Understanding the Sacred Pathway Test Discover Your Sacred Pathway Traits

Understanding the Sacred Pathway Test — Discover Your Sacred Pathway Traits

Everyone who has attended school is familiar with tests. These tools measure our abilities and knowledge. One way of understanding the sacred pathway test is that it is a metaphor for the trials and tests of life. This understanding opens a path of growth and development.

A path or pathway is a road or blueprint that takes us on the best possible route from one place to another.  When someone is sacred, they have a connection with divinity or the nature of creation.

Religion attempts to usurp all things related to spirituality. It claims them so that it can sell them as its own. This is the case with the terms pathway and sacred.

Let’s Uncover Your Sacred Pathway

First things first.  Don’t get the concept of sacred pathways confused with a book by the same name written by Gary Thomas.  This book is a plagiarized version of the Enneagram typology in The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson (1999).

Thomas rebrands the Enneagram using Christanized terminology. He then renames it Sacred Pathways. The Riso and Hudson book is a better option for studying the Enneagram. There’s a better way to understand the sacredness of the pathway of life.

Understanding The Sacred Pathway Test

Let’s look at the concept of sacred pathways from a different perspective.  Let’s view the concept of sacred pathways as a metaphorical construct of life.  Our life is indeed a sacred and divine pathway.  It is a flowing landscape of experiences, emotions, and choices.  In this grand cosmic experiment, each of us follows our divine pathway in search of fulfillment.

With life seen as an examination, each trial or test serves as a guide. As we learn the lessons on the way, we become better at navigating the events of our mystical pilgrimage.  It proposes a framework for understanding the sacred pathway test of our lives.   This framework includes some basic principles.

The first thing to understand is that some people fail to grow.  Some get sidetracked by commercialism or religion.  Some people spend almost every waking hour working just to make enough to survive.  The important thing is that even if you have zero free time, you can still walk a spiritual path in life.  If nothing else, you can practice lucid dreaming; after all, everyone needs to sleep.

So, no matter how little time you have or how meager your resources are, you can still become a better person. Many of the tools we discuss can be learned in articles on our website. Here is the frame of the spiritual life.

1.  Engage in inner work
2.  View Challenges as Opportunities for Spiritual Growth
3.  Embracing Your Sacred Pathway as Lessons in Loss

Our personalities and instincts are tools of ego, which help us understand the world.  But we are talking about a universal tool that provides the programming for the mind.

Adopt a positive, skeptical mindset to open the door to a happy and fulfilling existence.  It doesn’t matter your personality type or instinctual stack.  Anyone can use these principles to make their lives better.  So, let’s dive in and discover how to seize the reins and direct our lives toward success!

What we can do is to make the best of what is happening.  It’s a shift in perspective that helps us handle the rough spots in life.

Embracing Your Sacred Pathway

uncover your sacred pathway embracing your sacred pathway

Imagine talking with a wise philosopher, a great teacher, or a Yogi.  Guess what?  A sage lives inside you.  Deep in your subconscious, your intuition resides and longs to provide valuable information.  All it takes is asking the right questions.

What do you value?  What do you believe?  Why do you have these beliefs and values?  So, write your top five personal values and five top beliefs.  Then, explain how you come to your conclusions.

Take a look at the reasons for your beliefs.  If your values are based on sectarian ideologies, that’s a problem.  Organized religion compartmentalizes people into unacceptable groups.  This is a sign of unhealthy thinking, which justifies harmful actions.  This is the result of indoctrination into magical thinkingWhat is magical thinking?  It is a mindset that places myth and superstition as superior to facts and evidence.

How do you know if you are brainwashed by this kind of thinking?  Simple.  If you have an imaginary friend called God, then you are a victim of groupthink manipulation tactics.  If this sounds like you, then using the tools we discuss will be against your beliefs.  You have two choices.  The first option is to stop here and go back to memorizing more Bible verses.  The second option is to come with us and start by challenging your beliefs.

1.  Discover Your Sacred Pathway Traits and Gifts

To embark on this sacred walk, we must find out who we are.  Then, we can decide what we want to be and where we want to go.  Inner work tools allow us to diagnose, assess, and understand our emotions, thoughts, and desires.

Diagnosis And Assess

We must first analyze where we are and where we want to go.  The Readiness to Learn tool contains several assessment tools.

The Enneagram, Cultural Questionnaire, and Symbolism Identifier teach us about our minds.  We learn how our values and beliefs are reflected in our lives.

