Surrendering to Spiritual Ebb and Flow

Surrendering to Spiritual Ebb and Flow Riding the Spiritual Waves of Life

Life is like the ocean, and we are simply riding the spiritual waves of life. We forget life is constantly changing, so we aren’t ready for the enormous waves. It’s about learning when to surf or swim. The key is surrendering to spiritual ebb and flow.

Wise teachers tell us we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Our culture ignores the spiritual, focusing almost entirely on the material. We still need spiritual nourishment. Instead, our culture feeds us spiritual junk food from organized religion. It, too, focuses on the physical world, using our fears to sell the afterlife, healing, and prosperity.

“The key to spiritual exploration is surrendering to spiritual ebb and flow, riding the spiritual waves of life. Once you gasp this concept, you will move more quickly toward enlightenment.” ― Guru Tua

The conflicting ideologies of science and religious myth dominate society. Religion attempts to usurp the language related to spirituality when it is not spiritual at all. Religion substitutes belief in myths and superstition for facts. Religious mythology has nothing to do with spirituality, which is about consciousness and awareness.

The Spiritual Transformation Journey

When we shift our focus from the temporal world to the spiritual, we can perceive reality differently and more holistically. When we enter the transcendent realm of consciousness, we can experience this energy.

Everything is in a constant state of change. Our health fluctuates, our finances and relationships change, and life is continually growing in energy. Surrendering to spiritual ebb and flow is not about giving up. It’s about acceptance and patience. It’s crucial to maintain a positive flow of energy while removing those things that are blocking it.

Some people feel this energy. Empaths naturally sense the emotional energy of people and places. Everyone can learn to open themselves to this level of energy. For example, Kundalini Yoga is a system that focuses on aligning and opening the flow of energy. It allows abundant spiritual energy to flow more freely. Reiki is a healing system that produces similar energy flows.

Surrendering to Spiritual Ebb and Flow

There’s a constant give-and-take between our spiritual and physical selves. This spiritual energy is like the sap of a flower. The fluid within the flower is expressed differently in the stem, leaf, and flower. When we take care of the soil and water and give it sunshine, the flower blossoms. If we do not nourish the plant, it withers. Enlightenment is nothing special; when we nurture awareness, it will grow naturally.

“A keen observation shows that the whole universe is a single mechanism working by the law of rhythm; the rise and fall of the waves, the ebb, and flow of the tide, the waxing, and waning of the moon, the sunrise, and the sunset, the change of the seasons, the moving of the earth and of the planets, the whole cosmic system and the constitution of the entire universe are working under the law of rhythm. Cycles of rhythm, with major and minor cycles.”  ― Hazrat Inayat Khan, The Mysticism of Music, Sound, and Word

Spiritual Surfing Techniques

spiritual transformation journey changing spiritual tide spiritual surfing techniques creative inspiration ebb and flow

Riding the spiritual waves of life requires awareness and balance, just like surfing. We must be able to recognize all the spiritual aspects of life; even the mundane and ordinary have spiritual implications. The synchronicities and omens of our day-to-day experiences give us many opportunities for growth and transformation if we take advantage of them.

Spiritual exploration is about processes, like spiritual surfing techniques. To surf better, you learn the basic methods for finding the right wave and catching it. The same is true of consciousness. The tools for surfing consciousness don’t require you to belong to any religion or follow any religious beliefs.

Surrender is Not Giving Up

When people hear the word surrender, they think it means giving up, but this is wrong. Spiritual surrender is about opening the mind and spirit to the possibilities of change. The spiritual transformation journey requires us to relinquish our control over things we should not or cannot control, such as people and outcomes.

Giving and Receiving

Enlightenment is a process of growth, the expansion of awareness. To grow, we must give. Giving is not always about money. Giving our time, attention, and emotion is just as valuable to those who receive them. The changing spiritual tide between giving and receiving is an excellent example of these principles. When we can give without expecting a return, we can move into the flow of giving and receiving. We all have needs, and striving to fulfill them is like grasping water.

When we “share” out of our need, we break the power of attachment. We leave burdens behind, and we move toward self-illumination or enlightenment. When we do this, it opens the virtues of the spirit. Here, you receive the bounty of humankind’s greatest treasures. These include gratitude, joyfulness, happiness, love, thankfulness, blissfulness, appreciation, mindfulness, and serenity.

We receive more by channeling these virtues than we can ever get through manipulating physical things. Giving without expectation is one door through which we can enter these virtues. These virtues have similar aspects of reciprocity.

This topic always raises questions about surrendering to the spiritual ebb and flow of life. Will I eventually get what I want? If I am poor, can I expect to be rich? No, sorry. It doesn’t work like that. When you give money to those in need, there isn’t always a direct return on your investment. Your karmic deposit may be returned in unexpected ways. It might not be in this life.

