Recovery from Religious Manipulation an Out-of-the-Box Rescue Technique Overcoming Religious Conditioning

Recovery from Religious Manipulation an Out-of-the-Box Rescue Technique

The only way to change the tide of religious extremism is to change their minds. Recovery from religious manipulation requires overcoming religious conditioning. You can do it! We have an effective method to rescue a believer from religion. We call it an out-of-the-box technique to rescue the believer from religion.

the wisdom and insight from spirit animal symbolism in spirituality

Gain Wisdom and Insight from Spirit Animal Symbolism in Spirituality

Many indigenous cultures use wisdom and insight from spirit animal symbolism in spirituality and rituals. The shamanic journey is the portal through which we can connect with these typologies. Many belief systems believe in spirit entities, which range from ancestors, guides, and saints to evil entities.

Understanding the Spiritual Symbolism Connection with the Matrix Unveiling the Spiritual Symbolism in the Matrix

Understanding the Spiritual Symbolism Connection with the Matrix Movies

The Matrix franchise is about the illusion of culture. By unveiling the spiritual symbolism in the Matrix, we awaken to its dangers. It combines Descartes’s idea of a simulated reality with George Orwell’s 1984 Animal Farm. Then, the story adds a dash of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey. It presents us with some startling conclusions about … Continue reading Understanding the Spiritual Symbolism Connection with the Matrix Movies

A Brief History of the Craft and the Origin of Ancient Magic Practices

A Brief History of the Craft and the Origin of Ancient Magic Practices

Searching for real magic is a personal quest. Religions work hard to keep us from this journey. They reframe things as evil to demonize them. Many cultures view the terms craft and magic as off-limits, evil, and taboo. This branding is effective in keeping people from researching the origin of ancient magic practices.