We are spiritual beings, so our dreams reflect our spiritual nature. The spiritual dreams we have contain the unique symbolism of our psyche. To understand this symbolism, you need a dream interpretation dictionary a-z. We can show you how to do it.
Understanding the symbolism of your dreams is helpful for anyone. It is a necessity for the spiritual explorer. Anyone can do it. All you need is the proper method to help you unravel the typologies of your subconscious mind. The best part is that there are only four steps to this recipe.
Interpreting Dreams Spiritual Meaning
We are essentially consciousness made conscious. Consciousness is an attribute of our awareness, but it is not confined to the space between our ears. Consciousness reaches beyond our physical body into the realm of the mind. The spiritual dreams of the mind are a mixture of experience and imagination.
Some believe consciousness is a conduit to the universe itself. Consciousness links with mysterious sources that provide content and symbolism for our dreams. The symbolism can be complex and requires some work to interpret the messages.
We are all tempted to take the easy way and buy a dictionary or bestiary containing the traditional meaning of dreams. However, these resources are often inaccurate because they were compiled hundreds of years ago. They reflect symbolism that is not accurate today.
Unfortunately, the modern world has made much of ancient symbolism obsolete. This is especially true when we deal with dreams. Many things exist now that did not exist in the era when animism was man’s way of understanding the world. This makes interpreting dreams’ spiritual meaning frustrating without a process. Not to fear. We have the process to help you solve this riddle.
Creating a Dream Interpretation Dictionary A-Z
The modern world contains cars, planes, trains, cell phones, microwave ovens, and all kinds of “things” that did not exist in the ancient past. The internet makes the world a small place. At the same time, it gives an explosion of images that affect us.
“Freud “interpreted” dreams by treating them as intellectual riddles. The details, once processed through free association, exposed hidden wishes.” — Rodger Kamenetz
Our psychic structures are a composite of memory and imagination. We have a diverse source of information to compile unique significant associations. These memories are the symbolism of these associations that create your shadow self. So, here’s a better, more accurate way to build your dream interpretation dictionary a-z.
To make sense of dreams, we need to place the dream within the context of our personal history. This history includes the sequences of our dreams and our unique life experiences. When you do this, you create a personal dictionary of the symbols of your dreams. Then, you need to decipher the symbols relating to your unique life experience.
“There is a psychological technique which makes it possible to interpret dreams, and … if that procedure is employed, every dream reveals itself as a psychical structure which has a meaning.” — Sigmund Freud
The following four steps are such a psychological process:
1) Keep a Dream Journal
2) Look for Patterns and Symbols
3) Ask Yourself What the Patterns or Symbols Mean
4) Compare Your Meaning with Traditional Typologies
These four steps will give you a list of accurate dream interpretations a-z. The longer you keep your dream journal, the more data you have to help you understand the symbolism. It will give you the insight you need to address the fears of your shadow self. The spiritual dreams and their meanings will become clear.
You will get the most out of this journey if you apply what you learn. Understanding your dreams gives you insight into your subconscious mind and spiritual essence. This is why interpreting dreams’ spiritual meaning is essential. It provides another piece to the puzzle, helping you grow intellectually and spiritually.
“It is easier to learn to interpret dreams if you have a reason to use them for something constructive. You apply your dream insights to making constructive changes in your life.” — Henry Reed
Deciphering The Spiritual Dreams and Their Meanings
A list of things A to Z implies a comprehensive and complete collection of data. When creating a dream dictionary, we don’t need an exhaustive list of what every symbol means. We only need those that apply to us.
1) Create a Dream Journal
The dream journal is often the first and sometimes the only journal many maintain. We recommend a pen and paper journal, not an electronic version. This is because your handwriting contains information you can decipher later.
When it comes time to interpret dreams, this document is indispensable. Keep a notebook by your bed. After you wake up, the first thing you do is jot down key points of your dreams or dream fragments. The longer you wait to write, the more you will forget.
You need enough data to develop an accurate profile, so it may take some time to generate enough dreams that you remember. A lucid dreaming technique can speed up the process, helping you remember and gain control over the experience.
Don’t rely on your memory to retain dreams or dream fragments. Your memory changes over time, and the dream will become less tangible. Even recording fragments are helpful because they trigger the mind to retrieve the original data. It all links to your handwriting. Your writing is an additional link to the memory of your dreams.
Nightmares are often spiritual dreams that provide the most opportunity for growth. Deciphering the symbolism and theme of these bad dreams can be difficult. But if they are reoccurring, we may have no choice but to investigate the messages and lessons hidden in the experience. Interpreting dreams’ spiritual meaning can make you relive unpleasant experiences. So, if you are going to do this kind of serious inner work, it is best to do it with a partner, guide, or psychological professional.
The dream journal is the most critical step in building an accurate dream interpretation dictionary a-z.
2) Look for Patterns and Symbols
Patterns appear in many ways, so we start with the handwriting you use to record the dream. Believe it or not, this can hold vital clues to spiritual dreams and their meanings. This is why it is crucial to handwrite your journal.
“No dream symbol can be separated from the individual who dreams it, and there is no definite or straightforward interpretation of any dream.” — Carl Jung
First, look at your handwriting itself. Look at how you write when you are recording the dream.
- Look at the size spacing and slant of the letters.
- The pressure of your writing.
- Do you use cursive or print, or do you mix the two?
What does it tell you? Graphology is a whole science, which is the study of handwriting. You can find some free resources online that explain enough about determining the writer’s mood.
In what order do the symbols in your dreams occur?
- Next, look at the length content of the dream.