Teacher the Student Changing Spiritual Tide

Just because we learn something and practice it does not mean we fully know it. No matter what “it” is, there is always a deeper layer of understanding. Keep a beginner’s mindset always to have room for more knowledge. Strive to keep an open mind. You always learn more from the perspective of a beginner.

No matter how much you think you know, remember there is always more to know. It is also imperative to help others on the path. Helping and teaching others enables you to learn from a unique perspective. Surrendering to spiritual ebb and flow is a continual shift between being the teacher and the student.

There is a symbiotic relationship between the teacher and the student. The changing spiritual tide of energy between the teacher and student is essential, as the knowledge imparted. The teacher learns as much about themselves by teaching as the student in learning. Sometimes, the power is the knowledge we share, especially when dealing with Mantras and Sutras. When an inspired teacher introduces the right mantra, the student receives the teacher’s energy. The Mantra or sutra’s power comes from the sound’s essence and the teacher’s spirit.

The Power of Silence and Presence

surrendering to spiritual ebb and flow riding the spiritual waves of life

Sometimes, all one needs is silence. We understand the power of silence in meditation. Active listening is a way to bring this energy into a relationship. Peace comes when we start by focusing our attention on listening rather than a rebuttal.

You may not have an answer to their questions, but that’s okay. You help them by listening and being present. Here, too, you find a crucial shift in energy. Likewise, the more you help others, the more you’ll understand the nature of life. The more you support others, the more support you’ll receive. It will help you realize the spiritual meaning of ebb and flow in your life.

You are continually communicating through vibration. If you have a genuinely caring attitude toward the other person, they will “feel” your intent. Learning to listen with your heart is a skill you can acquire. Your “presence” is a strong vibration. Presence communicates care, and this may be what they need. Trust it.

Seeker Versus Follower

Seeking the truth is an independent endeavor. It is not about following someone or something. Resist becoming a follower or the worshiper of celebrities. Don’t confuse a charismatic personality with knowledge or truth.

So, choose not to be a follower. Instead, be a seeker of knowledge and truth. Above all, find teachers who provide tools to help you break consciousness boundaries. Make sure they have the time and space to know you personally. A guru is like a boat to get to the other side of the river. Once you get to the other side, get out. Move on. Don’t sit in the boat. If the boat sits in the middle of the river, get out and swim ashore.

You can learn from seminars and groups. However, this cannot take the place of a knowledgeable teacher who understands what you need. Continue to have the mindset of an outstanding student. Foster a beginner’s mindset, a beginner’s attitude, ready to learn. Be eager to learn, cautiously skeptical, and always question the answers. Your primary tools should be logical reasoning together with your intuition. By the way, question and test everything, especially the cultural narrative.

There is a correlation between the seeker and the truth. Don’t fall for religion’s counterfeit. Religion is the fast food of spiritual truth. It tastes good, but it is not suitable for you because it lacks spiritual nutrition.

Truth satisfies the soul. It doesn’t need continued indoctrination. We find truth with solid science in its repeatable processes, facts, and archeological evidence. Beware of any belief system which prevents you from seeking the facts of their system.

Creative Inspiration Ebb and Flow

There will always be ups and downs on your spiritual transformation journey. Your creativity is no exception to the spiritual waves of life. You will be more successful if you understand the difference between the rational and emotional mind. Self-awareness is the key to understanding this aspect of the changing spiritual tide. The more we practice self-awareness techniques, the less likely we will fall prey to negative emotional traps.

Art of any sort sparks creative inspiration, ebb, and flow. Creative energy boosts our attitude and gives us focus.

Reading articles like this one will help you open your self-awareness and motivate you through the rough spots. The practical tools for self-awareness are not tricky; they require persistence.

You are more likely to succeed if you have a plan, and your plan is 3X more likely to succeed if you put it in writing. Leverage modern technology if you can. Use your smart device to set reminders to practice meditation, mindfulness, or self-observation techniques. Otherwise, post stickies everywhere.

Seek positive reinforcement from those on the same journey. We are here to help with tools and encouragement.

Don’t be afraid to change your goals and expand your journey. Remember, if you only lift yourself, your quest is only half done. Helping others is a great way to raise your positive social awareness and give you partners with whom you can share. You’ll learn more about yourself by helping others.

navigating and riding the spiritual waves of life

If you look for it, you will see the give-and-take between many crucial aspects of life. For example, we build all relationships upon mutual trust. You get and give both. Similarly, there is a critical relationship between man and the environment. If we misuse it, then there are equal repercussions. Understanding this universal process gives us insight into the cycles of energy creating change.

Surrendering to spiritual ebb and flow requires presence. When present and in the moment, we can choose to be free of the constraints imposed by culture. We can also cultivate positive energy through art and creative expression.

If you have other thoughts on the subject, please let us know.