the psychological depth of the hero's journey archetypes and typologies

The Psychological Depth of the Hero’s Journey Archetypes and Typologies

We are already taking part in a spiritual quest, but do you understand what it means and how to succeed? One way to understand this quest is through the pattern of the Hero’s Journey. The psychological depth of the hero’s journey archetypes and typologies help us understand our spiritual quest.

The best stories have a hero! Every hero has a journey to achieve a worthwhile goal. To accomplish this task, they overcome incredible odds. The Hero’s Journey is a story pattern found in many ancient and current storylines. We can apply the stages in this quest to our own lives.

Let’s approach this subject by outlining the traits of the hero, defining the terms we use, and talking about each stage of the journey.

Hero Archetype Characteristics

The hero is a primary subject or archetype in storytelling. These characters embody the qualities we admire and aspire to gain. The hero archetype is everywhere in our culture.

What exactly is an Archetype?
An Archetype is a pattern with attributes associated with a specific type. It represents a recurring theme in stories, myths, and legends.

What is the Hero’s Journey?
It is a recurring story pattern found in many cultures that explains our quest for enlightenment. The common elements and progression of the story make it an archetype or typology. These elements outline the trials and tests toward this goal of enlightenment or fulfillment. What common characteristics do heroes possess?

Courage is often the first trait you think of when you think of a hero. The picture of the hero is the one rushing to meet danger head-on. Selflessness and courage go together. Heroes put themselves at risk to help others.

The focus of hero archetype characteristics is often Integrity. It is about being honest with others and yourself. It means standing up for equality, justice, and fairness. People with Integrity do what is right, even when there is an easier way. Heroes live their lives according to their code of ethics.

Physical and moral strength is another trait of the hero. Heroes are often powerful, capable warriors. But true strength comes from within. Strength shows up as resilience, determination, and a steadfast belief in one’s abilities.

Hero archetype characteristics represent the best of humanity. They are role models for bravery, selflessness, Integrity, and strength. These characteristics inspire us to be like them.

Hero’s Journey Archetypes and Typologies

the psychological depth of the hero's journey archetypes and typologies

Here are some other definitions that will help you with this discussion.

What is Spirituality?
Spirituality deals with the deeper aspects of the human psyche. It is both science and tradition helping understand consciousness, and awareness. Spirituality is the domain of what we call the spirit, soul, or observer. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience.

Spirituality is also a word that is often misused and overused. Spirituality gets confused with religion. Religions perpetuate this confusion because they want to claim the arena of spirituality as their own. Religion is the belief in dogma and imaginary friends. They use spiritual terms and language to make the belief in mythology sound spiritual.

Psychological depth
This term is used to describe a profound understanding of the mechanisms of the psyche.

The hero’s journey archetypes and typologies describe the psychological aspects of this knowledge. They show how the quest relates to modern psychological concepts.

What is the inner world?
The inner word is the thread of consciousness that contains our awareness. The inner world holds our personality, memories, and feelings of our life experiences.

What is Typology?
Typologies are a general framework with common meaning. For example, in psychology, each of the nine personality types of the Enneagram has specific traits.

To journey in the spiritual context means?
To travel inward and explore the realms of the subconscious and the spirit.

What is Enlightenment?
Enlightenment is a state of intellectual and spiritual advancement. This level of awareness gives one profound wisdom and understanding.

Psychological Depth of the Hero’s Journey Archetypes

The Hero’s Journey can be divided into as many as 30 steps. We choose the twelve steps that are the most common. The important part is recognizing where we are in the story.

1) The ordinary world.   Here is where we all start. It is the mundane world before we begin the quest. This stage is the baseline from which we track our progress. It helps us understand our perception of everyday life before we undertake the change process.

From a psychological standpoint, the ordinary world represents the familiar and comfortable aspects of the psyche. It doesn’t mean this state is healthy. Daily routines, beliefs, and values often contain unhealthy elements such as addictions.

The ordinary aspects of life are often the inspiration for taking the journey. We sense we are missing something, that there is something greater that we should be doing. Every hero begins in the ordinary world, just like you. This aspect aligns with Freud’s concept of the ego trying to find meaning in the world.

The ordinary world also represents the default settings of consciousness. The basic partitions of consciousness are waking, dreaming, and sleeping. These states are needed to acclimate our consciousness to our bodies.

The ordinary world is where most popular stories begin. We see this in stories like Starwars where luke Skywalker is working with his uncle. Harry Potter is living under the stairs at his aunt and uncle’s home. We find Jesus of the New Testament as a child studying in the temple. The back story helps see why the hero seeks something more. You might be at this stage as well.

2) The call to adventure. The call is the beginning of the quest. It represents what we call the awakening. It is at this point when you, the hero, become aware of the desire to seek something more and venture into the unknown.

