Best Test-First Approach Tools List in Your Daily Spiritual Practice

Best Test-First Approach Tools List in Your Daily Spiritual Practice

The test-first approach is a process developed in software engineering. It is a collaboration between the client and the programmer. In your daily spiritual practice, you are both the customer and the programmer. Both use incremental steps to build the best solution. See how to apply this to your spiritual practice.

What is the Veil of Faith in Overcoming Obstacles Drawing Courage from Belief in Faith

What is the Veil of Faith in Overcoming Obstacles?

Faith is a tool to summon courage. The concept of faith in overcoming obstacles is found in organized religion. But drawing courage from belief in faith distorts perception. It prevents you from seeing all the facts of reality. Is there a better option? Yes, come and see for yourself.

indigenous shamanic traditions spirit world warrior wisdom

Indigenous Shamanic Traditions — Spirit World Warrior Wisdom

The magical athlete of the supernatural spirit world comes from indigenous shamanic traditions. They guide us between realities, helping us find emotional healing and strength. Come and find out why you should add the shamanic journey to your spiritual toolbox.