Why is Meditation Like Skydiving Skydiving is an Analogy for Preparation

Why is Meditation Like Skydiving? Skydiving is an Analogy for Preparation

Analogies and metaphors help us understand things by comparing and pointing out similarities.  We want to explore the symbolism of skydiving as a metaphor for meditation.  Surprising as it may seem, meditation, like skydiving, shares several fundamental aspects.

Skydiving is an analogy for preparation.  It’s a tool that can make any spiritual practice more effective.  Come and see how you can use this to strengthen your path.

Imagine yourself at the edge of an open plane door.  Your heart races, adrenaline pumps, and you’re ready to jump into the sky.  Skydiving is a metaphor that underscores the benefits of good preparation.

It is a thrilling adventure that entails diving headfirst into the unknown.  It is not only an exhilarating experience but also a powerful metaphor for a variety of spiritual practices.  So, please fasten your seat belts, and let’s dive into the metaphor of skydiving!

Symbolism of Skydiving as a Metaphor

the symbolism of skydiving as a metaphor skydiving as a metaphor for thoughtful preparation

A metaphor is a figure of speech that draws similarities between things.  An analogy is used to compare things.  They are used together to make compelling and memorable stories.  So, skydiving is a metaphor for the thoughtful preparation needed for spiritual practices like meditation.

We don’t usually think of spiritual practices and skydiving as being similar.  However, this analogy shows the parallels of preparation that are important in both.  That is what makes this analogy an excellent memory device.  Jumping out of an airplane underscores the importance of building preparation into the process.  This aspect is no different from other spiritual practices.

I think you’d agree that the preparation for skydiving is a topic of utmost importance.  Your life depends on preparation; we can say the same for many spiritual practices.

“Skydiving isn’t really about jumping out of airplanes.  Flying through the sky is great fun, but it is what the act represents that is important.  It is about Freedom.” ― Brian Germain, Transcending Fear: The Doorway to Freedom

Exactly Why is Meditation Like Skydiving?

As strange as it may seem, meditation bears an uncanny resemblance to skydiving.  Both activities require us to leave our comfort zones, let go of attachments, and surrender to the present moment.  Just as a skydiver must release all concerns and immerse themselves in the experience, the same applies to meditation.

You wouldn’t jump out of an airplane and then try to put on your parachute.  Trying to put on your parachute after jumping out of an airplane would be exciting, but the outcome may not be desirable.  Also, you’d want to know how to put on and use your parachute before jumping.

You wouldn’t jump out of an airplane and then try to put on your parachute.  Trying to put on your parachute after jumping out of an airplane would be exciting, but the outcome may not be desirable.  Also, you’d want to know how to put on and use your parachute before jumping.  So, why is meditation like skydiving?  Good preparation is the key to a safe and enjoyable experience.

The Benefits of Good Preparation

The Benefits of Good Preparation and Skydiving is a Metaphor

1.  Skydiving as an analogy for preparation

Before skydiving, meticulous preparation is crucial to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.  Similarly, when approaching meditation, building preparation into your practice becomes essential.

Allocating time for the practice is the highest priority.  Creating a suitable environment can be important.  Establishing a consistent routine provides a solid foundation for your meditation journey.  By incorporating these preparatory elements, you enhance focus.  It removes or reduces distractions and deepens your connection with the present moment.

Most difficulties with seated or moving meditation can be traced back to proper preparation, which leads to bad habits.  Don’t jump out of the airplane; try to put on your parachute as you fall.  Put it on before you jump.

The symbolism of skydiving as a metaphor applies equally to the success of many spiritual practices.  If this sounds like you, don’t despair.  We have a meditation troubleshooting guide that will give you more details about handling the most common issues.

Preparation for skydiving shares many similarities with the groundwork in many spiritual practices.  Prior to taking the jump, you undergo extensive training.  You learn techniques for maneuvering and safety measures to ensure a smooth experience.

Similarly, the symbolism of skydiving as a metaphor for meditation demands preparatory steps.  Some people need a quiet space, while others can meditate almost anywhere.  Adopting a comfortable posture is always important.  Above all, a regular practice routine provides familiarity and grounding.  Just as skydivers gear up before the jump, we must prepare ourselves to explore the depths of our consciousness.  Thoughtful preparation will make your meditation more consistent.

2.  Skydiving is an Analogy for Preparation in other Spiritual Practices

The exhilaration of skydiving extends beyond the event.  So, too, the analogy extends to other spiritual practices as well.  Skydiving serves as a metaphor for any spiritual journey.  That’s because most processes need precision, trust, and surrender.

From yoga and martial arts to shamanic rituals, skydiving is a metaphor that aligns with other spiritual practices.  Confronting fears and uncertainty are a common thread in many spiritual practices.

Find Reliable Sources

Preparing for success starts with finding qualified instruction.  Look for someone who knows and cares about the cultural context.

