Many indigenous cultures use wisdom and insight from spirit animal symbolism in spirituality and rituals. The shamanic journey is the portal through which we can connect with these typologies. Many belief systems believe in spirit entities, which range from ancestors, guides, and saints to evil entities.
We have a body, but we are spirit. So. it’s natural to be curious about spirit guides. Spirit Guides are a part of our cultural folklore. Religions talk about different spiritual entities, demons, shades, and angles.
Much of what we believe about spirit beings comes from folklore. Our task is to help spiritual travelers sort out the facts to make informed decisions on this subject.
Here’s our approach to this task: First, we will look at the origins. Then, we will take a brief tour of how Western organized religion handles this subject. Finally, we’ll address the most asked questions. So, here we go.
How to Find Your Spirit Animal Guide
Let’s start our discussion by answering some crucial questions. First, what are spirits? They are entities without material form. Many people believe in good and evil spiritual beings. For instance, there are guardian angels and protective energies. Then there are also evil spirits or demons.
Beliefs about spirits come from the folklore of the early indigenous cultures; cultural legend becomes a part of religion through cultural programming, and this programming is assimilated. It depends on several factors. These include:
1. the level of indoctrination
2. the freedom of thought in their social sphere
3. and educational background.
Are you interested in contacting your spirit guides? Spirit guides are friendly spiritual life forces that give us advice and guidance on dealing with our challenges as spiritual beings living in a material world. These guides are indispensable when you traverse the imaginary landscape of the Shamanic Journey.
In many shamanic worldviews, some guides are known as guardians. These are scary in appearance. However, they keep people from going to places they shouldn’t go, so their intent is to protect. These guides are just one type of spirit in the spirit world.
Another way to understand them is energy vibration. Science tells us everything from a rock to sunlight has a vibrational frequency, which means everything is alive, including the spiritual beings of our inner world.
Many people who do not follow a religion also believe in spiritual entities. They may prefer to call them unseen supernatural and paranormal forces. It is also common for people to think they link with their ancestors. Contacting spirit guides transcends religion. It stretches back in time to the earliest cultures.
The Insight from Spirit Animal Symbolism in Spirituality — Animism
The subject of spirits leads us to animism (1). Animism is the concept that everything has a living spiritual force, a soul. Ancient cultures sought ways to connect with this essence, one way being spirit entities.
Some people love lists of things. It would be impossible to list every type of spirit and spirit guide. However, there are texts from the Middle Ages known as Bestiaries (2), which contain drawings and explanations for many things natural and supernatural.
The insight from spirit animal symbolism is contained in these bestiaries. Libraries have reproductions of these ancient catalogs. If your local library doesn’t have one, they can order one or more for you. If you find one you like, you can also buy reproductions.
These documents are a rich source of knowledge about mythology and superstition, connecting objects with their ancient meaning. Be aware the meaning of some animals has evolved. Also, those from Asia and the Middle East contain different meanings than those from authors in the West.
Spirit Animal Symbolism in the Abrahamic Paradigm?
The Abrahamic religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (3). These religions are the rebranding of Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, and Assyrian mystery religions. Today, there are over 10,000 versions of these religions (4).
These belief systems address the idea of spirits in different ways. They reject the anthropomorphic symbolism found in most other cultures. In this paradigm, to find your spirit animal guide, you must go outside the umbrella of the belief system. So, you’ll be a heretic or transgressor.
The Church has a somewhat contorted relationship with the concept of spirit guides. For instance, Catholicism promotes praying to Saints. Saints come in two types: those who have done outstanding service for the Church and those tortured to death as heretics. They also seek spiritual guidance from Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Christian sects contact the Holy Spirit using various types of rituals and prayer. For example, charismatic or word-of-faith movements use praise and worship sessions to reach a trance-like state, while in this trance, they speak in unknown languages (gibberish). Some people fall on the floor in a hypnotic state, and some act like animals, barking like dogs or acting like monkeys. The main reasons for doing this are for healing or prosperity.
Islam also has its guardian angels. They do not pray to them but acknowledge them by looking at their left and right shoulders where these spirit guides, Kiraman Katibin (5), sit. Muslims believe these guardian angels will report to God at the end of their lives. Whether God sends their soul to heaven or hell for eternity depends on the report of these guardian spirits.
“Angels take turns around you, some at night and some by day. And all of them assemble at the same time of the Fajr and ‘Asr prayers. Then those who have stayed with you throughout the night ascend to Allah, who asks them… ‘How have you left my servants?’ They reply, ‘As we have found them praying, we have left them praying.” — Bukhari Hadith 10:530, narrated by Abu Huraira
Islam also has its evil spirits, known as Jinn. This class of entities is similar to demons in the Christian belief system. As spirit guides, they inspire everything from poetry to evil deeds. The Jinn are the al-ghaib, the unseen. Their abilities differ depending on the teacher or sect. Some Islamic scholars think Jinn can possess (6) people, while others do not believe it is possible (7).
