How To Become a Spiritual Warrior Online Spiritual Warrior Training Courses

Become a Spiritual Warrior — Your Online Spiritual Warrior Training Courses

Are you concerned by the events in the news that are driven by religious and political extremism?  Do you want to make the world a better place?   If this mission resonates, you should learn how to become a spiritual warrior.  Your online spiritual warrior training courses are here.

Spirituality and religion are different, but many people confuse the two.  Spirituality has to do with things that involve the soul or spirit.  In today’s language, that means things involving our being, consciousness, and awareness.  Religion is all about the belief in mythology and superstition, which has nothing to do with our spirit or consciousness.

To become a spiritual warrior, you must go beyond meditation and chanting mantras.  You need to learn how to cultivate a warrior mindset.  A warrior has a relentless determination.  They learn to face their fears, overcome obstacles, and embrace personal growth.  It’s about standing in your own power and refusing to be swayed by external distractions.  Embrace the warrior within and begin your online spiritual warrior training courses.

How to Become A Spiritual Warrior

Soldiers in any army need the proper tools and training to succeed; the same applies to the modern-day spiritual warrior.  Their combat missions are confrontations where facts and evidence are the main weaponry.  The goal is to win with words and good deeds, to change lives and the planet for the better.   It’s hard to wish the best for those who flaunt their abuse of people and the planet.

Modern-day spiritual warrior training produces people who make a positive contribution to society.  It starts with the individual.  Cultivate the characteristics that fuel positive thinking and actions.  Your behaviors are an example to those in your circle of influence.  Others will follow your example, creating a positive ripple effect in society and the world.  To accomplish this task, your mindset must be free of sectarian religious bias and prejudice.

The Spiritual Warrior Training Program

The first step towards becoming a warrior requires recognizing the spiritual call within your heart.  Be open to the idea that you are meant for something greater.  A healthy spiritual path gives you the tools to navigate life with purpose and resilience.  Acknowledge the warrior spirit within you that craves growth, transformation, and the pursuit of truth.

Clarify Your Mission

Before you jump into the tools for developing your warrior skills, it’s important to understand what your call is all about.  Clarifying your intentions and motivations will help you create the right goals to fulfill your call.

There are several local and global issues.   Your primary calling might be to address climate change.  Perhaps you are drawn to confront the problems of religious extremism and political corruption.  Women’s right to make decisions about their bodies and pregnancy may be causes you want to champion.  Or, you may become a spiritual warrior to help tackle several of these pressing issues.

Write down the issues that you care about.  Take your time.  Perhaps there are local issues that are on your radar.  Then, number them in order of importance to you.  Once you determine the hierarchy of issues, you can decide how to address them.

Ask yourself the questions to clarify your primary and secondary goals.  What impact are you trying to achieve?  How are you going to do it?  What tools do you need to accomplish the goals?

Modern-Day Spiritual Warrior Training Courses

modern-day spiritual warrior training spiritual warrior training program

Create SMART goals

You’ve probably seen this acronym before.  SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-sensitive.  Break your larger, long-term goals into smaller steps.  It’s a strategy to keep you on track and motivated by reaching benchmarks.  Measuring goals helps you see when you are stalled or going off track.

To meet your goals, you need the right tools and mindset.  Let’s talk about the mindset, the roadblocks, and the characteristics of the modern-day spiritual warrior.

How to Cultivate a Warrior Mindset

What does modern-day spiritual warrior training involve?  This training focuses on developing a healthy, skeptical warrior mindset.

Learn to Observe Self-Talk

The first step is learning to observe your self-talk.  Train yourself to monitor thoughts for negative scripts that undermine your thinking.

There are a number of online spiritual training program tools to help you deal with your self-talk.  They help you become more self-aware and more in control of the trajectory of your thinking.

You want to develop a positive, healthy, skeptical mindsetThink positive thoughts, but don’t overlook the potential for the unexpected.  You learn how to become a spiritual warrior by mastering your self-talk.

Practice Self-Care

A true warrior understands the importance of self-care.  Prioritize your mental and physical well-being by engaging in relaxing and rejuvenating activities.  Practice Japa meditation and mindfulness.  Experiment with deep breathing exercises to clear your mind and reduce stress.  Regular exercise and a balanced diet will provide the necessary energy and strength to face life’s battles head-on.

Practice self-care.  Simple things like gratitude change your attitude immediately.  Learn to appreciate the little things in life.  Don’t overlook beautiful sunsets or a kind gesture from a friend.  Replace negative self-talk with affirmations reminding you of your worth and potential.  Remember, a warrior mindset begins in the mind.

