Are you concerned by the events in the news that are driven by religious and political extremism? Do you want to make the world a better place? If this mission resonates, you should learn how to become a spiritual warrior. Your online spiritual warrior training courses are here.
Understanding the Sacred Pathway Test — Discover Your Sacred Pathway Traits
Everyone who has attended school is familiar with tests. These tools measure our abilities and knowledge. One way of understanding the sacred pathway test is that it is a metaphor for the trials and tests of life. This understanding opens a path of growth and development.
Delving Into Memory — Overcoming Trauma Through Embracing Past Memories
Memories create our identity and bind our experiences together. Past traumatic events leave scars that hinder our progress. Yet, there lies a pathway to overcoming trauma through embracing past memories. It requires tools for exploring the subconscious and techniques for delving into memory. Are you ready for this journey?
Letting Go of The Past — Moving on From The Past to Living in the Present
We all have memories. Some are filled with joy and happiness, and others with heartache and pain. We also have dreams about the future. Both of these can be addictive and control our minds. The result is we miss the joy and happiness that exists by being present. You can learn to take back control, … Continue reading Letting Go of The Past — Moving on From The Past to Living in the Present
Effective Inward And Outward Spiritual Disciplines for Personal Growth
Effective inward and outward spiritual disciplines for personal growth are tools for spiritual exploration. Find out which of these tools will accelerate your personal and spiritual development. Also, find out which ones are counterfeits to avoid.
Atheism and Rejecting Religious Beliefs The Journey of Seeking the Truth
If we are to support the journey of seeking truth and knowledge, we must have the right mindset. Some call this mindset atheism. The intellectual path of atheism and rejecting religious beliefs takes courage. This is more difficult if you live in a culture where faith and spirituality play a significant role. Come and see … Continue reading Atheism and Rejecting Religious Beliefs The Journey of Seeking the Truth
Eastern Versus Western Mindset — Balance and Proportion Versus Chaos
What we think affects the psychic structures of the mind. Certain themes create harmony and peace, while others cause chaos and clutter. This is the battle of the Eastern versus Western mindset. Or the conflict between balance and proportion versus chaos.
What Are The Pros and Cons of Media Regulation and Censorship
Why should we care about the pros and cons of media regulation and censorship? Isn’t it necessary to protect society? How much is enough? Censorship has become such a part of culture that most people don’t see it. It is the most dangerous when it is invisible and unseen. See why you should care.
Growing Personal Freedom by Challenging The Cultural Narrative
Most people value freedom. Growing personal freedom begins by challenging the cultural narrative. To challenge is to confront, question the validity of, or defy. Learn why this is healthy and how you can benefit from it.
The Distorted Reality of Consciousness — Signs of Consciousness Distortion
The line between illusion and reality is thin. Is it possible to escape the distorted reality of consciousness and belief? When a person suffers from delusions, we say they need medical treatment. But when a group of people has similar delusions, we accept it as a religion. Isn’t that strange?