The Path to Transformation The Spiritual Rite of Passage And The Benefits of Spiritual Transformation

The Spiritual Rite of Passage and The Benefits of Spiritual Transformation

Every significant event in our life is a spiritual rite of passage. These mark the path to transformation, a shift from one state to another. Spiritual transitions and transformations are important signposts of personal, spiritual, and social change. But modern culture overlooks all except those that provide a commercial interest.

Many Paths to Spirituality How To Be Pro-Facts and Truth But Not Anti-Religious or Anti-Spiritual

Being Spiritual and Not Religious — The Many Paths to Spirituality

Seeking the truth with facts means being spiritual and not religious. There are many paths to spirituality that don’t require belonging to any religion. This quest is about the inward journey, not beliefs. Knowing “how to be pro-facts and truth” and “not anti-religious or non-spiritual” is essential.

Higher States of Consciousness A State of Awareness Known As Witnessing

What is Expanded Awareness — A State of Awareness Known As Witnessing

There are deeper, more profound states of consciousness beyond the default states of waking, dreaming, and sleeping. One of these is the state of awareness known as witnessing or the 6th state of consciousness. Learn about expanding your awareness and reaching higher states of consciousness.

Obstacles to Spiritual Growth Tools For Spiritual Growth Living in The Hallway or Rooms of a Mansion

Obstacles to Spiritual Growth — Living in The Hallway or Rooms of a Mansion

Living in the hallway is a metaphor for people who are content living in the default mode. They settle for a mediocre existence and fail to explore the infinite possibilities of consciousness. Are you living in default mode? Learn how to overcome the obstacles to spiritual growth and live life to its fullest.