Are you feeling stressed and tired? Connecting with nature through restorative forest bathing activities provides the perfect solution. Learn how walking in nature with mindfulness can benefit your health.
Techniques to Cultivate Spiritual Bonds, Soul Bonds and Spiritual Ties
The past can linger in our awareness as memories are ever-present in our thoughts. What does this mean? What is our subconscious trying to tell us? Let’s take a journey to explore our spiritual links and connections with the universe.
The Benefits of Self-Reflection and Solitude for Self-Discovery
Self-reflection and solitude for self-discovery are not priorities in our modern world. But we need alone time to maintain a healthy mindset. Throughout history, many brilliant thinkers have been seekers of solitude, and you can be one, too.
Exploring the Ten Levels of Awareness and Consciousness Growth Stages
There are ten levels of awareness and consciousness growth stages. However, most people live their lives using only three. By limiting the bandwidth of awareness, they limit their full experience of life.
Conducting Spiritual Maintenance Cultivating a Healthy Mindset Routine
Conducting spiritual maintenance is essential for our health. It is a philosophy of living based on cultivating a healthy mindset routine. It’s easier to do than you think. Come and find out how.
Analogy of The Black Cat in a Dark Room — Looking For The Truth
The analogy of the black cat in a dark room is a tool that underscores the importance of truth-seeking. It is an analogy for understanding primary perspectives on looking for the truth. Understanding this will help you see why you think and believe what you do.
The Historical Value of Storytelling, Customs and Cultural Traditions
Storytelling, customs, and cultural traditions capture a cultural narrative at a specific time. In the modern age, people overlook the historical value of storytelling in society. It’s time for a closer look at how these narratives can be either positive or negative.
The First Spiritual Tool is a Spiritual Journal for Inner Work
Experienced spiritual explorers say you need one thing to begin a spiritual practice. The first spiritual tool is a spiritual journal for inner work. It’s true. Journaling as a spiritual discipline is the foundation for spiritual growth and self-development.
The Spiritual Implications of Synchronicity and Omens Divine Messages
Bad omens and ill omens are old-world expressions referring to mysterious, strange phenomena. The spiritual implications of synchronicity and omens are not well known. Could these divine messages be more significant than we realize?
The Phases of the Moon — How Major and Minor Moon Phases Differ
This article explains the significance of lunar phases and their meanings. It shows how major and minor moon phases differ and why you should know about different lunar phases. Learning to identify these aspects of our celestial partner is interesting. Knowing the phases of the moon could save your life.