What is the philosophy of secular humanism? Why do some people demonize this way of thinking? What does a humanist do that is so bad? Let’s look a little closer at this perspective. Be brave and take the “Are you a humanist quiz.”
If True Freedom is Based on Autonomy, is True Freedom Possible?
Is true freedom possible, or is it a lofty ideal just out of reach? Freedom has always been a cherished ideal. But have you ever stopped to ponder how it plays out in real life? Is freedom the absence of constraints, or is there more to it? What is the connection between freedom and autonomy? … Continue reading If True Freedom is Based on Autonomy, is True Freedom Possible?
Spiritual Misconceptions About Spiritual Exploration — Find Your Own Path
Spiritual misconceptions are beliefs that result from false ideas. We can overcome misconceptions about spiritual exploration with fact-checking, logic, and common sense. Come and see how.
Christianity vs New Age Teaching Techniques and New Age Teaching Methods —
What is the conflict between Christianity and New Age teaching techniques or methods? What is old-time religion, and how does it relate to Christianity and the New Age movement? Are these philosophies as far apart as many have led us to believe? Come and find the answers to these and other interesting questions.
Diversity Equity Inclusion and Equality — Moving Beyond a Tribal Worldview
We are living in the middle of a clash of paradigms—a tug-of-war between ideologies. Most people don’t see it because it’s been going on for so long. Learning to handle this conflict is a necessary skill in our modern world.
Thoughts, Beliefs, Feelings, Actions — The Thought Feeling Behavior Chain
Thoughts, beliefs, feelings, actions, and consequences are the formula that governs our minds. The “thought, feeling, behavior chain” is unstoppable. Do you know how to control this volatile recipe in your own life?
Is the Church Obsolete? — Obsolete Worldviews and the Problem of Evil
We’ve outgrown worldviews that once defined our understanding of the world. From theism to the flat earth theory, worldviews become obsolete as we discover new facts and truths. Holding onto a backward, obsolete worldview has negative consequences. See how we can learn to move forward to create a better world.
Why You Should Choose a Religion Like Buying a Hat — The Power of Choice
Spiritual beliefs are a deeply personal and profound aspect of our lives. If you can choose a path, make an informed decision. Learn why you should choose a religion, like buying a hat. Consider all the relevant data so that your choice will be wise and your spiritual path will yield positive results for you … Continue reading Why You Should Choose a Religion Like Buying a Hat — The Power of Choice
Are Spiritual Gifts and Abilities A Blessing or A Curse? — It Depends
The gifts of our spiritual nature are undoubtedly fascinating. But are spiritual gifts and abilities a blessing or curse? Several factors determine if these gifts are desirable or undesirable.
The Journey From Aware to Awake — 21 Signs of Spiritual Awakening
The journey from aware to awake is not a destination; it’s an ongoing process. We must undertake it to realize our potential and fully live the life we desire. So, are you ready to take the leap and become truly awake?