Politics and religion flood our culture with deceptive messages. There are misleading teachings, false gurus, and our own biases. It’s essential to arm ourselves with knowledge to keep from being deceived. You need to learn how to avoid spiritual deception.
Developing Imagination — The Spiritual Aspect of Cosmic Manifestation
Our world emphasizes analytical thinking, and the advantages of developing imagination are overlooked. But imagination is the key to manifesting what we desire. Come and learn how to leverage your imagination.
If True Freedom is Based on Autonomy, is True Freedom Possible?
Is true freedom possible, or is it a lofty ideal just out of reach? Freedom has always been a cherished ideal. But have you ever stopped to ponder how it plays out in real life? Is freedom the absence of constraints, or is there more to it? What is the connection between freedom and autonomy? … Continue reading If True Freedom is Based on Autonomy, is True Freedom Possible?
Diversity Equity Inclusion and Equality — Moving Beyond a Tribal Worldview
We are living in the middle of a clash of paradigms—a tug-of-war between ideologies. Most people don’t see it because it’s been going on for so long. Learning to handle this conflict is a necessary skill in our modern world.
Emotion Regulation Process Model Emotional Check-In Questions For Adults
When we have a calm state of mind, we make better decisions. However, maintaining this state of mind can be difficult. The emotion regulation process model is designed with emotional check-in questions for adults. It’s a proven technique to help regain and maintain emotional equilibrium.
10 Common Logical Fallacies in Popular Culture The Slippery Slope in Ethics
The only way to guard your mind from false and deceptive arguments is to evade them. 10 common logical fallacies are used 95% of the time. Spotting these tactics will help you avoid the slippery slope in ethics.
Is the Church Obsolete? — Obsolete Worldviews and the Problem of Evil
We’ve outgrown worldviews that once defined our understanding of the world. From theism to the flat earth theory, worldviews become obsolete as we discover new facts and truths. Holding onto a backward, obsolete worldview has negative consequences. See how we can learn to move forward to create a better world.
The Ten Axioms of Choice Theory And The Personality Path Enneagram
The ten axioms of choice theory is a tool that helps us understand how we make decisions. These axioms relate directly to the Enneagram. Learn how these tools can help you make better choices in life.
Are Spiritual Gifts and Abilities A Blessing or A Curse? — It Depends
The gifts of our spiritual nature are undoubtedly fascinating. But are spiritual gifts and abilities a blessing or curse? Several factors determine if these gifts are desirable or undesirable.
How to Balance Head and Heart Restore the Balance Between Ego Soul and Self
If we learn how to balance head and heart, we achieve our life’s true potential. It requires restoring ego, soul, and self to their natural healthy states without the harmful programming of religious bias and prejudice. If you want a healthy life, relationships, and community, you must achieve this balance.