Restoring Spiritual Innocence Seeking Spiritual Purity Within The Journey to Spiritual Innocence

Seeking Spiritual Purity Within — The Journey to Spiritual Innocence

We are born in a state of innocence; this is our default setting.  We can lose this purity when we are indoctrinated into harmful beliefs and values.  The journey to spiritual innocence is a return to our spiritual purity.  This is the inner path to happiness, which returns us to our default settings of innocence.  You can do it!

We come into the world with an innocent mind.  Our original state is significant for the absence of any limiting beliefs, biases, or prejudice.  Our minds are innocent, uncluttered by religious dogma and beliefs.  Our only programming is the default settings of personality and instinct.

Seeking spiritual purity within is essential.  Restoring spiritual innocence is a process that makes us free mentally and spiritually.  As freethinkers, we are capable of unleashing the spiritual gifts hidden in our DNA.  This quest will not only benefit you but also everyone in your circle of influence.

Philosophers like Thomas Hobbes believe we are hardwired to be selfish and self-centered.  Work with the Enneagram confirms that all have this propensity.  When our personality becomes unhealthy, we degenerate into unhealthy thinking.

The more unhealthy we become, the more we are apt to become greedy, selfish, and self-centered.  So, we can slip into selfish acts when we are unhealthy.  But we can also channel the virtues of spirit when we are healthy.  We possess the potential for positive and negative beliefs and behavior.

Restoring Spiritual Innocence

Restoring the health of our psyches involves spring cleaning or decluttering.  You get rid of things that no longer serve you, and unhealthy things go into the trash.  Then you clean up the dirt.  Finally, you are ready to restore the innocence and purity of your mind.

Your psyche is like a house.  Some people have uncluttered homes, and some are hoarders.  Spiritual hoarding is similar to hoarding things.  People who hoard things have difficulty distinguishing between what is healthy and useful and what is trash.

Hoarders have difficulty breaking their unhealthy attachments.  Spiritual hoarders have the same issue with long-held beliefs and values.  In fact, attempts to part with spiritual junk are harder than parting with physical junk.  You can hire someone to take care of your physical hoarding problem, but you can’t do this with your mind.  You must declutter your mind.

Seeking Spiritual Purity Within

Restoring spiritual innocence and decluttering the mind requires inner work.  Spiritual junk rots your brain, causing real damage that spills out harmful thinking and behaviors.  If you’ve watched any of the TV shows on decluttering, you are familiar with the emotions involved.

Don’t confuse spiritual decluttering with the false righteousness or piety of religion.  Religious practices and rituals like prayer and worship are tactics of groupthink manipulation.

Being able to see this is extremely difficult if you are deeply entrenched in religious beliefs.  In fact, the idea that what you believe is harmful is unfathomable.  You must have the courage to look at the historical and current results of your belief system.

The destructive nature of organized religion is obvious.  All you need to do is look at the inconsistencies between its messages and its actions.  Look at the division and violence it promotes.

The purity of the spirit is the absence of contamination by religious beliefs.  Seeking spiritual purity within is the process of cleaning and decluttering one’s mind and spirit.

The Importance of Inner Healing Work

Inner work involves tools that help us identify and repair the programming that has been corrupted.  The healing journey to purity requires us to delve into programming that runs our thinking.  Here, we address the emotional wounds, traumas, and limiting beliefs of the corrupt programming.  Once we remove the limiting values and beliefs we have space for positive thinking and values.

The journey to spiritual innocence is about returning to our natural, untainted state of mind.  By facing our beliefs and values with an open mind, we can see if they have healthy results.  We must allow ourselves to feel and process the emotions we attach to our beliefs.  Once we identify and correct them, we can begin to heal the wounds that have been holding us back.

The inner healing journey requires courage and vulnerability.  We must be willing to change beliefs and values that harm others.  It forces us to face our relationships with those who hold harmful sectarian beliefs.

The rewards of overcoming these challenges are immeasurable.  By addressing our emotional baggage and releasing old wounds, we can experience a sense of freedom.  This new freedom allows us to reconnect with our true selves.  Here, we find our original state of mind and spiritual innocence.  The importance of the inner healing journey cannot be overstated.  It is the key to personal growth and development.

A Holistic Approach to Spiritual Purity

importance of the inner healing journey to purity a holistic approach to spiritual purity

The holistic approach deals with body, mind, and spirit.  Integration and balance of all three are the inner healing path to happiness.  It creates lasting positive change.  While this process can be done alone, working with a partner or group is highly recommended.  Having someone help you on this journey will ensure you stay on track.

This path involves everything you do.  You need to assess what you eat.  The foods you eat are one key to holistic health.  Take a hard look at the type and amount of food you consume.

Your body is a machine created to provide us with unique tools for exploring the external and inner worlds.  You must take care of your body and mind; they both need proper exercise.  Your spiritual practice needs to integrate with the mind and body.  This is what makes a holistic approach to spiritual purity effective.

What are harmful beliefs and values?  They are beliefs that promote bias, prejudice, and discrimination.  These beliefs come from extremist religious and political ideologies.  You can recognize them because they undermine basic human rights and inspire violence and oppression.  Here are some ways to see if your beliefs contain harmful elements.

1.  It’s okay to believe anything you want, no matter how ridiculous or outlandish.  It’s not only to make laws and regulations that govern others based on your religious beliefs.

