Learn why losing your faith in God is the best thing that can happen to you. It starts with understanding how belief and confidence differ. Religion turns belief into loyal customers by confusing these two. Are you ready for this adventure?
We can infuse words with almost any meaning. The study of how languages attach meaning to terms is known as semantics. When someone says it’s just semantics, they argue the words mean the same thing. However, religious faith and confidence are not the same.
How Belief and Confidence Differ
Confidence is a high degree of certainty that something will happen. We can test this degree of certainty with data. For instance, there is a high degree of certainty or probability that the sun will rise and set today. We build this degree of confidence in the evidence of sunrises and sunsets. Belief is the acceptance that something is true, even though it lacks credible proof.
Faith and belief are tools religion uses as substitutes for facts and evidence. It often starts with imaginary friends and enemies or Gods and Devils. So, it’s important to learn why losing your faith in God releases you from the dangerous practice of magical thinking.
Magical thinking is a brainwashing tool. It uses faith in myths to promote delusional thinking, which overrides our common sense and moral compass.
“Any man who stands for progress has to criticize, disbelieve, and challenge every item of the old faith. Item by item, he has to reason out every nook and corner of the prevailing faith. If, after considerable reasoning, one is led to believe in any theory or philosophy, his faith is welcomed. His reasoning can be mistaken, wrong, misled, and sometimes fallacious. But he is liable to correction because reason is the guiding star of his life. But mere faith and blind faith is dangerous: it dulls the brain and makes a man reactionary.” — Bhagat Singh
What is The Best Thing That Can Happen To You
Our natural expectation in life is to achieve the best outcome. The most favorable outcome is the preferred result given any set of circumstances. If you are in a harmful situation, then freedom from that dangerous situation is the best outcome.
Magical thinking takes this natural inclination beyond the extreme. It presupposes that our imaginary friend can alter reality to suit our will, which is delusional thinking.
Delusional or “magical thinking” is a tactic organized religion uses to manipulate people. Being freed from this delusion will put your life on solid ground. Losing that which confines and binds the mind is good, but your local religion doesn’t like this. They will fight to keep you a loyal, paying customer.
You might learn why losing your faith is part of your spiritual journey. It starts with understanding how culture twists our confidence so it can control our thinking. Let’s look at how this happens and then outline the benefits of losing religious beliefs. Last, we’ll look at the simple processes and tools you’ll need to free your mind and soul.
The Slippery Slope of Faith and Belief
Faith begins with believing imaginary friends and enemies are real. It seems innocent enough on the surface. But this is also the door that makes the mind susceptible to other baseless ideas. If you can accept that an imaginary friend exists, believing in an imaginary enemy becomes easy.
Freeing the mind starts with losing your faith in God. And this is why Western religion works so hard to reinforce the need for their imaginary friend. It’s the basic concept of the black-and-white fallacy underlying dualism.
Dualism is an oversimplified way to categorize perception. This ideological point of view acts like blinders. It allows people to ignore or reject any information by setting boundaries around their worldview. Dualism reinforces the programming that religious prejudice is not only acceptable but required.
Mitigated dualism is at the core of the Semitic religions, which are the Abrahamic cults of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. It’s a belief system where one fictional entity asserts its superiority over a second. They didn’t create this flawed, often contradictory and illogical doctrine. They adopted it along with the superstition and mythology of earlier traditions. These religions are copies of Assyrian, Persian, and Babylonian mystery religions.
This flawed philosophy contains many contradictions and illogical premises. And it’s why these religions need interpreters, priests, and teachers. They need to explain away the problems inherent in the system. They use groupthink manipulation tactics to present mythology as fact.
So, if someone doesn’t believe in the same imaginary friend, they are unacceptable. And the slippery slope continues downward. Once they are accepted, it justifies discrimination, prejudice, and bias. By accepting religious prejudice, you can justify your actions as the dictates of God. Now, you are free to commit all kinds of harmful acts with a clear conscience. These include everything from genocide, racial and ethnic, to gender mutilation and discrimination. However, these actions are okay because their belief system says they are acceptable.
The more you expose yourself to religious indoctrination, the more susceptible you become. This is the design of the slippery slope of faith and belief. It’s why many cults have several meetings a week, sometimes even several times a day.