The Comparative Analysis tool helps to investigate the origins of our beliefs.  A historical perspective helps us see how many of the religions are similar in many respects.  It is easy to see the differences between Eastern and Western philosophies and the mindsets they promote.

Meditation is the foundation of inner work.  This includes tools like the Shamanic Journey, Japa, or Transcendental Meditation.  These tools expand the bandwidth of our awareness, which promotes the use of critical thinking and logic.

With the information from these tools, you will have a blueprint of your current state.

How to Discover Your Sacred Pathway Traits and Gifts

Traits are the qualities that belong to a person.  The traits of sacred pathways are also called spiritual gifts.  These are not things that are skills you can learn; they are inherent in your DNA.  These gifts are seen as the fruit of our behaviors.  Religion confuses gifts with talents like dancing, etc.

There are more gifts than anyone can list.  These qualities of your spirit are unique.  For example, the Empath is the trait of sensing the emotions of others.  You can’t learn this ability; you either have it or you don’t.  You can learn to be more empathic and compassionate, but that doesn’t make you an Empath.

Another example is the person who can facilitate healing.  These are the natural healers who know what to do and what medicines or natural remedies are best.  You can learn to channel healing energy through tools like Reiki and Pejut, but that won’t make you a natural healer.  Natural healing is a trait.

The shamanic journey is one of the best tools to discover your sacred pathway traits and gifts.  It uses an altered state via creative visualization and rhythm.  The beat of a drum synchronizes the heartbeat, and the inward vision alters awareness.  The spiritual journey is one of the ancient typologies of consciousness that hold true today.

The path to oneness has two routes or tools.  One is through meditation, and the other is through the analytical mind.  Both of these methods also help to reveal these inner gifts.

Determine Goals

Having diagnosed and assessed our current state, it is time to make some goals for our personal, spiritual, and mental development.  Setting clear and achievable goals is crucial for guiding our journey towards growth.  When establishing goals, remember the SMART acronym.  It means to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Consider aspects such as health, relationships, career, and, of course, your sacred pathway traits.  Crafting your goals with small steps and benchmarks along the way is the best practice.  Here are five examples of personal, spiritual, and mental goals.

Personal Development Goals.
1.  Cultivate a regular self-care routine to enhance overall well-being and reduce stress.
2.  See out and develop new healthy relationships.
3.  Invesitage and add time management and organizational skills to your routine.
4.  Embrace a growth mindset to fuel continuous learning and personal growth.
5.  Embody resilience and durability.

Spiritual Development Goals.
1.  Engage in spiritual exploration and explore different spiritual methods and tools.
2.  Add meditation and mindfulness to your daily routine.
3.  Engage in acts of kindness and gratitude.  Cultivate a compassionate mindset.
4.  Practice tools for self-discovery with journaling, art, and music.
5.  Align actions with positive values and ethical principles.

Mental Development Goals.
1.  Expand intellectual horizons.  Read diverse genres and engage in discussions.
2.  Create mental resilience and seek challenging opportunities for personal growth.
3.  Develop healthy coping mechanisms and stress management techniques.
4.  Enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills weekly.
5.  Embrace lifelong learning.  Explore new hobbies and acquire new language skills.

Understanding the sacred pathway test as a life-long endeavor will help you set the proper goals.  Don’t be afraid to adjust them as things change.

2.  View Challenges as Opportunities for Spiritual Growth

Life often presents us with unexpected challenges.  Rather than succumbing to despair, train yourself to see obstacles as opportunities.  Ask yourself what you can learn from the experience.  Each challenge becomes a gateway toward developing resilience, inner strength, and wisdom.  Seeing difficulties as stepping stones for growth changes our perspective.  It motivates us to overcome obstacles.  Here are some strategies to make this goal possible.

Change Your Perception.  Our perception shapes our reality.  Instead of seeing challenges as roadblocks, choose to interpret them as part of your spiritual journey.  It is vital to understand that every challenge carries valuable lessons.  When we learn, we grow.  These challenges become benchmarks that help us perceive the bigger picture.  It means to discover your sacred pathway by learning from your mistakes and triumphs.

Accept Life as Change.  Life is constantly changing, and challenges often arise as a result.  By acknowledging the impermanence of everything, we can expect the unexpected.  Remember, change is a natural part of life.  Change is how we grow and tap into our spiritual potential.  Cultivate a mindset that seeks growth and embraces change, allowing us to evolve and expand our spiritual horizons.