Analytical Tools
Awareness Tools and Techniques
Natural Healing Modalities

Many of these methods share the same preparatory techniques.  For instance, if you practice Japa meditation, you can learn a moving meditation like forest bathing quickly.  This is because these processes share the same preparation steps.

3.  Build thoughtful preparation into the technique

The most effective techniques are taught with the preparation built into the process.  For example, TM and Japa meditation are the same processes.  They have the same preparation, learning format, and post-learning checkpoints.  These elements help to achieve the best learning outcomes.  This process is a quality check.  It ensures the best learning outcomes.

Why is meditation like skydiving?  It’s just like packing a parachute.  You double-check as you go and then perform a final check afterward.  This is the quality check that ensures your parachute opens correctly.  It’s the same for the Japa meditation process above.

“A well-trained skydiving instructor can’t save one from a broken parachute.” ― Bryan Way

Create a Checklist

You must take responsibility for the preparation.  Create a checklist.  With smartphones everywhere, it is easy to create a reminder with a prep checklist.  It doesn’t have to be elaborate.  You start with a sticky note or put a list on your smartphone.

For example, you know you do some breathing exercises and light yoga before you meditate, but you always run out of time to get everything done.  So, set a reminder on your smartphone so you have time.  Skydiving is an analogy for preparation that helps you remember to start on time.  Place a sticky note on the corner of your monitor.  The old saying that it takes 28 days to make a habit isn’t correct.  Sometimes, it takes a lot longer because we are creatures of habit and patterns that are hard to break.  A checklist will help remind you.

Partner for Accountability

When you share your goals with a partner, you also increase the likelihood of success.  So accountability becomes part of your success formula and preparation.

4.  Embracing the unknown requires thoughtful preparation

Skydiving is a metaphor that challenges us to confront fear and uncertainty.  It’s the same when starting a meditation practice.  Uncertainty may arise as you delve into the unknown dimensions of your mind.  Uncertainty raises your expectations and anxiety.  These can affect the success of your practices.

But, just as skydivers embrace the thrill despite their reservations, so do we as we approach meditation.  Thoughtful performance reduces the effects of fear and uncertainty.  Then, we are free to dive into our practice with an open mind and heart.  Embracing the unknown aspects of your meditation practice is the platform for personal growth.

Why is meditation like skydiving?  It is crucial to understand the theory behind any spiritual practice.  Learning what to expect and standard troubleshooting techniques will go a long way.  You need to learn about the equipment and how to use it (when to put it on).  Most times, this means learning about how the mind works.  If the person or organization can’t or won’t explain the theory behind the practice, it’s a warning sign.  Find another teacher.

5.  Letting go

Meditation, like skydiving, requires letting go and trusting in the parachute to ensure a safe landing.  Similarly, meditation teaches us the art of letting go.  We learn to surrender and trust in the process.  We surrender our need for total control, allowing thoughts and emotions to arise and pass without judgment.

Skydiving forces us to release control over external circumstances.  And meditation encourages us to relinquish control over our internal experiences.  This develops a sense of freedom and deep relaxation.

6.  Cultivating mental resilience through thoughtful preparation

Preparation creates a foundation of mental resilience for success.  Skydiving demands mental resilience as you overcome fear, uncertainties, and the adrenaline rush.  In the same way, meditation helps build resilience by training your mind to face challenging thoughts.

Skydiving is an analogy for preparation we can use to cultivate presence.  It teaches us to be fully present, recognizing the impermanence of each moment.  Meditation cultivates an awareness of the present as well.  It helps us let go of thoughts and attachments, instilling a sense of peace and tranquility.

Why is meditation like skydiving?  Both practices reinforce the importance of remaining calm, centered, and focused amidst chaos.  It teaches us to remain balanced in overwhelming situations.  Skydivers learn to harness their mental strength.  They can approach the jump fearlessly.  Meditation empowers individuals to cultivate peace and inner strength amid life’s turbulence.

7.  Trusting the process and managing expectations

Jumping out of an airplane is a leap of faith that requires utmost trust in the equipment, instructor, and oneself.  Meditation necessitates trust in the process and the ability to explore the depths of consciousness.

Why is meditation like skydiving?  By surrendering to the practice, you allow your mind to settle.  We create space for self-reflection, insight, and spiritual growth.  Skydivers and meditators trust their preparation and training.  This opens doors to self-discovery and transformation.

Managing your expectations is a crucial part of meditation.  You prepare for how to deal with issues but, at the same time, practice without a plan.  For example, knowing what to do when you can’t keep thoughts or distractions from interrupting is essential.  On the other hand, it’s just as important not to have unrealistic expectations that every meditation session will be without flaws.

“The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace.  With each step, the wind blows.  With each step, a flower blooms.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh

Conclusion — Skydiving is an Analogy for Preparation

The symbolism of skydiving as a metaphor for thoughtful preparation is powerful.  That’s what makes it a valuable tool.  It opens valuable insights into the importance of building preparation into the techniques.  Additionally, it helps us understand the relevance of preparation in other spiritual practices.