- Do the symbols appear in the same order?
- Do the symbols appear in dream fragments?
- Are there different variations of the same symbol? For instance, a teddy bear or a mean grizzly bear?
- Be mindful that variations in context can change spiritual dreams and their meaning.
Do your dreams have a common theme?
For example, are all of your dreams about work situations? Or, do your dreams cycle in patterns between work, living in outer space, and being chased by bears? Many people have had a dream of falling. The feeling of weightlessness is terrifying. What is often the most important part is what happened before the fall.
Are typologies and symbols combined in some way?
Maybe your dreams start to combine symbols and typologies. So, now you notice that your boss is always a grizzly bear when you have your dreams about work. That’s what we mean by a pattern and symbols.
Review a Beastiary for symbols that resonate.
This isn’t so much a way to find the meaning of the symbol but a way to probe our memory to see if it connects to something. It could be a symbol attached to something in a dream or our experience.
3) Ask Yourself What the Patterns or Symbols Mean
You can look up the traditional meaning of bears, which may not resonate with you. The key to interpreting dreams’ spiritual meaning lies in your relationship with the symbols you encounter.
For example, in American Native culture, the bear symbolizes strength. If you grew up in the 1950s and 60s, there were cartoons and TV shows that featured bears. The TV show Gentle Ben featured a trained bear who protected his friend, a young boy. The TV cartoons Huckleberry The Hound and Yogi The Bear portrayed the bear as “carefree and silly.”
Interpreting dreams’ spiritual meaning always takes you back to your life experiences. If you had an experience of a bear attacking your campsite, the symbolism would be much different. The bear would represent danger. Likewise, the symbolism would be different if you have or had a relative with the nickname bear. It would depend on your relationship. If the relative were kind, then the symbolism of the bear would be kindness. But, if they were abusive or harmful, the symbolism would represent fear and anger.
The context in which the bear appears is also important. If the bear appears only in the distance and isn’t aggressive, that would impact the meaning. How does this make you feel? Are you sad because the bear is in the distance, representing the lost relationship? Or are you glad the bear is in the distance because the bear represents someone who treated you poorly?
If the bear was chasing you, that changes the typology. How do these situations make you feel? Are you playing with the bear, and that’s why it’s chasing you? Or are you running in fear? All of these factors change spiritual dreams and their meanings. It is common for these experiences to contain parts of a larger message.
Let’s say the bear in your dreams appears in everyday social situations. Other people in the dream treat them like another person. If the bear acts like a person, eating using utensils and drinking from a glass, that’s a strong indication that the bear symbolizes a person.
The question is, how does this situation make you feel? Does it seem normal? Or do you feel trepidation or fear that the bear will attack someone?
Time and experience will change the meaning of the symbols in your dream interpretation dictionary a-z. If you learn how to change them, you can turn them into lessons that help you now and in the future.
You can also directly influence the dream experience by practicing lucid dreaming techniques. Lucid dreaming does not change the meaning of the symbolism in your dreams. It helps you control the situation and your emotional reaction. After you practice lucid dreaming, you can stop the grizzly bear from attacking you. Thus turning a nightmare into an encounter with the bear.
4) Compare Your Meaning with Traditional Typologies
The last step is to compare your meaning with the typical typology. Our example of the bear shows how we explore our psyche’s symbolism. We’ve already mentioned the stereotypical typology of strength. The bear is also seen as wise and protective. Does this symbolism resonate with you, or is it something else?
As you analyze and unravel the messages of your dreams, the dream interpretations a-z will change. As you understand the dream’s meaning, your dreams will likely change. Instead of the bear appearing masked in symbolism, it will become the person or persons the symbol represents.
“I can conclude that many dreams are clearly written, but there are some in which one meets distortions to decipher. And it is knowing when one must prefer one or the other… or a combination of the two, that remains one of the important elements of the art of dream interpretation.” — Erich Fromm
Comparing your meaning and that of other sources is simply a crosscheck. It may help trigger different aspects of your dreams. It is improbable that your dreams’ meaning will match the typology’s traditional definition. You only do this last step to see if it adds anything to your general interpretation. In some cases, there are vague similarities between the typologies.
Final Notes
Take your time building your dream interpretation dictionary a-z. Don’t skip steps. The longer you keep a dream journal, the more data you will compile, which will improve the accuracy of your interpretation. Eventually, you’ll be able to identify the meaning of all the symbols and typologies in the landscape of your dream world. Investigating spiritual dreams and their meanings will become an adventure.
If you have any questions or concerns about the process, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Additional Resources
Here are some other resources you can use to help in creating your dream dictionary:
1. DreamMoods.com. This is a website with a dream interpretation dictionary listing words and their meanings. It also provides explanations of the spiritual aspects and symbolism behind different dream scenarios.
2. The Dream Book: A Guide to the Secret World of Dreams by Betty Bethards is another good guide to different symbols and themes in dreams.
3. Dream Dictionary: A to Z Guide to Understanding Your Unconscious Mind by Tony Crisp. This book provides an alphabetical guide to interpreting different symbols and offers spiritual insights into the messages that our dreams are trying to convey.
4. Dream Dictionary for Dummies by Penney Peirce. This beginner-friendly guide breaks down the complexities of dream interpretation. It provides a list of words with common meanings.
5. The Complete Dream Dictionary: A Bedside Guide to Knowing What Your Dreams Mean by Pamela Ball. This work provides an extensive list of keywords and phrases. It is easy to navigate and offers spiritual interpretations. This dictionary helps find the hidden meanings of common dream scenarios.