The psychological depth of the hero’s journey archetypes and typologies is at the heart of the call.   When you, the hero, accept the call, it triggers a shift in your mindset. Your focus shifts from ordinary world concerns to the spiritual quest. It symbolizes the hero’s inner longing for change. It mirrors the concepts of autonomy and self-actualization.

The call to adventure is a significant emotional event. Sometimes, it comes from acknowledging you have reached rock bottom in an addiction. It may be the realization that you have wasted time and money as a religious follower. The archetypes in the Hero’s Journey begin with hearing the call for positive change.

3) Refusal of the call. The hero initially rejects this call because of fear, hesitation, insecurity, or another reason. Perhaps family or friends have suggested that you go to treatment, and you aren’t quite ready. You might be afraid of what to expect in therapy. Whatever the reason, the call to adventure is rejected initially.

This stage represents the hero’s natural resistance to change as they grapple with the uncertainty and risks of embarking on a new path. Psychologically, the Refusal of the Call exposes the hero’s inner conflicts and fears.

It is the awakening that exposes their doubts about their abilities. It makes us reluctant to leave behind the familiar and their fear of failure. It serves as a crucial moment of introspection and self-reflection. The hero (you) confronts the inner demons that hold them back from embracing their destiny. It parallels the psychological concept of resistance to change. It is natural to struggle to break free from familiar patterns and embrace the unknown.

Many people get stuck at this stage. The psychological depth of the Hero’s Journey archetypes explains how fear of change and fear of failure derail their journey. They never reach the next level because they fear reaching out for help.

4) Meeting the mentor. Meeting the mentor is a crucial stage in the hero’s journey, where the hero (you) encounters a wise and experienced figure. It can be seen as a form of therapy or coaching where individuals seek support and guidance to navigate challenges and obstacles. After vetting by the mentor, the hero is accepted as a student. The mentor guides them on their path. Psychologically, the mentor is an important anchor for the hero. The hero (you) needs to obtain the skills and wisdom to navigate the challenges ahead. The mentor archetype is a mirror of the hero’s inner wisdom and intuition. The guidance of another leads them to a deeper understanding of themselves.

The mentor helps the hero gain confidence and gives insight or advice to overcome fears. You might encounter a friend or family member who has had experiences with drug and alcohol abuse. This person can give advice, guidance, and insight to help you gain confidence. They are not necessarily a spiritual leader or teacher. You may not even like this person. They are the spark that helps you “do something” rather than just think about it.

5) Crossing the threshold. The threshold signifies that the hero has committed to the journey. Frodo packed food to take and set out past the Shire. Luke Skywalker leaves Tatooine. Harry Potter gets on the train at platform 9¾. Mulan sets out to the military camp. Here is where our hero, you, says yes to treatment and heads out to begin the adventure of reclaiming your life.

Here, the hero (you) leaves the familiar world behind and enters into the unknown. This threshold represents a psychological boundary that the hero must overcome to grow and evolve. It is a profound moment of self-discovery, where the hero must confront their fears and doubts to move forward on their journey. Crossing the threshold reflects the concept of transformation. The hero sheds their old identities and embraces new possibilities.

The fifth step often begins with a significant experience of the inner landscape of the mind. It might be the first time you experience the 4th state of awareness or your first experience with the Shamanic Journey. It is learning how to access the inner world and take the hero’s journey.

6) Tests, allies, and enemies. The hero needs to learn who can be trusted. A sidekick emerges, like Hedwig, Hermione, Ron, Sam, Mushu, and R2D2 and C3PO. Tests might be barriers to treatment like childcare, time off work, finances, or looming court appearances. It mirrors the psychological concept of conflict resolution. The hero must learn the skills to navigate interpersonal dynamics and internal struggles.

The sixth step is a confrontation with the enemy. The enemy could be external or internal. Most often, the first enemy we face is harmful memories. Others confront the contradictions of religious mythology. It is one of the archetypes in the Hero’s Journey, where many people fail. They go back to sleep and their old lives because they fear their enemy.

These tests serve as psychological obstacles that the hero (yes, you) must overcome to achieve their goal. Allies provide support and companionship on the quest. The enemies present obstacles and conflicts that the hero must navigate to succeed.

7) Approach to the innermost cave. Preparations are needed and might include maps and surveys to enter the cave. This concept aligns with shadow work, where you confront your inner demons and emotional wounds. In treatment, the innermost cave refers to working through feelings of shame and guilt. Women drink and use it mainly to cover painful, negative emotions. To continue your journey, you must face the reasons why you chose to drink and use.

At this stage, the hero confronts their inner demons and faces their greatest fears. Yes, this is where the scary parts start. It represents a major psychological shift as the hero (you) delves into their psyche. Here is where the hero uses the weapons given by the mentor. Here is where the main characteristics of the hero are put t the test. Courage, selflessness, and Integrity are needed to face and overcome fear.

