Did you know self-guided coaching benefits can exceed all other forms of coaching and instruction? It’s true. The most effective way to nurture personal growth and development is the self-guided approach. After all, you have the best knowledge of yourself. You just need to learn how to coach yourself.
Letting Go of The Past — Moving on From The Past to Living in the Present
We all have memories. Some are filled with joy and happiness, and others with heartache and pain. We also have dreams about the future. Both of these can be addictive and control our minds. The result is we miss the joy and happiness that exists by being present. You can learn to take back control, … Continue reading Letting Go of The Past — Moving on From The Past to Living in the Present
Effective Inward And Outward Spiritual Disciplines for Personal Growth
Effective inward and outward spiritual disciplines for personal growth are tools for spiritual exploration. Find out which of these tools will accelerate your personal and spiritual development. Also, find out which ones are counterfeits to avoid.
The Benefits of Incorporating Portals of Experience Beyond Time and Space
What are the benefits of incorporating portals of experience beyond time and space? These are the gateways to personal growth. It’s all about moving beyond your limits and self-imposed boundaries. You do this by using techniques that open new realms of awareness. Let’s explore the possibilities.
Why is Meditation Like Skydiving? Skydiving is an Analogy for Preparation
Analogies and metaphors help us understand things by comparing and pointing out similarities. We want to explore the symbolism of skydiving as a metaphor for meditation. Surprising as it may seem, meditation, like skydiving, shares several fundamental aspects.
Get Your Free Guided Mindfulness Meditation Scripts —
Here they are, your free guided mindfulness meditation scripts! Learn how these simple mindfulness exercises can improve your health and wellness. Make seated and moving mindfulness a part of your day.