Here is an awesome wild lucid dreaming technique guide for everyone. It allows you to be aware and control your dreams, and it’s a powerful way to expand awareness. Anyone can do it, and you can learn to do it tonight.
There are various beliefs about our dreams. Many psychologists think they are a reflection of the subconscious mind. Shamans and Seers talk about dreams being a gateway to other dimensions. Perhaps there is a bit of truth to both.
What is Lucid Dreaming Like?
To be lucid while dreaming involves two aspects of our awareness: being aware that you dream and exerting some control over what happens in the dream. The more experienced you become in this process, the more you will have control.
The US National Laboratory of Medicine has conducted extensive tests and found that, on the one hand, the practice of this technique improves brainwave coherence and creativity. On the other hand, it may disrupt your normal sleep quality because you’ll want to have fun and take control of your dreams more often. (1) Most people surveyed have experienced this phenomenon at least once; they just don’t know how to recreate it. Now, you can learn lucid dreaming tonight.
Many people believe it is a state separate from the normal dreaming state. Most people agree. We have three default states of consciousness: waking, dreaming, and sleeping. Some think this is worthy of being a separate state of consciousness (the seventh state) because it combines properties from other forms of consciousness. Let me explain.
Besides the default states of waking, dreaming, and sleeping, the fourth state of consciousness underlies everything. Many teachers refer to this partition as pure, transcendental, or even bliss consciousness. It is a state of mediation where the mind is calm and alert, absent from the internal chatter of the Ego.
A high state of awareness is one aspect we need in order to be lucid or awake when our body sleeps. Does that sound ridiculous? We have a wild lucid dreaming technique guide that you can use to begin learning how to do it tonight.
The 5th state is the Shamanic State of Consciousness (SSC). We reach this partition using rhythm and creative visualization. These tools are the essence of the Shamanic Journey.
The sixth state of consciousness combines the fourth state with the waking state. It is known as cosmic consciousness. Many Eastern teachers call it “witnessing” because we experience reality from two viewpoints. We are aware of being in our bodies and simultaneously observe or see from a separate perspective. This aspect is very similar to the self-awareness one achieves when we are lucid in our dream state.
Lucid Dreaming is the 7th State
We’ve finally reached the seventh state, which is a subset of the dreaming partition where we are aware. It has several unique properties.
This level of awareness demonstrates how we can expand our minds to experience different realities simultaneously. While dreaming, you are both asleep and in the REM partition of awareness, but you are not ordinarily aware enough to realize you are dreaming. But when you use this process, you are both aware and in control.
When you are engaged in this process, you are actually experiencing four dimensions of awareness at once. You are asleep and dreaming, and since you are aware, you are also engaging in the waking state. Plus, you control an imaginary landscape similar to the Shamanic State of Consciousness. Therefore, some think it should be the 7th state of consciousness. Lucid dreaming is definitely a process that provides a quantum expansion of awareness.
It’s not surprising that many Eastern traditions employ some version of this technique as one of the first methods. Practicing these techniques is a way of exercising and expanding awareness, making it possible to use other, more advanced methods.
All techniques for inducing this state involve expanding awareness and developing intention. Some methods use mantras.
“The lucid dream, located as it is at a crossroads between worlds and states of consciousness, places the magician in a unique position to influence the delicate balance of consciousness and the interplay it has on matter in the waking state and is thus an opportunity to test one’s ability in the art of adjusting the mutable fabric of Maya.” ― Zeena Schreck
You Can Learn Lucid Dreaming Tonight
The great thing about this technique is that it is done while you sleep. Preparing only takes a few moments before you drift off to sleep. All you have to do is remember to start the process.
Not only is this technique fun, but it is also good for you. The practice of this technique expands your awareness of your waking state, increasing the bandwidth of memory and making learning easier.