This belief system is the predecessor of Christianity and Islam. Jews believe in connecting with ancestors, angels, or guides. They also think there are both good and evil spirits, so connecting with a companion is essential. So, they use a Mashpia, or spiritual teacher, to lead acolytes in a guided visualization to ensure they meet good spirits, not bad.
For example, an Ibbur (8) is a good spirit. These spirits inhabit a person for a specific period to complete a task. They are an extra soul, but this kind of possession is a good thing. Once this quest or mission is complete, they leave.
In contrast, they also have evil spirits. For instance, a Dybbuk (9) is the soul of someone who did something terrible. It can not enter Gehenna for purification. Since it can’t go to heaven or hell, it roams the Earth searching for someone to possess, looking for someone otherwise vulnerable.
People are vulnerable when undergoing some transition in life, such as those about to marry, prepare for a bar mitzvah, or be pregnant are susceptible to possession. Once it finds a suitable match, it will attach itself to its soul. This type of possession isn’t a good thing for either party.
Mainstream Judaism does not believe in demons in the same way as Christianity. However, several influential Rabbinical sources support evil beings like Golem and Dybbuk. They believe many of these beings are among us, but they have less influence on Christians unless we allow them.
“If the eye had the power to see them, no creature could endure the demons. Abaye says: They are more numerous than we are and they surround us like the ridge around a field.” — Abba Benjamin, Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Berakoth
Shamanic Journey — Find your Spirit Animal Guide
The shamanic journey predates Western religion. It’s one of the first spiritual processes going back eons, and you can find this practice on every continent. The primary process has undergone a rebranding effort to make it palatable for Western consumers. Today, people call it guided meditation or creative visualization.
The Shamanic Journey opens a doorway to a unique state of consciousness, allowing one to reach our spirit guides. Michael Harner (10) is an anthropologist, author, and modern-day Shaman. He calls this state “The Shamanic State of Consciousness” (SSC). In this state, brainwaves are the theta-wavelength around 4 to 7Hz. SSC is a tool to heal the mind, body, and spirit. This state presents in many forms. There are both seated and moving types of SSC. The wisdom and insight from spirit animal symbolism in spirituality comes from this ancient practice.
The Shamanic Journey is, without a doubt, the safest method for contacting your spirit guides. If a qualified teacher is available, all the better. However, it is effective and safe to journey alone. People have been practicing this method for eons before Western theology.
All that’s needed is the right audio drum track. This process affords the most control over what happens and the duration of time in SSC. Using a recording gives you the ability to journey almost anywhere for any length of time, and we’ll provide some resources at the end of the article. You can learn how to find your spirit animal guide on your own.
The Modern Spiritualist Movement
Now, let’s look at how one of the later movements capitalized on contacting spirits and other types of guides.
The Modern Spiritualism movement (11) is a semi-religious forerunner of the Christian Faith movement. It began in the late 1800s. For a price, a spiritualist could contact the spirits of the dead on your behalf.
In short, it’s parlor entertainment for wealthy socialites, which included mystical practices, séances, spirit channeling, fortune-telling, tarot card readings, and divination. This movement only serves to cloud the information about spirit guides. However, several people became wealthy and famous, like Kate and Margaret Fox.
The Fox sisters (1814-1892) (12) set the bar high for showmanship. More and more people became mediums and spiritualists. Channeling took on new heights with Esther Hicks (13) and Abraham. Séances and automatic writing became staples on the spiritualist tour, and this lucrative showmanship caught the eye of the early Christian faith movement. The stage theatrics of these con men and women are still in use today.
We bring up this sidebar because of the confusion this movement creates around the subject of spirit guides. The spiritualism movement has also undergone several rebranding efforts. This type of spiritual grandstanding is part of many popular Faith Christan Churches. The Toronto Airport Vineyard, for instance. They would become drunk “in the spirit” and mimic animals like dogs barking. Then, others would interpret the animal noises of the congregation. Many feel that both movements are the same counterfeits, which only exist to make money from their showmanship.
Animal Wisdom in Spirituality
Next, we’ll cover the most asked questions about this subject. It would take a book series of several volumes to answer every question. If we can’t answer you, chances are one of our readers may do so. Keep in mind that there is a great deal of folklore about spirits. It’s common to find the exact opposite meaning and answer the same question depending on the worldview.
