Ancient Mystical Teachings of Paganism That Define The Abrahamic Traditions Shared Religious Texts and Beliefs

Ancient Mystical Teachings of Paganism That Define The Abrahamic Traditions

Have you ever wondered about the historical roots that define the Abrahamic traditions?  Did you know Christianity, Islam, and Judaism have pagan origins?  Let’s explore the similarities between the Abrahamic faiths and the ancient mystery religions.

Paganism and the Abrahamic traditions seem worlds apart, but they actually have a lot in common.  Their symbolism, practices, and even their holy texts share common ancestors.  Most followers of the Abrahamic faiths don’t know about these origins.  They believe their texts to be accurate translations of divinely inspired documents.  In truth, these writings are a compilation of myths, legends, and superstitions from many ancient cultures.

What are the ancient mystery religions?  These are the cults that existed in the Mediterranean region in 1 BCE.  They include Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Persian religious systems.

Shared Religious Texts and Beliefs

The similarities between pagan and Abrahamic ideologies are not a coincidence.  In other circles, this is called plagiarism.  The Abrahamic faiths have tried to keep these truths from being exposed.  They fear it would affect their membership base.  But the information age has made this harder.   Thanks to the Internet, this information is more readily available.

While each tradition has its sacred texts, there are striking similarities between them.  The same stories and teachings are in the Torah, Tanak, New Testament, the Quran, and other holy texts.  The translation and interpretation of ancient texts provide a window into the past.  Side by side, the comparison of myths and legends shows us how these stories have traveled far and wide.

By deciphering these texts, scholars reveal the historical roots of the Abrahamic faiths.  For example, the doctrines of a Mother Goddess are prominent in many pagan religions.  The Virgin Mary in Christianity reflects the same concepts and symbolism.

Historical evidence shows that Abrahamic religions were not original.  They are copies of the ancient mystery religions.  This is the home of the ancient mystical teachings of paganism.  It is ingenious how so many different unrelated belief systems were combined.  Granted, this effort took several hundred years.  The Roman army supported their methodical acquisition of existing religions and their sites.  They converted or expelled their previous leadership and built a worldwide empire.

Origins of Shared Religious Texts and Beliefs

Our understanding of “the ancient mystery religions” increased significantly in the 1800s.  Scholars begin deciphering hieroglyphs and cuneiform texts.    The work of Kersey Graves, The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors, 1881 is a good example.  It outlines hundreds of similarities between pagan and Abrahamic beliefs.  He says ignorance of history and science are the two greatest sources of religious error.

Rosetta Stones and Behistun Inscriptions

the ancient mystery religions and the old testament family tree interpretation of ancient texts

The discovery of the Rosetta Stones in 1801 was a significant step for history and science.   These stones hold a decree from King Ptolemy V in three languages.  The first language is Egyptian hieroglyphs, which are suitable for a priestly decree).  Second, it is a Demotic cursive Egyptian script that is for common communication.  The third language was Ancient Greek.  This enabled researchers to read Egyptian hieroglyphs.

The Behistun Inscriptions in Iran are another significant archeological find.  This monument is written in three different cuneiform script languages.  Old Persian, Elamite, and Babylonian have unique differences.  Old Persian is a semi-alphabet, but Elamite and Akkadian are syllabaries.  It provided the ability to decipher all three languages.

The Church had destroyed any sources that connected their doctrines to paganism.  They didn’t destroy the hieroglyphs and cuneiform texts that could not be deciphered.  By the time they could be deciphered in the 1800s, many of these artifacts were in private collections and museums.  They were outside the reach of the Church.   By the late 1850s, the origins of the Abrahamic faiths had come to light.  These artifacts show the origins of the Old Testament Family Tree and New Testament.

The Abrahamic faiths explain away their shared religious texts and beliefs with pagan cultures in three ways.  First, pagan texts are preconceived forgeries by the Devil.  However, this explanation creates another problem.  It conveys the trait of omniscience to the Devil.  Only God can know everything.

Another tactic is to discount the accuracy and authenticity of the translation.   Lastly, they justify their right to plagiarize.  They still define the Abrahamic traditions as superior to the previous cultures.  Here’s an example of how they address their assimilation of pagan ideology.

“The Church has borrowed without hesitation from the common stock of significant actions known to all periods and to all nations. In such matters as these, Christianity claims no monopoly or originality.” — The Catholic Encyclopedia and International Work, 1909

Why Christianity Deines the Ancient Mystical Teachings of Paganism

Researchers exposed the shared religious texts and beliefs of the Abrahamic family.  Why did these religions keep their histories secret?  The answer is easy.  They don’t want this to be public knowledge.  The truth destroys the credibility of the divine origins of their ancient texts and teachings.  When a system that is entrenched in the culture is in danger, it can take drastic measures to protect its cash flow.

