Observation skills and abilities play a crucial role in our daily lives. Being observant makes you present. When you are present, you are aware of your thoughts and surroundings. As a result, you make better decisions and enjoy a more fulfilling life. So, let’s explore some different observation methods and practical activities to develop observation … Continue reading Activities to Develop Observation Skills — Different Observation Methods
Using Your Imagination to Manifest — Ways To Develop Your Imagination
Many great sages and teachers tell us we can make a beautiful life. They say it’s a matter of using your imagination to manifest the right things in the right way. Here’s how to do it.
Personal Autonomy and Informed Consent — Autonomy as a Human Right
Does our culture promote fairness, equality with liberty, and justice for all? Are the 10 basic human rights a reality or a pipe dream? Many feel autonomy as a human right is diminishing, not increasing. See why this matters.
Ways to Love Fearlessly — How to Have Courageous Conversations
Ways to love fearlessly is a courage-building exercise that teaches how to have courageous conversations and overcome your fear of vulnerability. It will build your courage, compassion, and integrity. Are you ready for this challenge?
What is Spiritual Freedom — Finding The Path of Spiritual Freedom
The big question is, what is spiritual freedom? Spiritual freedom is freedom from religion. So, the path of spiritual freedom is not available to everyone. Real spiritual freedom is not free. See how you can ensure your freedom and help others gain theirs.
How to Defeat Cognitive Distortions And Magical Thinking in Adults
Learning how to defeat cognitive distortions and magical thinking in adults is a skill set needed in our modern world. These harmful thought distortions are more common than you realize. Do you know how to spot the symptoms and fit them? Come and see how to do it.
Why Does Prejudice Exist — Prejudice and Ignorance Disguised as a Choice
Why does prejudice exist? Religious, ethnic, and racial prejudice exist as a part of an accepted subculture. Ignorance disguised as a choice is bigotry, hiding in plain sight. Learn how to spot this tactic and expose the hidden agenda behind it.
Are The Most Famous Myths of Religion Vehicles of Superstition or Truth?
Are the most famous myths of mainstream religion vehicles of superstition or truth? What are the limiting beliefs that hold us back? Could they be myths and superstitions? What do you think?
How to Develop The Personal Power of Your Spirit — Unlock Your Potential
We each possess a unique power that allows us to navigate the challenges of life, achieve our goals, and live a fulfilling life. Your spirit’s personal power is a force that lives within you, waiting to be discovered and harnessed. In this article, we’ll explore how to unlock your potential and connect with the source … Continue reading How to Develop The Personal Power of Your Spirit — Unlock Your Potential
Behavior Modification in Religion and Politics or Why You Act Like a Trout
We see the effects of behavior modification in religion and politics, yet we seem powerless to stop it. People are under a type of hypnosis, and they act like trout chasing shiny objects. They react without thinking. Our culture’s ongoing programming is so ingrained that most people don’t notice it. Do you see it?