The importance of assessing learner readiness cannot be overstated. This process provides valuable data for overcoming limiting beliefs that hinder learning.
Spiritual Tales, Legends and Stories of Rebirth Renewal and Reincarnation
Many cultures have mythical, spiritual tales. These are legends and stories of rebirth, renewal, and reincarnation. Sacred renewal ceremonies are common. These doctrines dominate Western religion and our modern culture. Learn how they affect your beliefs and values.
An Unpopular Belief System is a Cult, How A Popular Cult Becomes a Religion
An unpopular belief system is a cult. If it grows, a popular cult becomes a religion or an accepted worldview. What is the real difference between a cult and a religion? They say the simplest explanation or solution is likely correct. Let’s explore the differences and similarities.
Interpreting Spirits and Entities in Folklore and Metaphysical Occurrences
Many people are interested in metaphysical occurrences, supernatural, and paranormal phenomena. But the process for interpreting spirits and entities in folklore isn’t straightforward. Come and learn to understand metaphysical realm events.
Define Timeless Love Tropes — Understanding The Mystical Alchemy of Love
To define timeless love tropes, one must see love as a divine substance. Are you ready for this quest? Understanding the mystical alchemy of love is a journey into the psyche and the soul.
When to Save or Break a Friendship — Navigating Changes in Friendships
If you have friends who support harmful ideologies, what do you do? Navigating changes in friendships can be challenging. Knowing when to save or break a friendship can have lifelong consequences.
Exploring the Spiritual Spider Web of Faith Versus Authentic Spirituality
Finding true spirituality amidst spiritual counterfeits requires discernment. Beware of the spiritual spider web of faith and make-believe. Come and learn how to spot these deceptive practices.
Contrasts in Perspectives — How Believers Contrast with Unbelievers
Imagine humankind as a tree with two main branches. One limb is called believers, the other unbelievers. Learning how believers contrast with unbelievers stance on spirituality is important. It provides clarity. The contrasts in perspectives lead us to greater intellectual and spiritual understanding.
Exploring Myths and Truths Detecting Fiction or Facts Shaping Your Life
Exploring myths and truths is important. Detecting fiction or facts in your life will help you make positive changes that will affect your health and well-being.
Learning about Vibrational Frequencies and Chakras and Energy Harmonization
Learning about vibrational frequencies and chakras and energy harmonization can change your life for the better if you apply what you learn. Learning how to raise vibrational frequency can improve your health and wellbeing.