See Challenges as Opportunities

A warrior sees challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles.  When faced with difficulties, adopt a warrior mindset.  Learn to view obstacles as stepping stones on the path of personal development.  Remember that mistakes and failures are part of the journey.  If you learn from them, they provide valuable lessons.  By embracing challenges, you’ll become more resilient.  You’ll be ready to take on whatever life throws your way.

“Every warrior of light has felt afraid of going into battle.” — Paulo Coelho (1)


If you want to know how to cultivate a warrior mindset, start with self-discipline.  It means setting boundaries and sticking to them.  The Modern-day spiritual warrior trains the right amount of time allocated to get the job done.  Even a two-minute mindfulness meditation break can be missed if you don’t schedule time for it.

Keep the Big Picture in Focus

Practice delayed gratification.  You do this by prioritizing long-term goals over immediate desires.  Mastering self-discipline is the key to gaining control over your actions.  This tactic unlocks your warrior potential.

Seek Like-Minded Partners

Even warriors need allies.  Surround yourself with positive and uplifting individuals who support and encourage your growth.  Share your goals and aspirations with friends, family, or mentors.  Learn to accept guidance and constructive feedback.  A reliable support system will strengthen your warrior mindset.  They also provide a safety net during challenging times.

Enemies of The Modern-Day Spiritual Warrior

You’ll find the opponents to equality, equity, and sustainability almost everywhere.  They are the ones at the grocery store not wearing masks.  Enemies of progress deny science like vaccines.  Some still refuse to wear seat belts because it interferes with their right to make decisions about their bodies.  At the same time, they deny this same right to women when it comes to pregnancy.  They gather on Sunday to promote their “chosen one” mentality and are motivated by the greed and fear of their leaders.

“Often, during combat, the warrior of light receives blows he was not expecting.  He realizes that, during a war, his enemy is bound to win some of the battles.  When this happens, the warrior weeps bitter tears and rests to recover his energies a little.  But he immediately resumes the battle for his dreams.” — Paulo Coelho

Many don’t realize that sages like Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammad did not find enlightenment following a religion.  To be a warrior, you’ll need to walk a path you forge where no one else has walked.

We finally understand the stories are just examples that show us how to develop our spiritual journey.   They are examples of those who reject organized religion and walk their path.  These stories from the major religions are examples of spiritual warrior training courses.   But, the followers of these religions miss the point.

“Truth is not to be found outside.  No teacher, no scripture can give it to you.  It is inside you, and if you wish to attain it, seek your own company.  Be with yourself.”  — Osho

These experiences prepare us to help others.  We walk the wrong path, suffer betrayals, and make mistakes.  We understand these are essential lessons.  It doesn’t mean we don’t feel fear.  It means we learn to face our fears and prevail despite the odds.  We need to assess our fears.  Warriors, for truth, learn to move beyond the counterfeits.

Sometimes, fear helps protect us from harm, such as falling from a high place, or helps us see something dangerous.  So, our fear can help us make better choices based on reality.  We join the battle to overcome hypocrisy and inequity.

Other people see us walking a unique path.  When they see us overcome the trials in our lives, it encourages them to do the same.

Characteristics of a Spiritual Warrior

how to cultivate a warrior mindset characteristics of a spiritual warrior

These warriors exhibit common characteristics.  Some people are born with these traits; most of us learn to cultivate them.  So, don’t be discouraged.  You can learn to cultivate them.   It’s all part of the modern-day spiritual warrior training program.  Learning your strengths and weaknesses shows you what to correct and how to leverage your strengths.

What makes a warrior different from everyone else?  If you begin an authentic spiritual journey, you will follow in the footsteps of those who have answered the inner call.  It is the pattern that Joseph Campbell calls the Hero’s Journey (2).  Not everyone is a full-time warrior, but if you walk the road long enough, you’ll eventually be confronted with those aligned with darkness.


One of the most obvious characteristics of a spiritual warrior is their authenticity.  They are genuine and truthful in their desire to become better human beings.  You can see how they spend their time and the people and organizations they support.

You can see the difference between the genuine spiritual warriors and the fakes.  You’ll find the fakes in tabernacles of sectarian religion.  Spiritual warriors support the use of methods for developing human potential.  Authentic warriors do not believe in religious mythology and superstition.  Learning how to become a spiritual warrior means rejecting sectarianism.


