collection of stories and allegories dating back to pre-Germanic folklore. Here, we find figures like Odin, who became part of the legacy of Nordic folklore. It also includes creatures like dragons.

The Norse Gods and Goddesses symbolized some aspect of nature, whereas today, the bulk of our symbolism points to corporations. When you see an apple with a bit out of it, you think of Apple as a computer corporation. You see a swoosh symbol, and you think of Nike.

Connecting with nature is a way of returning to the ancient ways. Nature is the source of everything that makes us. Connecting with our “source” is essential for our health and wellness. Those who are wise understand that we are part of nature.

  • When was the last time you stopped to look at the sky?
  • Can you remember when you gazed at a tree, the moon, the sunrise, or the sunset?
  • Have you listened to a bird or the wind?
  • Do you remember what it’s like to smell wildflowers or touch the Earth?

Returning to the Ancient Ways

Our senses give us data for our minds to digest, synthesize, and develop an individually crafted fictional view of reality. Scandinavia and Northern Germanic traditions built these practices into their culture and healing modalities. Research is vindicating the benefits of these practices. (1)


Simply viewing nature’s landscape is proven to be healing. Studies show that people with views of nature from a hospital room recover more quickly. (2) Connecting with the Old Gods of the forest is as simple as opening your eyes to the beauty of nature.


The sounds of nature—the rain, the wind, the rustling of trees, running water, and even silence—have immediate positive effects on our physiology. These sounds naturally reduce heart rate and respiration.

Our auditory system is critical for survival and reproduction. Natural sounds are some of the most complex vibrational frequencies. We are likely attuned to sounds that resonate with DNA memory. (3)  What’s interesting is while the silence of nature is calming, the silence of modern urban life is stressful because it is a sign of danger. This subconscious response is because of the programming we assimilate from living in cities.


Although not one of our strongest senses, it is still powerful in connecting us with memories. Smells are everywhere, and we overlook their importance. They can affect a positive or negative mental state. Incense and defusing essential oils are now a component of many natural healing modalities. We still harbor the DNA memories that help us recognize things that may be harmful, like the smell of a skunk, for instance.


In our modern antiseptic culture, touching has become increasingly unacceptable. The Pandemic brings social interaction and touching to the forefront of health concerns.

On the other hand, touch is the basis for many natural healing methods. The message, acupressure, and even acupuncture are healing techniques that require touch.

All the above sensory aspects are a part of most pre-Abrahamic societies. Many cultures used the landscape and positive visual stimuli to symbolize their respect for life. Sounds, smell, and touch were part of many healing and daily rituals. Traditions can escape the persecution of religious bigotry and prejudice by going underground. The stories and symbolism of Norse Gods and Goddesses live on today because it was taught by families who preserved the knowledge.

Reconnecting with Ancestral Wisdom

Reconnecting with Ancestral Wisdom the old Nordic religion today


Let’s try something. Here’s how we find and improve our connection with these original energies. First, find a place where there is nature, preferably unspoiled by the hand of man. But, if not a park or any place with trees and Earth. Find a place to see, hear, and smell nature if possible. Being able to feel the wind and sky is also essential.

“The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely, or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature, and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy amidst the simple beauty of nature. As long as this exists, and it certainly always will, I know that then there will always be a comfort for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be. And I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.” — Anne Frank

Once you’ve found a comfortable place, take a mental break from your to-do list. Shut off your smartphone. Stand quietly in this momentary sanctuary of nature—quiet the mind. Consciously open your senses to the world around you. Move your head left, right, up, and down. Drink in the world visually. Visualize reconnecting with ancestral wisdom. Just be still and let your senses reach out.

If you can, find a place where you can touch the Earth. Drop to your knees, put your hands on the ground, and dig your fingers in the dirt. Or better yet, on a tree. Follow the tree trunk down to the roots.  Envision yourself traveling down into the Earth through these roots. This is an ancient technique called tree grounding, which is gaining popularity.

Next, stand and close your eyes. Listen intently to the wind. Can you hear the birds?   Feel the sun. It is the bringer of life, the source of all the Sun God metaphors. Smell the world. Hopefully, you are in a place where you can smell the natural scent of nature. Take a deep breath and open your eyes. This technique mirrors the process of Forest Bathing, which is part of Japanese natural health.

Connecting with the old gods of the forest gives us both perspective and peace. It strengthens our trust in our intuitive mind. As we connect with nature, we feel peace.

When we connect with nature, we realize how fragile we are. We understand how delicate the environment is. Remembering and respecting the Earth gives us the perspective we need to live as proper stewards of our planet. This underscores the value of reconnecting with ancestral wisdom.

Give Honor and Thanks

Think about this experience. Realize you are a part of nature, but you live most of your life disconnected from it. Connect now once again, as our ancestors did. Do this daily. Never stop seeing, hearing, and feeling that connection with the Earth. Earth is the place where the Gods of the old reside.

This exercise works. It will connect with nature. These are the voices of nature, always reaching out to touch us. The environment is always singing the songs and waiting for you to return.

Now, call upon the spirits that reside where you are if you feel so inclined. Ask for their forgiveness and bid them help you. See if you can connect with the silent place in your soul that resonates with the Earth. Allow yourself to be quiet. Find the ancient wisdom to do good in always and to everything. Remember the long line of your ancestors. They sacrificed to give you life here in this time and space. Namaste. “Blessed Be.”

Here’s a prayer from the movie The 13th Warrior. It’s a mirror of the legacy of Nordic folklore.  You may find something like this helpful in your practice. (4)

“Lo there do I see my father;
Lo there do I see my mother, my sisters and my brothers;
Lo there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning.
Lo, they do call me;
They bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever.” ― Viking Prayer

Additional Ways to Show Appreciation

Mindfulness Meditation is another practice we recommend to help you connect with the source of your essence. Forest Bathing and Tree Grounding are tools you can use to facilitate your connection to nature. Add these simple practices to your routine and see how much more grounded and peaceful you feel.

In Conclusion

The legacy of Nordic folklore is a glimpse into the past when people were grounded in nature. Don’t forget the old Gods. They are the Earth, The Sky, and the Sun. We need them to live. Don’t forget to love and care for them.

Put a reminder on your calendar. Show your love for nature by giving back and supporting those protecting the planet. Begin your spiritual journey, and you’ll be glad you did. Begin reconnecting with ancestral wisdom and see how your intuitive mind strengthens.


(1) A Review of the Benefits of Nature Experiences: More Than Meets the Eye
(2) Visual landscapes and psychological well-being
(3) The sounds of silence: cessation of singing and song pausing are ultrasound-induced acoustic startle behaviors in the katydid Neoconocephalus ensiger (Orthoptera; Tettigoniidae). 
(4) Viking Prayer from the movie The 13th Warrior