The ancient mystical teachings of paganism and the Abrahamic faiths are the same.  The leaders of these modern-day religions don’t want their followers to know this.  There has been a decline in membership in the Abrahamic religions.  However, this decline is not due to knowledge of their origins.  Most people leave because these systems fail to have any personal or social value.  By understanding the roots of these belief systems, you free yourself from myths and superstitions.

Concepts of the Ancient Mystical Teachings of Paganism

Ancient mystery religions were central to the cultures of many societies.  Every civilization, from the Assyrians to the Persians, assimilated these myths into their core beliefs.  These cults were secretive and promoted esoteric knowledge and rituals.  Initiates would undergo ceremonies rich in symbolism.  These rites centered around ritual sacrifices intended to connect them with the supernatural.

These cults were secretive and exclusive belief systems.  They promised access to prosperity and salvation in the afterlife.  These religions were often centered around a mythical figure known as the dying God.  This figure would undergo a symbolic death and resurrection, symbolizing the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.  This concept foreshadows later avatar versions of Mythra and Jesus.

In Assyria, the cult of Tammuz revolves around the story of a God who dies and is reborn each year.  This mirrors the cycles of nature.  In Babylon, the worship of Ishtar involved rituals surrounding the death and rebirth of the God, Ishtar.

Moving to Egypt, the cult of Osiris was one of the most prominent mystery religions.  It was a cult focusing on the death and resurrection of the God Osiris.  This entity symbolized renewal and fertility.  Followers of Osiris believed in the promise of eternal life through their devotion to God.

Persia is home to the dying-God Mithra.  This cult spread throughout the Roman Empire and gained a following among soldiers and merchants.  The cult of Mithra emphasized loyalty, courage, and sacrifice.  It had rituals involving symbolic feasting and initiation ceremonies.  He, too, is sacrificed for the sins of others and is reborn afterward.

All the dying-God sects of the Mediterranean share a common doctrine.  The cults of Adonis, Dionysus, and Orpheus focus on salvation, rebirth, fertility, and renewal.  These religions were an integral part of ancient society.  They provide a sense of comfort and hope in the face of the unknown.  All of their beliefs were assimilated into Christianity under the rule of the Roman army.

While the Ancient Mystery Religions have long since faded, they still define the Abrahamic traditions.  They live again in all manner of doctrines, symbols, and beliefs.  Uncovering the history gives you a new perspective.  It helps you to understand your quest for meaning and connection to the divine.  The practices of the ancient cult religions may be shrouded in mystery, but their legacy lives on.

Oneness is another common element of these ancient mystical teachings of paganism.   This is the idea that everyone is interconnected and part of the divinity of creation.  Oneness is central to the beliefs of many pagan religions.  This concept is the foundation for the monotheistic traditions of the Abrahamic tribes.  The notion that all living beings are connected through a higher power is a fundamental aspect of Wica.

There is no doubt the ancient mystery religions laid the groundwork for the Abrahamic traditions.  The concepts of prayer and purification through ritualistic cleansing are another common thread.  The Abrahamic faith uses the same symbolism in its ceremonies.  These concepts were borrowed from pagan beliefs.

The shared religious texts and beliefs are the legacy of earlier pagan practices.  They were assimilated and rebranded in the new belief systems of the Abrahamic faiths.

The ancient mystical teachings of paganism are clearly evident in the Abrahamic faiths.   A historical perspective gives you a glimpse into the psychological tools used.  You will see how mythology and greed can be leveraged to create cash flow.  The ancient mystery religions are indeed still alive and well.  Their doctrines continue to shape the understanding of religion.

Interpretation of Ancient Texts

Divinely inspired texts are the foundation for many religions.  The Abrahamic faiths are no exception; they use them to validate their existence.  These texts have shaped the beliefs, values, and cultures around the world.  The vast number of different interpretations gives us hundreds of different sects.

Historians and scientists disagree with religious authorities.  They offer different perspectives and conclusions.  One side sees these as archeological artifacts, while the other sees them as the undisputed words of God.

The interpretation of ancient texts is not limited to religious documents.  The Code of Hammurabi is a set of laws from ancient Babylon.  It is another example of a text that has been debated and analyzed by scholars.  Some see the laws as harsh and punitive, like an eye for an eye.  Others argue they are a deterrent against crime.  Nevertheless, these 282 laws are in the third book of the Torah, Leviticus.

One of the most famous sacred texts of the Middle East is the Epic of Gilgamesh.  This poem, the oldest text written in ancient Mesopotamia, dates back to 2100 BC.  Some scholars see the story as a quest for immortality, while others see it as the inevitability of death.  The differing interpretations of the story highlight the complexity of ancient texts.

