Losing Your Faith in God is the Best Thing that Could Happen

Why is Losing Your Faith in God is the Best Thing that Could Happen?

How is losing your faith in God the best thing that could happen? It starts with understanding the difference between faith and confidence. This will help you see how religion uses faith to make people customers. With this knowledge, you have the freedom to choose your own path. Are you ready for this adventure?

Here Are Best Tools For Navigating Crisis and Pandemic Learn to think positive during the pandemic

The Best Proven Tactics For Navigating Crisis And Pandemic

Navigating crisis and pandemic situations can be very stressful. Understanding what is going on with your mind during a crisis is the only way to control your behavior and produce the best outcomes for yourself and others. See how to do it.

How to Unplug from the Matrix

You Need to Learn How to Unplug from the Matrix

The movie series The Matrix puts a modern twist on analogies about culture. It starts with René Descartes’s idea of a simulated reality, combining George Orwell’s 1984 Animal Farm and Joseph Cambell’s quest of the Hero’s Journe. It teaches why we need to unplug from the illusions of culture.