Practice Mindfulness and Self-Reflection.  In our hectic lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the external world, neglecting our inner selves.  When we practice mindfulness and self-reflection, we can connect with our spiritual essence.  Take time out of your day to meditate, journal, or simply sit in quiet contemplation.  This practice will help us gain clarity and find inner peace.  This makes understanding the sacred pathway test possible.

Embrace Gratitude.  Gratitude is a powerful tool that helps shift our focus from lack to abundance.   A mindset of gratitude elevates our spiritual vibration. Positive vibrations attract positive things into our lives.  When things are tough, make a conscious effort to find something to be grateful for, no matter how small.  This practice helps us maintain an optimistic outlook and strengthens our spiritual growth.  It’s a great way to uncover your sacred pathway. 

Seek Support and Inspiration.  We are not meant to face challenges alone.  Find Partners.  Surround yourself with a supportive community that uplifts and inspires you on your spiritual journey.  Seek guidance from mentors.  Connect with like-minded individuals and engage in conversations that promote personal growth.  Sharing experiences and learning from others helps to keep us motivated.  They can help us overcome obstacles and give us fresh perspectives on the challenges we face.

Realize the Power of Forgiveness.  Forgiveness is a powerful action that liberates us from resentment and anger.  Holding onto grudges only weighs us down and prevents us from moving forward.  By forgiving ourselves and others, we release negative energy.  This helps us to heal wounds and create space for personal and spiritual growth.

3.  Embracing Your Sacred Pathway as Lessons in Loss

Change is an inevitable aspect of life.  With every transition, there is an element of loss.  To see life as a lesson in loss requires us to acknowledge and accept the impermanence of all things.  We must learn to let go. This frees us from attachment.   In accepting loss, we learn invaluable lessons about the nature of existence. It provides a way to deepen our connection to the present moment.

Redefining Loss One Step At A Time. Loss can come in various forms. Perhaps it’s the end of a relationship, the passing of a loved one, or the disappointment of not achieving a goal.  Instead of viewing loss as a finality, let’s redefine it as a stepping stone to personal growth.  Every setback presents an opportunity to reflect, learn, and evolve as individuals.

Healing Through Acceptance.  Loss can bring about a whirlwind of emotions, from anger and denial to sadness and confusion.  It is crucial to give yourself the time and space to grieve.  Understand that healing is a gradual process and that everyone copes differently.  Surround yourself with a support system of family and friends who can provide comfort and aid in your healing journey.

Find inspiration in resilience.  In the face of adversity, resilience becomes paramount.  Seek inspiration from stories of individuals who have triumphed over heartbreaking experiences.  Be it historical figures like Nelson Mandela or personal role models who have overcome their share of challenges.  Realize that resilience is not about bouncing back instantly but being persistent.

Search For The Meaning In Loss.  While loss can initially feel meaningless, it can also serve as a catalyst for change.  Reflect on the lessons learned from your loss. As yourself, how it has shaped me into a stronger, more compassionate individual.  Consider how you can use your experiences.  You now have the wisdom to help others going through similar situations.  When you find meaning in loss, you empower yourself to contribute in a positive way and make the world a better place.

Cultivate Resilience and Durability

Success is not only accomplishments but by our ability to bounce back from setbacks.  To uncover your sacred pathway, we must cultivate resilience and durability.  The challenges of life may test our limits. Through inner work, we develop the strength to withstand anything that comes our way.

Recognize that one of our natural abilities is to adapt and persevere.  We are made to take on the trials of life and emerge stronger and wiser.  We’ve already talked about the tools to cultivate this quality.

Cultivate Healthy Relationships

Walking the sacred path is not a solitary journey.  It provides an opportunity to create meaningful connections.  Cultivating healthy relationships provides us with a sounding board and a source of support.

Sharing our experiences, dreams, and challenges allows us to trust and gain new insights.  Those who share our values and aspirations can amplify our growth.  They help us unlock our collective wisdom.


Embracing your sacred pathway means engaging in inner work.  It also means learning to view challenges as opportunities for growth.  We must accept the lesson of loss and cultivate resilience.  Developing healthy relationships gives us the support we need on this journey.

The principles above guide us on our journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and spiritual evolution.  By implementing these principles, we increase the favorable outcomes.   Let’s walk together on this sacred path, hand in hand, and create a truly extraordinary life.