Animal wisdom in spirituality often reflects basic typologies and characteristics. For example, traditionally, the owl represents wisdom, but if you have personal experiences with owls, you may assign a different meaning.
The Origins of Spirits and Animal Symbolism in Spirituality
The idea of spiritual entities as guides comes from shamanism. It inspires all the concepts of the spiritual world found in Western religion. It represents a significant common discovery among people investigating consciousness. Somehow, people on every continent upon the same formula for altering awareness through sound. It’s more than a coincidence. It provides proof of a shared spiritual realm.
What is the Safest Way to Find Your Spirit Guides?
Safety depends on two factors: your mental health and the proper method. Good mental health is a necessity. If you are under treatment for any mental health issue, consult your physician before trying this. In other words, if you know you are bat-shit crazy, don’t attempt this.
Second, use a safe method. If you want to know how to find your spirit animal, use the tried-and-true method. We find the Shamanic Journey or guided meditation provides the safest way. Experienced personal instruction is the best. However, several good books with CDs that have drum tracks are excellent choices for many people. Do your research. The more you know, the better. We’ll share a few of the best resources below.
If you think a live session with a shamanic teacher is the way to check references. Don’t use psychotropic drugs unless you have years of solid spiritual practice. It’s tempting for beginners to want to jump-start their practice. But we don’t recommend this approach.
You lose control of the journey’s length and depth when you use drugs. You can’t control the plant material’s potency or your reaction to substances. So, don’t jump into the deep water until you know how to float and swim in shallow water.
Can a Medium or Channel help you find Your Spirit Guides?
These are roles that come from the Modern Spiritualist Movement. The medium or channel is in complete control. Any method that depends upon an intermediary increases the risk of an unpleasant experience. A medium or channel is in control of the process. It differs from the Shaman’s role when guiding you through your journey.
You open your subconscious mind when you submit to a medium or channel. Many use self-hypnosis and group hypnosis techniques to gain control of their clients. In a state of hypnosis, people are vulnerable to hypnotic suggestions. So, we do not recommend the use of mediums and channels. It can cause more problems and roadblocks to your spiritual development. It’s a strategy to separate you from your hard-earned cash.
Can I find my Spirit Guides with Wicca or Witchcraft?
Rituals are another way to contact these spiritual entities. You’ll find the same rituals in witchcraft and shamanic practice. The most effective rituals are those you infuse with personal meaning. It’s a matter of building on the historical legacy. It pays to research the symbolism behind the practice to understand what you are doing.
Western religions still persecute those who practice any other path. Persecution is an admission that different approaches offer something of substance. The practice of what we know as witchcraft predates Western organized religion.
Witchcraft is the legacy of man’s earliest cultures and provides many things that religious doctrine does not. For instance, our modern medicines come from research by indigenous people. Their work with medicinal plants forged the way for all pharmaceuticals.
So, yes, Witchcraft and Wicca are paths to contact spirit guides. These systems use nature-based beliefs and processes known as the Craft. Many of the earliest cultures of man incorporate various rituals within their shamanic practice. It enables a systematic and repeatable way to enter SCC.
Is there a reliable spirit animal quiz online?
No, sorry. The only reliable way is to take the Shamanic Journey and seek them for yourself. Some people are surprised at the animal, plant, or insect that presents itself as a guide.
How do you find those with the same spiritual interests?
People often want to partner with others on the same quest. It’s simple. Ask the universe to help put you in touch with like-minded freethinkers. Use common sense when contacting people.
How do I connect with my Spirit Guides with the Shamanic Journey?
Words have power. That’s why they call it spelling when you write or speak to them. That being the case, choose your words carefully. Be specific about your request. Suppose you want to meet your spirit guide. Say it. I want to meet my primary spirit guide.
When you meet spirit animals or entities, test them to ensure they are friendly. Again, ask them directly, are you a friend or foe?
Be patient but persistent. Many experienced teachers will always tell you to take your time. Become familiar with the terrain of your spirit world. These spirit entities want to make sure you are ready to meet them. The animal symbolism in spirituality reflects your own psyche.
What will they look like, and how will I know them?
Spirit entities come in all shapes and sizes. They manifest as people, animals, or anthropomorphic beings, creatures with human and animal characteristics. They could be plants or trees. Some have rocks, crystals, or other precious metals as guides.
It’s important to be ready when you venture on your spiritual quest. Pay attention to everything that is going on in your journey. Watch for patterns or changes. Sometimes, guides use subtle methods to get their message across. They may also communicate with you while engaging in ordinary day-to-day activities.
Your instincts will tell if they are friendly and safe or something else.
Is there a list of Spirit Guides?