What is the typology of your greatest fear? Many people have a fear of death. The fear of heights, spiders, and the dark are also at the top of the list of instinctual fears. Other fears can be learned, such as fear of people from different backgrounds. If you are ready to approach your innermost cave, you can discover the archetypes and typologies of your fears. We recommend using tools like the Enneagram, Culture Assessment Questionnaire, and Compared Comparison.

8) The ordeal. Here is where we face the greatest fear and most difficult challenge. It parallels the concept of resilience. As the hero weathers hardships, they emerge stronger on the other side. Perhaps you were abused as a child or had a miscarriage that was so painful. Your mentor or therapist will ask you to delve into the events that scar your psyche to address your most significant challenges. The inner work here is challenging but so worth the reward.

The ordeal is where you, the hero, face your ultimate test and must confront your greatest fears. This leg of the journey represents the internal psychological battle against fear itself.

The ordeal represents a turning point in the hero’s journey. They must overcome seemingly insurmountable odds to achieve their goal. Psychologically, this is when the person with an addiction either resists the temptation or succumbs and must start over. It is where you ace the presentation in front of the executive staff or make blunders that sidetrack your career.

9) Overcoming the greatest fear to earn the reward. To overcome your greatest fear is to earn the reward. Here, you are rewarded for your bravery and perseverance. It reflects the concept of mastery and achievement. As the hero succeeds in overcoming battles, they can harness their strengths and see their potential.

This stage represents a significant point in the hero’s psychological growth. The hero has faced their fears and emerged stronger and more resilient. By conquering your greatest fear, you gain the rewards of self-confidence and courage.

Those who overcome addiction know this battle never goes away. You may not be involved in the addictive behavior, but the demon is always there waiting for a chance to return. It is the same for those who escape a toxic relationship or the limiting beliefs of religion.

There are many examples of this quest in popular stories. Mulan’s life was spared after they discovered she was a girl. Luke received the Death Star plans, Harry Potter received the Sorcerer’s Stone, and Frodo received a sword. Your reward is much higher. The freedom from being entrapped by maladaptive behaviors is priceless.

10) The road back. This stage comprises the hero recommitting to complete the journey. They must accept the road back to the ordinary world. The road back is about personal and social integration. As the hero moves beyond physical and psychological boundaries, they are an example to others. They inspire and help others take this journey.

You completed treatment and are preparing to return home. Your clinical team will work with you on a relapse prevention plan. The relapse prevention plan is like a roadmap after treatment to help you stay sober.

Here, you journey back to the ordinary world. This stage is fraught with challenges and obstacles. The hero must confront their inner demons and fears before returning home. Psychologically, the road back represents the hero’s struggle with their sense of self and identity. It is a time of reflection. They have a new identity now, but the ordinary world may not recognize it yet. The hero must grapple with the changes they have undergone throughout the journey.

11) The rebirth. Here is where the hero battles the enemy. It is the climax of the story, a final test that represents a cleansing. It might be a showdown between the hero and the Shadow. During the ordeal phase, you looked at shadowy places in your past. During the resurrection, one final challenge awaits. It mirrors the typology of rebirth renewal. As the hero sheds old patterns, it provides room to embrace new beginnings.

The resurrection is another pivotal moment in the hero’s journey, death. Confronting death, even a symbolic one, takes courage. The psychological death and rebirth for the hero is the shedding of limiting beliefs. Resurrecting from death is a powerful symbol, which is why religions use it. In your spiritual rebirth, you must face a deep, dark secret. It is a psychological struggle to be vulnerable.

12) Return with the prize or the elixir. The final reward is after the hero is resurrected, purified, and returned to the ordinary world. You have done the difficult work of looking within at the reasons you drank and used. With the help of mentors, allies, and self-efficacy, you are prepared to return home. The hero contributes to the greater good and inspires others. These acts of kindness reflect the concepts of selflessness and generosity.

Returning with the prize or the elixir is the final stage of the hero’s journey. Here is where you return home with the knowledge, wisdom, or treasures that you have gained throughout the quest. This stage represents psychological integration. The hero’s prize and experiences benefit the community or world at large. To return with the prize or the elixir is a symbol of the hero’s mastery over themself and the journey.

In Conclusion

The hero’s journey is not just the pattern of a fictionalized story. It reflects the psychological principles shaping our lives. We can use the typologies of this narrative to give us insight into our spiritual journey.

At its core, the hero’s journey reflects the quest for spiritual exploration. Each stage represents a different aspect of our growth. The pattern offers insight into our motivations, fears, and desires.

Where are you in this quest? Do you embody the hero archetype characteristics?   Or do you feel you are lacking in some area? The psychological depth of the Hero’s Journey archetypes and typologies helps us understand the quest of our own lives.