Some people don’t think analytical thinking and spiritual exploration are compatible. However, critical thinking skills are essential in spirituality. Let’s look at examples of logical thinking versus illogical thinking.
Exploring the Spiritual Spider Web of Faith Versus Authentic Spirituality
Finding true spirituality amidst spiritual counterfeits requires discernment. Beware of the spiritual spider web of faith and make-believe. Come and learn how to spot these deceptive practices.
Key Concepts of Spiritual Axioms Embodying Spiritual Values and Beliefs
Most people think they are too smart to fall for propaganda, but this isn’t true. Many people expose themselves to harmful cultural programming every day. If we understand the key concepts of spiritual axioms, we can spot the tactics used in propaganda and mind control.
Faith Versus Logic — The Interplay Between Faith and Logic
Faith versus logic is an ancient battleground of ideologies. Religion uses divine inspiration for its authority, while logic uses reason. It seems like this battle should be over by now, but it continues to rage. Why does it continue? Come and learn the differences in these worldviews.
National Folklore The Cultural Impact Of Historical Revisionism On Society
Cultural folklore stories are the basis of the identity of a society. This narrative is often a distorted picture of what happened. The cultural impact of historical revisionism on society is staggering. Learn how to see through this strategy and see the truth.
10 Common Logical Fallacies in Popular Culture The Slippery Slope in Ethics
The only way to guard your mind from false and deceptive arguments is to evade them. 10 common logical fallacies are used 95% of the time. Spotting these tactics will help you avoid the slippery slope in ethics.