Spiritual Exploration is the practice of processes for expanding awareness and opening the doors to other states of consciousness.
Ways to Integrate Movement and Stillness Finding Tranquility Amidst Action
Finding tranquility amidst action makes us more present, happy, and productive. The trick is learning ways to integrate movement and stillness. A balanced approach to stillness and movement is easy to integrate into your lifestyle. Come and learn how to do it.
Benefits of Sahaj Samadhi Practice — Discovering Inner Peace and Harmony
The fourth state of consciousness is also known as Samadhi. The benefits of sahaj samadhi practice are life-changing. People have been discovering inner peace and harmony with this technique for centuries. Every spiritual explorer needs to learn the method.
A Meditation Troubleshooting Strategy to Tame the Wild Horse of the Mind
Learning to meditate is essential for your health, but it’s not without its challenges. The mind is like a wild horse that doesn’t want to cooperate. Never fear. You can learn to overcome the most common issues with meditation. We have a meditation troubleshooting strategy to handle these issues.
Deepening Spiritual Awareness Trusting the Process of Spiritual Exploration
Building trust in your spiritual journey and the techniques you use for it is essential. Trusting the process of spiritual exploration is surrendering to spiritual transformation. By leaning into spiritual journey practices, you are deepening spiritual awareness.
Letting Go of The Past — Moving on From The Past to Living in the Present
We all have memories. Some are filled with joy and happiness, and others with heartache and pain. We also have dreams about the future. Both of these can be addictive and control our minds. The result is we miss the joy and happiness that exists by being present. You can learn to take back control, … Continue reading Letting Go of The Past — Moving on From The Past to Living in the Present
How to Create a Vision Board — The Advantages of Using a Vision Board
Most people overlook the advantages of using a vision board. Once you understand their power, you’ll use them forever. See why you should make one or more.
Yoga Is the Union of What 3 Things? — Understanding Yoga Union Practice
Yoga is the union of what 3 things? Understanding the threefold path to union is the key. The practice of Yoga Asana is widely accepted as a form of exercise, but this is only one aspect of Yoga. To get the most out of Yoga, you must know how to achieve yoga union for balance … Continue reading Yoga Is the Union of What 3 Things? — Understanding Yoga Union Practice
Techniques to Access Your Higher Self-Guru — Practicing Silence in the Mind
Our overactive mind fills every moment with internal chatter. This constant self-talk can become overwhelming. It keeps us from connecting with the higher self-guru. Yes, you have one. But there are techniques to access your higher self-guru and quiet the mind. Learn how to connect with this aspect of our psyche.
The Third Eye Chakra Meditation Script — Third Eye Activation Script
The 3rd eye is a psychic doorway. Do visualization exercises for third-eye activation interest you? They will open the doorways to non-ordinary states of consciousness. Are you ready for the third eye chakra meditation script or third eye activation script?