Learn Why Losing Your Faith in God is Important
Sometimes, a picture can instantly convey the idea. What is the difference between faith and confidence? When I get this question, I think of the image above. It contrasts mythology and science. Of course, the top portion is the famous picture by Leonardo Da Vinci of “The Last Supper.” The bottom part is the same scene but with prominent scientists who have positively impacted the world.
The benefits of living your life free of mythology and superstition are far-reaching. It starts with you. Without the artificial boundaries imposed by religion, you will see the world much differently. It will make you a freethinker who can see things from a universal perspective instead of a tribal worldview.
With a universal perspective, you can make better decisions that will benefit you and everyone in your circle of influence. Your circle of influence is far greater than you realize. Everything we do has a ripple effect on the lives of those we touch.
Losing your faith in God is the best thing that can happen to you and everyone in your circle of influence. It is healthy for you and the world.
Faith and belief are boundaries. The fewer limitations you have, the more clearly you can think. When you see the bias and prejudice that underlies your thinking, then you can change it. Clarifying your thinking benefits you and everyone in your circle of influence.
The Benefits Resulting From The Loss of Religious Beliefs
Understanding why losing faith in God is important. It makes the journey of change worth the effort. Changing your fundamental beliefs is like going through withdrawal from any addiction. Here are the benefits.
1. Becoming a Freethinker. Losing religious beliefs encourages tolerance and acceptance of diverse perspectives. Freethinkers use logic and common sense and develop keen observational skills. They learn to harness intuitive thinking and instinctual awareness.
2. Return to Our Original State of Innocence. We are born without beliefs, making us natural-born atheists. Overcoming the myth of religion allows us to return to a state of innocence. We leave behind the fears that maintain our beliefs. With this spiritual innocence, we explore our spirituality without religion getting in the way.
3. Personal Growth and New Perspectives. Without the burden of religion, we can reflect on our beliefs, values, and life goals. This helps us set personal growth plans and develop a clearer self-identity. When our perspective is no longer confined within religious boundaries, we are free to explore new philosophies. We have the freedom to align with positive, inclusive beliefs and values.
4. Increased Resilience. Losing faith myths builds psychological resilience. We can then use modern scientific advances to overcome challenges. Resilience makes us more adaptable.
5. Self-Discovery and Freedom. Freeing the mind from magical thinking allows us to adopt rational methods of self-discovery. This freedom of thought enables us to question deeply held beliefs. We can explore our identity without the constraints of religious bias.
6. More Authentic lifestyle. Without the pressure to conform to religious expectations, you become more authentic. You can live in a way that reflects your true values, leading to greater integrity and personal satisfaction. Authentic relationships are built on mutual respect and understanding, free from religious constraints.
7. Critical Thinking. Losing faith means rejecting magical thinking. We learn to use logical and analytical methods to make decisions. Today, these skills are invaluable for making informed decisions and understanding complex issues.
8. Emotional Healing and compassion. The loss of religious beliefs leads to emotional healing by releasing guilt, fear, or shame. Emotional health cultivates empathy and compassion for others.
9. Greater Sense of Agency. Freeing oneself from religious dogma enhances a sense of agency. We learn the benefits of taking responsibility for our actions and decisions, leading to a more autonomous and empowered life.
10. Open-Mindedness and Intellectual Freedom. Losing religious beliefs encourages open-mindedness and exploring new ideas. It provides intellectual freedom to question, learn, and grow, leading to a deeper understanding of the world.
11. Community Building. While initially isolating, losing religious connections can lead to more healthy connections. You are free to find communities with shared beliefs and values, which can provide support and a sense of belonging.
12. Inner Peace and Clarity of Purpose. Living outside religious frameworks helps us find true inner peace. We no longer need reinforcing indoctrination, a substitute for happiness and joy. By living authentically, we live with inner peace. This freedom allows us to explore spirituality or secular interests without fear of divine judgment. It’s a mindset that brings clarity of purpose.
