You Are Already Perfect Quotes And We Can Learn How To Live It

You Are Already Perfect Quotes — Learn How To Live It

Our modern culture doesn’t want us to know we are created perfect and complete. Are you curious to find out why and what you can do about it? We’ve put together some of the best “you are already perfect quotes” on this topic. Come and see.

Embracing our true, perfect nature should be easy, but many things get in the way. Watch young children play, and you see them living in a state of perfect contentment. They are content with the simplest things because they live without false expectations that come with the trappings of culture. We just need to learn how to get back to that state of innocence. How can we do it?

We’ve put together some of our favorite “you are already perfect quotes” to help you get motivated and stay on track with the task at hand. It involves removing some bad programming.

You’re Perfect Learn How to Live it!

What’s the problem? Why don’t we accept our uniqueness as perfection? It’s because we get a different message from our culture. Our culture tells us we need to conform to the standard they sell. It costs a lot to keep up with the culture’s changing standards, and it is always some version of perfection.

However, these flaws and imperfections are part of what makes us unique Beings. We are perfectly flawed, and that’s part of what makes us perfect.   We must learn to accept ourselves as we are, with all our imperfections, for this is our natural state.

You Are Already Perfect Quotes

The stories of others on the same quest help us stay on track and motivated. They often describe how to overcome obstacles and the mindset necessary to eliminate and replace negative thought scripts. They also provide guidance and insight that can help us avoid common mistakes. Here are some quotes our members find helpful.

“After all, what do you really want? Not perfection; you are already perfect. What you seek is to express in action what you are. For this, you have a body and a mind. Take them in hand and make them serve you.” — Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Perfection is Unique and Authentic

“Have patience with all things, but first with yourself. Never confuse your mistakes with your value as a human being. You are a perfectly valuable, creative, worthwhile person, simply because you exist. And no amount of triumphs or tribulations can ever change that.” — Saint Francis de Sales

Don’t allow setbacks and errors to define you. Sure, the culture loves doing this because it gives them control. Instead, learn from these opportunities and move on. Learn how to live it as an experiment in getting better.

“You are already perfect, only you don’t know it. Learn to know yourself and you will discover wonders.” — Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Self-acceptance is the key to personal growth, because when you accept who you are and then you allow the gifts of your essence to come forward.

“My life is perfect because I accept it as it is.” — Lenny Kravitz

When we accept ourselves, we live in a natural state of contentment. Our hearts are open to allow us full access to the virtues within. No matter our situation or condition, you remember you are already complete; you are perfect. We can live an authentic life pursuing what makes us happy, not what makes the culture money. We can learn to live it fully and completely.

“Impurity is a mere superimposition under which your real nature has become hidden. But the real you is already perfect, already strong.” — Swami Vivekananda

From this state of acceptance, we can fully express the “virtues of the spirit.”  Living these virtues is how we represent the higher values of our nature.   These virtues are gifts from our ancestors. These gifts are gratitude, joyfulness, happiness, love, thankfulness, blissfulness, appreciation, mindfulness, and serenity.

If you find one of these “you are already perfect quotes” that speaks to you, be sure to tag it for future reference.

Connecting with these virtues brings us home. When we connect with them, we can learn how to live it. Living these virtues is the essence of our true spirituality. Watch a young toddler, and you see them acting out these virtues in their unique way. They explore themselves and life without boundaries and without fear. However, their fearlessness is why you must watch them. Toddlers don’t understand that some things could be harmful.

“Love is our true essence. Love has no limitations of caste, religion, race, or nationality. We are all beads strung together on the same thread of love. To awaken this unity and to spread to others the love that is our inherent nature is the true goal of human life.” — Mata Amritanandamayi

We can walk in our authenticity when we express the virtues of the spirit. They give us the strength to walk because we realize we are already complete. We do not need someone else or something else to complete us. So, it tries hard to undermine our self-confidence with fear.

“You are perfectly imperfect.” — Claudia Black

“Don’t wait until you are perfect to change the world.” — Maria Shriver

“I hope you learn to love yourself for who you are and what you look like, and how you were born because you are perfect in your own way.” — Tyler Oakley

Unfortunately, this isn’t the message we have reinforced by our culture. The culture bombards us with messages telling us we aren’t perfect. Advertising tells us we can only attain this state of acceptance if we buy stuff. They use basic social fears to sell, sell, and sell. The “you are already perfect quotes” above resonate with many people who are battling the addiction to commercialism.

