38 Famous Architectural Marvels Around the World The Earth Grid Ley Lines Map

38 Famous Architectural Marvels Around the World — Earth Grid Ley Lines Map

Did you know that 38 famous architectural marvels around the world share a unique link? They are points on a geometric pattern called ley lines by the ancients. Many questions surround these lines and how they correlate to many sacred sites. Some of these archeological treasures are probably on your travel wish list.

Ethics and Morality for Truth-Seekers Reliable Sources For Truth-Seekers

Ethics and Morality for Truth-Seekers — Reliable Sources For Truth-Seekers

The significance of moral values in society is often overlooked.  Materialism and sectarianism dominate our world.  So, ethics and morals often take a backseat.  It makes ethics and morality for truth-seekers all the more important.  We’ll look at the must-have resources for truth-seekers and those to avoid.

The Abrahamic Family Tree and The New Dark Age

The New Dark Age And The Social Effects of Ideological Extremism

We live in a time in history of amazing scientific progress. So, it is discouraging to see regressive beliefs gain traction. The rise of extremism has sparked concerns about the New Dark Age. We need to understand ideological extremism. Whether you realize it or not, it affects our lives.