To be courageous does not mean you aren’t afraid.  Showing courage in the face of great fear is another trait of light warriors for truth.


Vulnerability is one of the characteristics of a spiritual warrior that helps them overcome obstacles on the path.  Every warrior of light has, at least once, doubted themselves.  At some point, everyone doubts their abilities; they’re calling, but they hear a call for a higher mission in their hearts.  We all fail ourselves or others because we are not perfect.  Yet, we are chosen to accomplish a worthy mission.    The search for facts and evidence makes them light workers for the truth.

Supporters of Science and Logic

If you want to learn how to become a spiritual warrior, you must support science and logic.  Support leaders who use science and logic to create policies, not sectarian ideologies.

“Science is the search for the truth—it is not a game in which one tries to beat his opponent, to do harm to others.  We need to have the spirit of science in international affairs, to make the conduct of international affairs the effort to find the right solution, the just solution of international problems, and not an effort by each nation to get the better of other nations, to do harm to them when it is possible.  I believe in morality, in justice, in humanitarianism.” — Linus Pauling

Desire to Help Others

The need to be of service has led everyone to say ‘yes’ when they should have said ‘no.’ They deny they need time to recharge their batteries and sharpen their spiritual tools.  So, we cannot handle the burden we agreed to take, which is a failure.  We must admit we are perfectly flawed to show others they should strive to fulfill their mission.

Spiritual warriors are champions of equality, equity, and the sustainability of the environment.  The goal of this training is to give you tools for making the world a better place for everyone.  This mindset will often put at odds with those spreading disinformation and conspiracy theories.  Their motto is facts, not fiction; evidence, not imaginary friends and enemies.

“That is what marks out the warrior: the knowledge that willpower and courage are not the same thing.  Courage can attract fear and adulation, but willpower requires patience and commitment.  Men and women with immense willpower are generally solitary types and give off a kind of coolness.  Many people mistakenly think warriors are cold when nothing could be further from the truth.” — Paulo Coelho

Confront Injustice and Inequality

The calling is to confront injustice and prejudice by spreading compassion.  However, it’s certainly not a straightforward task.  When you face bigotry with kindness, some see it as a weakness.  It is not a weakness; it is compassion in action.  It takes courage, and courage is a vulnerability—these are characteristics of a true warrior.

Many people see injustice and inequity but do nothing about it.   Many people hear the call of the spiritual quest but fail to answer.   The key is taking action.  Do something today to start making a difference.

You start by clarifying your mission picking an objective and goal.  Then, you need the tools to accomplish the task.  When you start this journey, you must also learn to avoid the common pitfalls hindering your progress.

Unlocking Your Online Spiritual Warrior Training

To become a warrior requires inner work.  Every spiritual crusader needs to be prepared.  It would help if you had the right weapons and tactics.  You need to hone your warrior skills.  Spiritual technologies are the tools you need.  Spiritual technologies are a collection of proven methods for developing and exploring consciousness.  They help us expand awareness and unlock our gifts, making us more capable warriors.  Don’t journey the spiritual road without these implements.  Here are the specific tools a spiritual warrior needs:

— The Suite of Analytical Tools
Different Forms of Meditation
Awareness Tools and Techniques
Natural Healing Modalities

You’ll find links to most of the tools you need for your online spiritual warrior training courses here on this website.  It’s all at your fingertips.  You need to follow through and start using them.

Essential Practices for Spiritual Warriors

The formula for becoming a warrior is doing things that further your growth and help you make a difference.  It also means we must stop doing and avoid the things that are inherently harmful to us and the world.

We’ve covered the characteristics of a warrior and the tools you’ll need.  So, we need to talk about what you must stop doing and avoid.

Things to Avoid

If you want to learn how to become a spiritual warrior, you must avoid the mind trap of Western organized religion.  These religions are the most insidious mind-altering cancer in our culture today.  It uses systematic indoctrination to create mindless zombies out of otherwise intelligent people.  The more exposure you have to their groupthink manipulation tactics, the more likely you are to become a follower.

Ready to Start Your Online Spiritual Warrior Training Program?

Do you hear the call of the warrior?  Remember, the spiritual journey of a warrior is not a destination but a lifelong journey of growth and self-discovery.  Embrace each challenge as an opportunity for growth.  Know that you have the power within you to create a life filled with purpose and spiritual fulfillment.


(1) Paulo Coelho, The book Warrior of the Light. 
(2) Joseph Campbell’s book The Masks of God