Superimposed Cultural Fears

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” — Paulo Coelho

As we grow up, our families teach us about the dangers of this world and then society adds culturally manufactured fears. These counterfeits keep us from opening our gifts; they prohibit our investigation and expression of life.

The culture raises their fabricated fears to the same level as our natural fears. For example, the genuine fears of being burned, falling, etc., are on the same level as the culture’s superimposed fears.

The culture uses our fears to make us their paying customers. The most popular item it sells is the afterlife.   These harmful beliefs include judgments and prejudices which impose boundaries and values to separate people and make us easier to control. These are the things the culture wants us to believe and learn how to live it. Doing so makes us excellent consumers of cultural fear and anxiety.

The culture that we live in fights against us, bringing the truth into the light. It does not want us to access the virtues of the spirit. As long as we believe we are imperfect, they can manipulate us into buying “things” that we think will make us perfect. Of course, buying things doesn’t work, so we purchase more.

The culture is continually reinforcing boundaries that separate and divide us. It separates us from each other and the virtues of the heart. It must do this to maintain control. We wouldn’t be very obedient followers or consumers. If they admit we are already complete, we will buy fewer things.

Personality and Perfection

The Enneagram is a cognitive tool that helps to identify one’s personality default settings. This system can unmask the Ego and the programming of culture.

“If I wait until I become perfect before I love myself, I will waste my whole life. I am already perfect right here and right now. I am perfect exactly as I am.” — Louise Hay

Understanding your Ego will help you see how the culture manipulates us.   This process also shows us the positive aspects of our nature that make us complete.

Some personality types are more vulnerable to the idea of perfection. Seeking excellence and perfect order can be powerful drivers. For example, striving for perfection can be an unhealthy obsession for those who identify with Type One of the Enneagram Personality Profile. This tendency magnifies if you are a Type One with self-preservation at the top of your instinctual stack.

We can overcome this negative programming. All it takes is some inner work with the Enneagram. It will expose the thought processes leading to the fixation on perfection through things. When you accept you are already perfect, this attitude balances your mindset.

The Sources of Cultural Programming

When we access the “virtues of the spirit,” we can see through social programming. We see and appreciate the differences in humanity. Proclaiming our individuality and spirituality would free us. When we see through the programming, we also see the injustices and inequities of the cultural systems.

It’s most important to learn about the institutions that project and protect these boundaries. Organized religion is at the top of this list of paradigms that protect their boundaries from violence. Politics is close behind as the primary tool of extremist ideologies. When your heart opens, you will recognize advertising, in its many forms, is also attempting to project and control our values.

Cultural programming is a handy social tool. Its primary tactics for manipulation are the use of fear, anger, and the misuse of our sexual instincts. These abuses are the cornerstone of The Abrahamic religions (1). These are the Semitic religions of Semitic origin: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

How to Identify Cultural Programming

First, we recommend you get in the habit of questioning cultural narratives. Second, avoid all religious programming. Be especially wary of Western Organized Religion. Third, develop the habit of questioning your thoughts, especially the messages you get from social media. It’s an excellent way to identify when someone is trying to manipulate you.

  • What emotion is being evoked by the message?
  • Is it trying to manipulate me through fear, anger, or sex?
  • How is this message trying to use or shape my values?
  • Am I able to “See” the motives behind the message?
  • What is this message asking me to accept or buy?
  • In what way does this message tell me I’m imperfect and flawed?

Take Aways for You Are Already Perfect Quotes

We need not doubt that our perfection is unique and authentic. These qualities form the heart of our nature. Most people do not fit the model of perfection as defined by our culture. So, we must learn to guard ourselves and protect ourselves from the influence of propaganda.

Once we accept ourselves as we are, then we make positive changes. As we learn to see the influence of harmful institutions, then we can take appropriate action. Everyone can do this.

We want everyone to become a freethinker. The world needs more people who can see through the propaganda and become activists supporting the health and welfare of all people and the planet. Are you one already?


(1) Abrahamic Religions: Wikipedia