Every animal, insect, and plant is a potential spiritual guide. There are spiritual mentors, communicators, and guides for many tasks and purposes. Everything you can imagine can become a guide. They will appear when you are ready.
Your primary guides are there to protect and offer guidance, wisdom, and insight. There are also guides with specific skills. Some promote healing the mind, body, or soul. It is common to meet gatekeepers. Gatekeepers may look scary. They keep you from going places you aren’t ready to go.
How Many Spiritual Guides Can I Have?
You’ll have as many as it takes for them to fulfill the quest at hand. You may have only one or an army.
Can Your Spirit Guides Become Angry?
As we mentioned above, there are gatekeeper spirits. They appear ominous and scary. They do this to keep travelers from venturing where they should not go. If you aren’t ready, they protect you.
You’ll find many guides with distinct personalities. The more time you spend with them, the better you will understand their unique characters.
How to interpret the messages from my Spiritual Guides?
Spiritual guides will try to convey a message in a way meaningful to you. However, sometimes they speak in riddles. If the guide is an animal that doesn’t talk, they will try to convey the message with body language or sounds. When you encounter other signs, you will need to figure out what they mean. It’s important to remember only you can interpret their messages.
A knowledgeable shaman or guru won’t tell you what something means. They will ask you questions to help you find out the answers. So, you can do this on your own. Here are some questions that you can use to interpret the messages:
What is the lesson? What does this symbol mean to me? Is this similar to some other pattern or situation? What was happening either before or after I saw or heard this message? What emotions did this bring up? Is this a reoccurring message? Where were you when you received this message? What are you doing?
Meditate on it. The answer may take some time to percolate. Above all, use your spiritual journal. Be sure to record your message and thoughts about it. You may find your answer tucked away in something you wrote in the past. You may also discover a pattern, a symbol, or a thought pattern.
What about the use of the Ouija Board?
The Ouija board, or talking board, comes from the Modern Spiritualist movement, and by the 1900s, it became a part of popular culture. Child game companies began marketing them as toys. Some think they are harmless, while others see them as a doorway to evil.
One way to understand them is through the ideomotor effect. Ideo is from idea, and motor relates to muscular action. The ideomotor effect is how a subliminal suggestion creates an unconscious act. It explains the mechanics of talking boards, hypnosis, dowsing rods, and automatic writing. These are simply the reflex actions of the subconscious mind.
We see how this works with other reflex actions. For example, the body reacts to painful stimuli by pulling away. So, whether you see this to contact your ancestors, a parlor game, or a doorway to hell depends on our worldview.
Can You Use Prayer for Contacting Your spirit guides?
The short answer is no. Prayer in Western theology is a petition to a higher power. It’s asking the higher power to intervene. In contrast, the Shamanic State of Consciousness (SSC) spirit entities exist within your consciousness. It requires a process enabling you to reach SSC. So, the Western idea of prayer is not a way to do this. Many with this worldview discourage people from seeking advice outside their belief system.
If you think of prayer as an invocation, you are getting closer to using meaningful rituals. The key is understanding the symbolism of the ceremony. Indigenous cultures use specific rites for entering SSC. They often use a rattle and drum for this purpose. The tempo and volume are cues that slow or speed up heart rate and respiration.
What about Seeing Shadow People?
There is a growing trend of those who see shadow people in their peripheral vision. These experiences don’t seem to fit with any of the ancient typologies. They don’t communicate and are fleeting. Some people feel they are evil, but others say they are just curious. Perhaps they are a version of the guardian spirit? But that is a topic for another discussion.
Resources for Contacting Spirit Guides
— One of the best step-by-step books is Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner’s Guide Paperback — 2008, by Sandra Ingerman. It comes complete with a CD including drum tracks.
— Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation — 2010 By Sandra Ingerman and Hank Wesselman
— The Way of the Shaman — 1990 By Michael Harner
In Conclusion — The Wisdom and Insight of Spiritual Animals
We are spiritual beings who exist in this material world temporarily. Our essence is what we call the spirit or soul. It’s natural for us to seek spiritual help—what better source for guidance in this realm than our own spiritual advisors?
If you want to know how to find your spirit animal, we recommend using the shamanic journey process regularly. It is one of the essential tools of spiritual exploration. Don’t get sidetracked by simple online apps that set false expectations.
(1) Animism.
(2) Bestiary.
(3) Abrahamic Religions.
(4) List of religious populations.
(5) Kiraman Katibin.
(6) Jinn Possession in Islam.
(7) Differing opinions about Jinn Possession.
(8) Ibbur.
(9) Dybbuk.
(10) Michael Harner.
(11) Modern Spiritualist Movement.
(12) The Fox Sisters.
(13) Esther Hicks. fi