The analogy of the black cat in a dark room is a tool that underscores the importance of truth-seeking. It is an analogy for understanding primary perspectives on looking for the truth. Understanding this will help you see why you think and believe what you do.
The Phases of the Moon — How Major and Minor Moon Phases Differ
This article explains the significance of lunar phases and their meanings. It shows how major and minor moon phases differ and why you should know about different lunar phases. Learning to identify these aspects of our celestial partner is interesting. Knowing the phases of the moon could save your life.
Time for a 13-Month Lunar Calendar Based on The 13 Cycles Of The Moon?
Lunar calendar traditions are the basis of many ancient calendars and time-keeping systems. Why do we use the zodiac for our calendar? Is it time to consider a calendar based on our closest celestial satellite, the moon?
38 Famous Architectural Marvels Around the World — Earth Grid Ley Lines Map
Did you know that 38 famous architectural marvels around the world share a unique link? They are part of a global energy network called the Becker-Hagens planetary grid map. Some of these archeological treasures are probably on your travel wish list.
Facebook is a Hacker’s Paradise: A Story About Social Media Hacker Dangers
If you use Facebook, you’ve likely been hacked. Someone other than Facebook is likely selling your personal information. If a friend or Page you link with has been hacked, you have also been hacked. A hacker can access all linked accounts. This is why Facebook is a hacker’s paradise.
Interpreting Spirits and Entities in Folklore and Metaphysical Occurrences
Many people are interested in metaphysical occurrences, supernatural, and paranormal phenomena. But the process for interpreting spirits and entities in folklore isn’t straightforward. Come and learn to understand metaphysical realm events.
Sacred Spirals in Spirituality the Spiritual Meaning of The Spiral Symbol
Sacred spirals in spirituality symbolize the cyclical nature of life. It is a common theme across cultures worldwide. What is the spiritual meaning of the spiral symbol? You find it everywhere in nature. Learn how you can use this powerful symbolism on your spiritual path.
Contrasts in Perspectives — How Believers Contrast with Unbelievers
Imagine humankind as a tree with two main branches. One limb is called believers, the other unbelievers. Learning how believers contrast with unbelievers stance on spirituality is important. It provides clarity. The contrasts in perspectives lead us to greater intellectual and spiritual understanding.
The Significance of Moral Values — Impact of Cultural Beliefs on Traditions
The significance of moral values in society is overlooked. Materialism and sectarianism dominate the modern world. The impact of cultural beliefs on traditions makes ethics and morality for truth-seekers even more important.
Collaborative Brainstorming Sessions For Group Critical Thinking Activities
Collaborative brainstorming sessions are essential for the spiritual explorer. Learn how to use these individual and group critical thinking activities to enhance your intellectual and spiritual growth.