In sales, the best closing arguments invoke powerful emotions like fear. Psychological manipulation through fear is one of the all-time best closing tools. Are you a victim of these sales tactics through organized religion?
Faith-Based Self-Hypnosis Scripts — Self-Hypnosis Practices Fueled by Faith
Half of the world’s population exposes itself to spiritual hypnotherapy practices. These tools control their values and beliefs, but most don’t know it’s happening. So, it’s a good idea to learn how to spot and avoid these ruthless tactics.
Finding Spiritual Direction and Exploring Spiritual Path Options
It is normal to question your spiritual life path choices. Spiritual path life decisions affect our lives. However, deciding what spiritual path is best can be overwhelming. Finding spiritual direction can be confusing. This article may have the answers you are looking for.
The Psychological Depth of the Hero’s Journey Archetypes and Typologies
Spiritual Exploration is the practice of processes for expanding awareness and opening the doors to other states of consciousness.
Treating Life as an Experiment — Embrace Life Changes Through Experiments
According to Nietzsche, treating life as an experiment is the perspective of a thinker. It is a mindset that enables us to see life decisions as an experiment, a series of trials and tests. Success and failure are just test results. What do you think? Can you live life like a thinker?