The Buddhist tradition is centered around the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha.  The Tripitaka, or Pali Canon, is the oldest collection of Buddhist scriptures.  It contains discourses, rules for monks, and philosophical teachings.  The Mahayana tradition also includes texts such as the Lotus Sutra and the Diamond Sutra.  These texts emphasize the concept of emptiness and the path to enlightenment.

The Guru Granth Sahib guides the Sikh faith.  This is a compilation of hymns, prayers, and spiritual teachings by Sikh gurus and saints.  He is considered the eternal Guru of the Sikh community, embodying divine wisdom.

The Hindu tradition has several sacred texts, including the Vedas, Upanishads, and Bhagavad Gita.  The Vedas are the oldest scriptures.  These texts of Hinduism consist of hymns, rituals, and philosophical teachings.  The Upanishads delve deeper into the nature of reality, consciousness, and the self.  The Bhagavad Gita is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and the warrior Arjuna.

The interpretation of ancient texts gives us insight into the development of religion.  As you weigh the different arguments for these texts, you can see how they affect the culture.

Texts That Define The Abrahamic Traditions

The Bible, Torah, and Quran are the sacred texts of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.  These documents validate the doctrines of these religions.

The Bible encompasses both the Old and New Testaments.  It is a compilation of stories from the ancient mystery religions.  These books contain religious teachings, moral guidelines, and historical accounts.  The Torah is the foundational text of both Christianity and Judaism.  It is comprised of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible.  Muslims believe the Quran to be the teachings of God, as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.  Let’s take a closer look at the fascinating history behind these ancient scriptures.

Because these religions talk so much about love and peace, you’d think they would welcome a way to unite.  Unfortunately, this isn’t the case.  They share religious texts and beliefs, but this does not unite them.  Each sect believes their interpretation is the only correct interpretation.

The Septuagint

The Septuagint is a skewed interpretation of ancient texts of the Jewish faith.  It is not a copy of the Hebrew Torah or Tanak.  It is a Greek text created in Alexandra around 3 BCE.  The Septuagint plays a crucial role in validating the New Testament of Christianity.  It links the Jewish Torah and Tanak to the New Testament.  This is the Old Testament family tree, but it is considered inferior to the covenant of the New Testament.

The Origin of Shared Religious Texts and Beliefs

The Torah, also known as the Pentateuch, is the first five books of the Hebrew Bible and is written in Hebrew.  It is considered the central religious text of Judaism.  The Tanak, on the other hand, consists of the Torah, Prophets, and Writings and is also written in Hebrew.  The Septuagint is a Greek version of the Hebrew Bible, but it is not an exact translation.  It includes many differences and additional books not found in the traditional Jewish canon.

Content Differences in the Old Testament Family Tree

One key aspect of paganism found in the Septuagint is the presence of multiple Gods and Goddesses.  In comparison, monotheism is emphasized in Christianity and Judaism.  The Septuagint retains elements of polytheism, with references to various Gods and divine beings.  These deities are often associated with specific aspects of nature, such as the sun, moon, and stars.  These reflect the pagan belief in the interconnectedness of all things.

Another aspect of paganism in the Septuagint is the use of symbolic language and imagery.  Pagan traditions use symbolism to convey ideas, and the Septuagint is no exception.  From the burning bush in Exodus to the serpents in Numbers, the text is filled with symbolism that mirrors pagan thought.

The Septuagint also contains teachings on the importance of honoring the elements and the natural world.  This mirrors the emphasis in paganism on living in harmony with nature.  It recognizes the divine presence in all things.  This reverence for the elements is evident in passages that describe the earth, sea, and sky as manifestations of the divine.  Many passages in Psalms highlight the sacredness of the natural world.

While the Torah and Tanak share similar content, the Septuagint is much different.  It includes several extra books, known as the Apocrypha or Deuterocanonical books.  Not all Abrahamic traditions do not recognize these ancient texts.  However, they are included in the Septuagint and the Catholic version of the Old Testament family tree.

One major difference between the Septuagint and the Torah/Tanakh is the length of the text.  The Septuagint version of the Book of Job is longer than the Hebrew version.  It contains additional passages and verses that are not present in the original text.

You can see the plagiarism of other cultures throughout these texts.  For example, The Code of Hammurabi or Hammurabi (1750 BCE) is found in the Old Testament Family tree.  Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 contain the Ten Commandments and other statutes.  Hammurabi was the sixth and best-known ruler of Babylon’s 1st (Amorite) dynasty.

Another key difference between the two versions is the language and style of writing.  The Septuagint is written in Greek, while the Torah and Tanakh are written in Hebrew.  This linguistic distinction can impact the translation, tone, and mood of the text, as well as the way certain passages are interpreted.

Additionally, the Septuagint has variations in the names and characters of the original Hebrew texts.  Different renderings and interpretations of key texts are used to link the Old Testament Family Tree and the New Testament.