13. Personal Empowerment and Responsibility. Losing faith often leads to a stronger sense of personal responsibility and empowerment. We take full accountability for our decisions without attributing actions to divine will. This promotes more ethical and thoughtful behavior. When you trust your judgment and intuition, it results in greater confidence and autonomy.
14. Spiritual Exploration is about intellectual and spiritual growth. The loss of religious beliefs opens the door to exploring other spiritual or secular paths. This allows us to discover new practices and create our own spiritual path.
15. Reduced Fear of Judgment. Losing the burden of religion frees you from the fear of judgment. You are not subject to irrational fear from a higher power. Living without fear gives us greater self-acceptance and confidence. Without worrying about divine retribution, we can live more freely and authentically.
16. Improved Mental Health. Releasing the mind from religious guilt, fear, and beliefs eases stress and anxiety. A healthy mind promotes healthy thinking and decisions.
17. Clarity of Purpose and Adaptability. Leaving behind magical thinking brings clarity of purpose as you define your own meaning in life. It enhances adaptability, making it easier to adjust to change and embrace new experiences.
18. Self-Reliance. Without relying on a higher power for guidance, you develop a stronger sense of self-reliance and independence. Trusting your rational abilities leads to greater personal strength and resilience.
19. Ethical Living. Losing faith encourages ethical living based on personal principles rather than religious doctrines. You can develop a moral framework that reflects your values and beliefs, leading to actions consistent with your sense of right and wrong.
20. Connection with nature. Without religious narratives, we find a stronger connection with nature and the universe. This connection gives us a sense of wonder and respect for the environment, leading to a deeper appreciation for life and the present moment. Without the promise of an afterlife, we focus more on cherishing our current experiences. Focusing on the present results in a more fulfilling and joyful life.
How to Lose Your Religion
1. Test Your Path
The first thing we recommend you do is to prove your path. I test my path regularly. See if your spiritual direction will make you the person who leaves a positive mark on this world. Testing is how to find a just and verdant belief system. It is the only way to get where you want to go in your spiritual work.
We also recommend you use the practical strategy of using emotional checks. It’s a proven strategy to help you stay on track and clear-headed. It is essential when you walk on the sacred ground of your worldview.
2. Question the Cultural Narrative
Next, become like a child. Learn to ask questions again. If you ask any pastor, preacher, or priest, they will tell you that young children ask the most challenging questions. Many Sunday school teacher learns to lose their faith because of children’s insightful questions. If God is all-powerful, why doesn’t he kill Satan? Why are there so many versions of our perfect religion? If God loves and forgives everyone, why did he create Hell?
So, learn to question the cultural narrative. It is not your fault if you are a victim of systematic indoctrination as a child. However, you are responsible for correcting this negative programming as an adult. Otherwise, you will perpetuate negative prejudice and bias.
“Religious people claim that it’s just the fundamentalists of each religion that cause problems. But, there’s got to be something wrong with the religion itself if those who strictly adhere to its most fundamental principles are violent bigots and sexists.” — David G. Mcafee
3. Focus On Consciousness Development
What is the best thing that can happen to you? It is to become a better person. The world needs people able to think and solve problems. It’s good for you and the world. So, focus on developing and developing your awareness. Find tools to enhance your ability to learn and to think critically. Find teachers who can show you ways to expand your awareness and investigate higher states. Don’t fall into the trap of becoming a follower.
Create your path. All you need are tools, not faith and belief. You can have confidence in the time-tested tools of spiritual exploration.
4. Repair Harmful Programming
There are several tools that can help you identify and repair harmful beliefs and values. One of the easiest ways is to avoid the sources of the slippery slope of faith and belief.
Using tools to explore consciousness and expand awareness frees your mind. They unlock the gifts of your spirit locked in your DNA. We divide these tools into four major categories:
Many of these techniques can be learned by reading, and you’ll find many on our website. However, some of the more advanced techniques benefit from personal instruction. We offer virtual learning events that can be tailored to any experience level.
In Conclusion
The loss of religious beliefs is the best thing that can happen to you and the world. Don’t fall down the slippery slope of faith and belief. They lead to damaging bigotry and prejudice. Organized religion is the machine pushing this negative programming. So, please prioritize losing your faith in God and your imaginary enemies. You can do it. Help make the world a better place to live.