Soul Tests and Trials The Great Spiritual Experiment for Self-Discovery Soul Self-Reflection Journey

Soul Tests and Trials — The Great Spiritual Experiment for Self-Discovery

What are soul tests and trials, and the great spiritual experiment for self-discovery? It pays to know the answers to these questions. You are already participating, so it makes sense to learn the rules of this unique adventure.

An experiment tests ideas, techniques, products, and processes. It is a way of seeing how something behaves that has not yet been finalized. Laboratory testing when something is tested under controlled conditions. However, field testing is collecting a sample of data from the population.

Soul tests and trials are the challenging experiences and obstacles we encounter in life. If you learn the lesson of the experience, you grow and evolve. Life acts as a crucible, refining our character, testing our resilience. This process can lead to greater self-awareness and inner strength. They are the universe’s way of ensuring we learn what we were set out to learn. These tests are struggles often disguised as everyday struggles.

The Soul Self-Reflection Journey

Welcome to the quest of self-discovery. We discover ourselves through soul tests and trials. Delve into the depths of your character, unearthing hidden beliefs and motivations. This journey will reveal strengths, exposes weaknesses, and illuminate desires. As you navigate your sacred ground, heightened self-awareness emerges. Personal growth flourishes, empowering you to make wiser choices and embrace authenticity. Welcome to the soul self-reflection journey.

This quest isn’t for the faint of heart. This path will challenge your patience, resilience, and strength. If you learn the lessons in these soul tests and trials, you will gain the prize of wisdom.  The great spiritual experiment for self-discovery is underway. So, buckle up and get ready to dive into the challenges and opportunities for growth.

Life is the ultimate virtual experience. It’s a personal quest conducted within a holographic universe to learn life lessons. It is so realistic that most people don’t know what they call reality, just an elaborate holographic experiment.

Now, since you are already taking part in this crazy experiment, you might as well learn all the rules so you know how to play. Sorry, there’s no backing out now. If you are reading this, you are a part in the soul self-reflection journey.

Life is but an endless series of experiments. — Mahatma Gandhi

The Great Spiritual Experiment for Self-Discovery

Nietzsche describes life as a series of questions and experiments which lead to self-discovery. At this point, it doesn’t matter if you choose to be a part of it or not. You are in it anyway. You can worry about it and philosophize about it all you want, but it won’t change the fact that you are here. It’s a great opportunity.

Meaning and morality of One’s life come from within oneself. Healthy, strong individuals seek self-expansion by experimenting and by living dangerously.  Life consists of an infinite number of possibilities, and the healthy person explores as many of them as possible.  Religions that teach pity, self-contempt, humility, self-restraint, and guilt are incorrect. The good life is ever-changing, challenging, devoid of regret, intense, creative, and risky. — Friedrich Nietzsche

The great spiritual experiment of self-discovery is being conducted in a random sample of the universe. As participants in the field test, we have a limited line of sight. From our observations within the experiment, we know it comprises ten simple articles:

The Ten Soul Tests and Trials

Article One

Some think the outcome of the soul self-reflection journey is predetermined, but others believe it is just chance and chaos. The most popular opinion is that it is a bit of both. There are several variables, resources, and lessons in the experiment. You may as well learn the rules of this experiment to get the most out of this adventure.

You may not remember signing up for this adventure we call life, but that’s what makes it fun. You may “think” it’s all just an unpredictable mess when you probably signed up for most of the “really freaky” stuff.

If you are a fan of the movie Forrest Gump, you understand that life is a combination of chaos, uncertainty, planning, and fate. It is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you will get.

Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. — Forrest Gump

Article Two

You receive a biodegradable container, and it is the only one you get for the duration of the experiment. You can’t turn it in for a better one.    This container houses your consciousness, and you may like it or not, but you cannot exchange it (see Article One). Unfortunately, the container is programmed to wear out and fail. You just don’t know when.

You are a ghost riding a meat-covered skeleton without a clue about what will happen next. This dilemma is one of the great spiritual trials or tests that motivate spiritual exploration.

We need one another. There’s no reason to judge. People are more fragile than you could possibly imagine. — Jamie Tworkowski

The expiration date of your container is generally not known. Several factors affect the durability and longevity of your unit. Most units have built-in imperfections. Plus, unforeseen circumstances like accidents and disease can reduce the unit’s life. All these factors cause the unit to fail. (see Article One).

Article Three

The goal of this adventure isn’t to have fun—sorry about that. The primary purpose of the soul self-reflection journey is to learn lessons. There are lots of things to learn and understand. You might get an opportunity, like falling in love, for instance. However, some of these lessons are unpleasant, like losing a loved one (see Article One).

But each day of the experiment, you will have opportunities. The great spiritual trial or test will always lead to lessons. Every one of the challenges, trials, and tests is designed for you. You need to figure them out, and there isn’t a cheat sheet available. Every day, you are the oldest you’ve ever been, which presents new challenges. The great spiritual experiment for self-discovery is constantly changing.