The New Testament

The New Testament is the second part of the Christian Bible.  It contains the teachings and beliefs of Jesus Christ and his early followers.  It is written in Greek and includes the four Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles, and the Book of Revelation.  Christians consider the New Testament to be divinely inspired and authoritative.

The books in this collection echo the dying-God sects.  They blend many different and contradictory accounts of the fictional lives of the avatar-dying God.  The collection includes a creation story of the logos, or the power of words, which is found in many pagan religions.  The oldest proof texts date to the 4th century (Codex Sinaiticus), or 400 years after the events were to have taken place.  The 27 books of the New Testament were canonized in the Council of Hippo in 393 CE.

Many texts that had been used for hundreds of years by various factions in the sect were excluded from official use.  Among the books not included was the Gospel of Jesus because it was an autobiography that portrayed his life much differently.  In this version, he was not tortured but won the debate with Pontious Pilot, was released, and married Mary Magdalene.

The Torah, Tanak, and Talmud

For Jewish communities, the Torah and Tanak hold unparalleled religious significance.  These ancient texts are the foundation of Jewish faith and practice.  In contrast, the Septuagint is just the starting point to define the Abrahamic traditions.  Christians acknowledge their spiritual authority.  However, they regard them as inferior to the New Covenant of the New Testament.

The Torah contains the first five books of the Hebrew Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.  These books are the foundational texts of Judaism.  Here, we find the laws of Hammurabi and the teachings of Moses.

The stories in the Torah come from ancient Mesopotamian legends.  Here, we find the Babylonian creation myth of Enuma Elish.  This mirrors the story of Noah in Genesis of the Great Flood and the Epic of Gilgamesh.

The Tanak, also known as the Hebrew Bible, is the canonical collection of Jewish scriptures.  It consists of three sections: the Torah, the Nevi’im (Prophets), and the Ketuvim (Writings).  The Tanak is one of the three authoritative texts for Jews.  The Talmud is perhaps the most authoritative of the three.  The Talmud contains contemporary interpretations of the Torah and Tanak.

The Quran

The Quran is the holy book of Islam, believed to be the word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.  It is written in Arabic and is divided into 114 chapters, or surahs.  The Quran serves as a guide for Muslims in all aspects of life, from moral conduct to worship practices.

The Quran is promoted as a text that promotes monotheism.  However, upon closer inspection, one can find traces of pagan beliefs, ideas, and practices.

Paganism in pre-Islaimic Arabia promoted multiple deities and the worship of nature.   These beliefs were deeply entrenched in society.  As Islam emerged in this region, it absorbed pagan customs and traditions.  These influences can be seen in the Quran, from its stories and symbolism to its rituals and practices.

One of the most prominent pagan influences in the Quran is the concept of intercession.  In paganism, it was common to have spiritual intermediaries who helped communicate with the divine.  The Quran talks about the intercession of prophets and angels.  They intervene on behalf of believers on the Day of Judgment.

Another pagan practice that can be found in the Quran is the Hajj pilgrimage.  Before Islam, the Kaaba in Mecca was a sacred site for pagan Arabs.  They would perform rituals and make offerings to their Gods there.  When Islam was established, the Prophet Muhammad added the Hajj pilgrimage.  However, they made significant modifications to remove the obvious pagan elements.

Additionally, the Quran contains stories and symbols taken from pagan myths and folklore.  For example, the story of the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Knowledge are parallel stories.  These myths come from ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian folklore.  Similarly, the symbolism of the crescent moon is connected with pagan deities like the moon God Sin.  This symbol is featured in Islamic art and architecture.

Some verses in the Quran suggest the use of talismans and charms for protection.  The use of amulets is common in pagan cultures.  The Quran speaks of jinn, supernatural beings that predate Islamic beliefs.  These evil entities come from pagan folklore.

Also, some of the verses in the Quran mirror pre-Islamic poetry.  Islam assimilates many authors under the umbrella of their religion.  Posthumous assimilation is used to justify the borrowing of pagan literary tradition.

Final Thoughts on The Legacy of the Ancient Mystery Religions

These holy texts have been revised at least 10,000 times.  Despite the many corrections, many still consider them inspired by God.  The shared religious texts and beliefs in the Abrahamic family shape the culture.  Millions of people around the world believe in their authenticity.   When you read these ancient texts, remember their true history.  These documents are a collection of relics.  They are a picture of the mythology and superstition of ancient humanity.

The ancient mystical teachings of paganism are alive today.  They are rebranded under the umbrella of the Abrahamic religions.  Yet, knowledge of their roots has not deterred their popularity.  Their continued presence is a testament to the hypnotic power of groupthink propaganda.  The mythology of the ancient mystery religions is alive and well.