Exploring the power of spiritual symbols is crucial. It helps us understand how they affect us. There are psychological triggers hidden in the meaning of ancient tribal emblems. If you don’t know what your triggers are and how to control them, others can use them to control you.
Controlling the Primitive Mind and Mastering Your Primitive Instincts
Did you know that our culture uses our primitive instincts to control our lives? Most people don’t even see it happening because it has been going on for generations. That’s why controlling the primitive mind and mastering your primitive instincts is important.
The Psychological Depth of the Hero’s Journey Archetypes and Typologies
Spiritual Exploration is the practice of processes for expanding awareness and opening the doors to other states of consciousness.
Daily Routine for Intentional Living Strategies — Purposeful Daily Habits
Creating a daily routine for intentional living helps us get the most out of life. By setting SMART goals and preparing your mind, you create a plan for success. You can do this; we’ll show you how. You can achieve amazing results.
Connecting with Your Inner Observer To Take Back Control of Your Mind
Most people live on autopilot, under the control of The Ego. The moment you take back control of your mind is when you reclaim control of your life. Connecting with your inner observer is magic. It’s when the real you can take the wheel of your consciousness instead of the passenger. Want to learn how … Continue reading Connecting with Your Inner Observer To Take Back Control of Your Mind
The Repetitive Question Technique — Powerful Subconscious Mind Exercises
The repetitive question technique is one of the most powerful subconscious mind exercises. Every serious explorer needs this for their spiritual toolbox. See how you can use it to enhance several spiritual exploration tools.
Why We Think Perception Is Reality — Perception is a Reflection of You
Learning why we think perception is reality is the first step in regaining control of our thinking. Many see perception as a witness to reality. But what we perceive is not an objective representation. What we perceive is individually crafted fiction influenced by several factors. Let’s examine what influences our thinking and discover a new … Continue reading Why We Think Perception Is Reality — Perception is a Reflection of You
How to Balance Head and Heart Restore the Balance Between Ego Soul and Self
If we learn how to balance head and heart, we achieve our life’s true potential. It requires restoring ego, soul, and self to their natural healthy states without the harmful programming of religious bias and prejudice. If you want a healthy life, relationships, and community, you must achieve this balance.
Moving Beyond Your Past The Path From Victim to Survivor to Thriver
Moving beyond your past is difficult. The “path from victim to survivor to thriver” is a strategy to help you overcome the roadblocks that keep you locked in harmful thinking patterns. It takes some work, but it is possible. You can do it!