If you are born into or fall into a religion, that’s part of the lesson you choose. The object of this puzzle is to find your way out. Don’t be upset about this. You probably do not remember that you picked the lessons you wanted to learn before the start of this experiment. (see Article One). A lot of people get stuck here. It takes a certain level of courage and awareness to climb out of religion (See Article Six regarding awareness.)

The adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow. The nature of life is to change. The challenge of life is to overcome. The essence of life is to care. The opportunity of like is to serve. The secret of life is to dare. The spice of life is to befriend. The beauty of life is to give. — William Arthur Ward

Article Four

To emphasize the importance of lessons, we often get to repeat them. Sometimes, they are repeated because you did not grasp full meaning. Or perhaps, as part of the plan for your quest, you wanted to emphasize the learning aspect (see Article One).

There is no shortcut to life. To the end of our days, life is a lesson imperfectly learned. — Harrison Salisbury

The experiment has several known flaws which will probably never be fixed. Sometimes, lessons are repeated for no reason at all.

Plus, “the chaos factor” is also built into this adventure just to mix things up. It makes things happen randomly to keep things interesting. And, sometimes, lessons are repeated because of the Synchronicity Programming Error. Remember, the great spiritual trial or test is in the experimental phase, so some glitches need to be worked out.

Some people are just addicted to unpleasant experiences. That’s why we like scary movies. You may be attracted to the wrong type of people because they mirror something in you. It’s up to you to figure this stuff out during the experiment.

If you can’t find a lesson, perhaps it’s just a programming error. After all, this is a complex system, and bugs are constantly being discovered and repaired. Did we mention it’s always in Beta release mode?

Article Five

Many of your decisions have unintended consequences. This experiment is made with constantly changing variables, so there’s no way for you to get it right every time. This provides more opportunities to learn. Isn’t that great?

It’s important to remember the big picture; there are no mistakes. This spiritual experiment for self-discovery is simply a continuing litany of variables that provide lessons (see Articles One, Three, and Four and, of course, the Synchronicity Programming Error).

I believe that life is chaotic, a jumble of accidents, ambitions, misconceptions, bold intentions, lazy happenstances, and unintended consequences.  Yet, I also believe that there are connections that illuminate our world, revealing its endless mystery and wonder. — David Maraniss

Article Six

This is “the awareness catch.” You must be “aware” enough to learn and understand the lessons (see Articles One and Four). Lessons and learning opportunities come in various ways. Some lessons are straightforward and clear, but some are not.

That means if you aren’t aware enough to understand the lesson, you will keep repeating the situation or decision until you finally “wake up.” No part of the experiment does not contain lessons of some sort. You may as well awaken and make the most of this fantastic learning opportunity.

Article Seven

There is no reset button (see Article One). Other situations may look better than where you are. But if, and when, the “there” becomes “here,” you will see another “there” that looks better than “here.” Whether you think you can or think you can’t get “there,” you will be right in either case. (If you don’t understand this article, see Article Six).

Article Eight

All things and people in the great spiritual experiment are a mirror of your nature. You cannot love or hate something about another thing or person unless it reflects something that exists within you. Some people can help you learn your lessons, and some are distractions. Your fundamental nature is a state of happiness, so you don’t need things to be joyful; all you’ll need to do is to be yourself. Don’t f__k this part up.

Article Nine

It’s a scavenger hunt of sorts. The problem is you don’t know exactly what you are trying to find. You begin with just three states of consciousness: waking, dreaming, and sleeping. However, there are other states. You need to find and use several tools to help you wake up and become more (and more) “aware.” The more “aware” you are (See Article Six), the greater your understanding of the lessons in the great spiritual trial or test.

All the tools are already on your mind’s hard drive. These essential tools are part of your operating system. They include your intuition and other doors to non-ordinary states of consciousness. Other people may also be available to help you find these doors. Others can walk the path with you, but it’s your path, and the steps you take are yours alone (see Article One).

Don’t miss the opportunity to seek other states of consciousness. If you miss the opportunity to open the door to other states of awareness, you’ll miss more than half of the options available. If you don’t do this, you will automatically reincarnate into the most elemental form of consciousness, and that’s why there are many rocks.

Article Ten

What is the meaning of this crazy spiritual experiment? The meaning of life is in the soul self-reflection journey. It’s unique for everyone. This meaning of this quest is not bestowed by an imaginary power, nor is it something we can deduce by reason. It is a mystical experience of consciousness. Enjoy the journey.

Who or what is conducting this test? The universe.

Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning, and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer. — Joseph Campbell

In Conclusion


Life is an experimental journey undertaken involuntarily. It is a journey of the spirit through the material world and, since it is the spirit that travels, it is the spirit that is experienced. That is why there are contemplative souls who have lived more intensely, more widely, more tumultuously than others who have lived their lives purely externally. The result is what matters. What one felt was what one experienced. One retires to bed as wearily from having dreamed as from having done hard physical labor. One never lives so intensely as when one has been thinking hard. — Fernando Pessoa


Look in the mirror and think about it.