techniques for delving into memory Overcoming Trauma Through Embracing Past Memories

Delving Into Memory — Overcoming Trauma Through Embracing Past Memories

Memories create our identity and bind our experiences together.   Past traumatic events leave scars that hinder our progress.  Yet, there lies a pathway to overcoming trauma through embracing past memories.  It requires tools for exploring the subconscious and techniques for delving into memory.  Are you ready for this journey?

The Pros and Cons of Media Regulation and Censorship

What Are The Pros and Cons of Media Regulation and Censorship

Why should we care about the pros and cons of media regulation and censorship? Isn’t it necessary to protect society? How much is enough? Censorship has become such a part of culture that most people don’t see it. It is the most dangerous when it is invisible and unseen. See why you should care.