Wild Lucid Dreaming Technique Guide for Everyone Part One
The first thing you need to do is start using a dream or spiritual journal. It need not be an expensive notebook. You only need a cheap-lined paper notebook—something you can doodle in and record your experience.
Writing down your dreams’ main topics and points first thing in the morning helps you remember them. Documenting what happens is a critical step in the process. It can also unlock more profound levels of thoughts you didn’t recall at first.
Five or ten minutes before you go to bed, write this phrase in your journal to set your intention to be aware of and remember your dreams. This will help you solidify and visualize your intent. It’s an important step.
Then, as you drift off to sleep, repeat the phrase:
Aware in my dreams, remember my dreams.
When you awake in the morning, document your experience. When you start writing, you are likely to remember more. Write everything you can remember, even if it is just fragments or parts of dreams. If you don’t remember any dreams, write them down, too.
The more you practice lucid dreaming, the stronger your intention will become. As a result, you’ll remember more of your normal dreams. You’ll also be able to put the previous dream fragments together and decipher more messages from the subconscious.
Again, when you wake up, write down your dreams or fragments of dreams. Later the same day, review your notes. You will soon find that you can recover these bits and pieces. Eventually, you recall even more of the dream. Those who have been practicing this technique for a few months find it leads to other dreamscapes. They find that these dreams connect to others they hadn’t remembered.
These dreams and fragments will often contain patterns. Reoccurring elements, people, and situations are clues for further inner work.
Your Wild Lucid Dreaming Technique Guide for Everyone Part Two
The next stage in development is expanding your control while dreaming. When you realize you are dreaming, look at your hand. This is a critical step in solidifying your control.
While in the lucid dream state, you take control incrementally. When you realize you are dreaming, the first step is to:
Look at the palm of your hand
It seems like a small thing, but it is a huge step. When you do this, you establish a link from the conscious mind to the dream state. This link acts as a bookmark, which will help you direct your actions in future dreams and remember the dream.
When you consciously turn over your hand and look at it, this becomes your way of increasing control. Anytime you feel you are losing control, turn over your hand and look at your palm. Sometimes, your subconscious will play tricks on you. You may find you have on a glove. If so, take it off. If your hand is “missing,” look at your other hand. If both hands are “missing,” close your eyes. It is the failsafe to regain control.
Close your Eyes
Closing your eyes while in a lucid dream is like hitting a reset switch; you either wake up or you can open your eyes. Generally, this enables you to look at your hand again.
The best way to gain more control is to start small. Don’t try flying the first time you realize you are dreaming. Try something small, like turning around or picking up objects. Then, progress to directing the direction of your movement. Eventually, you can fly around. This method is safe. You are always in control.
Next, control your environment. Make clouds appear. Get trees to grow.
If this method isn’t expanding dream awareness, a mantra, a vibrational formula based on the Sanskrit language, may help to remove any barriers.
If you aren’t familiar with mantras, we suggest “Om Kshraum Naraismhaya Namaha.” The Mantra for removing roadblocks. You can find downloadable copies of this Mantra on YouTube.
In Conclusion
When your friend asks, what is lucid dreaming? Now you know the answer: being present and controlling your dreams.
This practice has some exciting benefits. You train your awareness to be more observant when you use the method. This ability will “spill” over into your waking consciousness. You exercise your intention by placing your goals in your mind just before you go to sleep. It results in general memory improvement. You will replace negative self-talk with positive. Learn how to lucid dreams tonight, and you will reap benefits tomorrow.
Writing helps us remember and resonates with our ability to set things in motion in our subconscious. Last but not least, you will hone your mental skills. Your dreams will be more pleasant, and you’ll remember them. You may also gain more control over your dreams.
The seventh state of consciousness is the easiest way to expand your awareness. This method is accessible to anyone practicing the wild lucid dreaming technique guide for everyone.
(1) Lucid Dreaming: A State of Consciousness with Features of Both Waking and Non-Lucid Dreaming. US National Laboratory of Medicine and National Institue of Health