2.  If you believe your religion is the only correct religion, you harbor harmful beliefs.

3.  If your religious beliefs give you the right to tell others how what to do, you have harmful beliefs.

4.  If your religious beliefs justify violence of any kind, these are harmful beliefs.

Embarking on the Journey to Spiritual Innocence

Step one of seeking spiritual purity within is to identify the harmful beliefs.  It can be hard to see the beliefs you’ve hoarded as harmful.  They give you a sense of comfort, even if they are unhealthy.  Having partners on this journey is important.  They will help you recognize the harmful beliefs.

The truth is, we are all agnostics.  No one can prove the existence of a Supreme Being, God, or Goddess with absolute certainty.  Believers don’t know if their God exists.  The need to believe drives the decision to accept the concept of a God or Goddess.

An Agnostic point of view is a conclusion based on a lack of knowledge and credible proof.  An Atheist is someone absent from the belief in God or Gods.  The word Atheism originates from the Greek term ἄθεος (atheos), meaning “without gods.”

So, no matter what you believe, we are all atheists in someone’s religion.  Think about it.  To believe in one God or set of gods is to deny the others.  People use the same philosophical arguments to prove that gods, legends, and other imaginary things exist.  They use belief and myth to prove the existence of Santa Claus, unicorns, and fairies.  So, if belief equaled fact, all Gods would be genuine.  Common sense and logic do not support this conclusion.

Step two is to reject and remove these harmful beliefs from your worldview.  This will require you to observe your self-talk.  You need to find any programming that supports the kind of harmful thinking listed above.

Step three is to reprogram with life-affirming beliefs and values.  This provides the inner healing path to happiness and freedom.  Who wouldn’t want that?

The Tools You Need For The Healing Journey to Purity

importance of inner healing work inner healing path to happiness

1.  The Enneagram

The Enneagram is a tool to which helps us understand the programming of our personalities and instincts.   It is a proven psychometric tool that is easy to understand.  It helps us discover how our thinking changes as we become healthier and more integrated.  We also learn to spot the thinking patterns that indicate we are slipping into unhealthy thinking.

2.  The Repetitive Question Technique

The repetitive question technique is a universal tool for probing the subconscious.  It is easy to use.  You ask the same question over and over looking for a different answer.  This probes the psyche to identify deep-seated beliefs and thoughts.  This can be a challenging but ultimately rewarding process that can lead to profound shifts in your perspective.

3.  The Culture Assessment Questionnaire

The culture assessment questionnaire is another valuable tool for inner work.  This tool examines how cultural influences shape your worldview.   When you identify these influences, you can challenge and repair them.  You can unravel the external programming controlling your thinking.

4.  The Shamanic Journey

The shamanic journey is the traditional approach.  This process is probably the first tool ever created for delving into the subconscious mind.  It is the basis for the healing journey to purity in many indigenous cultures.

Many ancient cultures developed tools for healing and understood the importance of inner healing work.  Through drumming and imagination, you enter an altered state of consciousness.  This enables you to connect with the wisdom of your inner guide and receive guidance on your path to healing.

5.  The Automatic Handwriting Method

Automatic writing is another powerful technique for the journey to spiritual innocence.  It connects with your inner self.  By allowing your thoughts and feelings to flow freely onto the page without judgment, you can uncover harmful beliefs.  This is an opportunity for the subconscious mind to reveal negative judgments.  These are often lurking below the surface of conscious thought.

6.  Lucid Dreaming Techniques

Finally, lucid dreaming techniques can be a fascinating way to explore your inner world.  Your dreams provide insights into your subconscious mind.  By learning how to become aware and control your dreams, you can tap into a wealth of creative potential.  These tools expand your awareness.  Through this process, you gain inner wisdom that can help guide you on your journey of inner healing.

The Inner Healing Path to Happiness and Freedom

To be free is to live without unnecessary or harmful controls.  So, we are born in a state of freedom.  Our only programming as children comes from our personalities and instincts.  These are necessary tools that connect our consciousness to our bodies.  They help us acclimate to this world and avoid dangers by triggering our fight, flight or freeze instinct.

Anything that subverts or corrupts this state takes us away from our very nature.  So, we must be “free” to choose what we believe.  Religious freedom starts with being free from mandatory religious beliefs.  This default setting provides the ultimate platform for living a life of freedom.  Nothing taints the window of our consciousness.  It is that state in which our Spirit and Soul are boundless and free.

Embracing Innocence as a Spiritual Journey

Learn to trust your instincts.  Western organized religions use groupthink manipulation tactics to attract and retain their members.  These are the sects of the Abrahamic family, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.  They prey on our basic fears to make customers.   They create “the need to believe” as the overriding premise of their prejudiced worldview.

The foundation of these cults is built on the fantasy of an imaginary friend — God.  Once you accept this premise, they can program almost anything, including violence.  All of their beliefs pollute your mind and spirit.  Embracing innocence as a spiritual journey will help you recognize these tactics.  An innocent spirit lacks the corruption of harmful sectarian theology.

In Conclusion — The Importance of the Inner Healing Journey

The journey to spiritual innocence is the inner healing path to happiness and freedom.  Seeking spiritual purity within is serious inner work.  Here, we see the importance of inner healing work to remove harmful beliefs and values.

You can employ the tools for this inner work on your own.  However, it is beneficial to work with a partner or group on the same mission.  Working with a therapist is also a good option.  When you have people to help you, you will be able to stay on track and overcome obstacles more quickly.

The healing journey to purity takes dedication.  We recommend a holistic approach to spiritual purity, which integrates body, mind, and spirit.