The Matrix franchise is about the illusion of culture. By unveiling the spiritual symbolism in the Matrix, we awaken to its dangers. It combines Descartes’s idea of a simulated reality with George Orwell’s 1984 Animal Farm. Then, the story adds a dash of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey. It presents us with some startling conclusions about … Continue reading Understanding the Spiritual Symbolism Connection with the Matrix Movies
If Dreams are Messages from the Soul What are Nightmares and Night Terrors?
If dreams are messages from the soul, what are nightmares and night terrors trying to tell us? Are these experiences some kind of non-ordinary reality or just the playground of imagination?
Revisiting Goddess Myth Stories and Divine Feminine Archetypes
Female archetypes were once valued on par with male archetypes. Nowadays, goddess archetype meanings and goddess myth stories have nearly vanished. This is detrimental to our culture because female archetypes are the basis of a just and fair society. We must revive a more balanced and fair approach to civilization.
Unblock Your Way to Oneness with the Higher Self
Learning how to unblock your way to oneness with the higher self is an essential step in personal and spiritual development. There are two paths. All you need are the right tools. Here’s how to do it.
Finding Common Shared Values and the Benefits of Aligning Shared Values
What is the common ground for dialogue? What topic allows for an open discussion of other topics? Learn the benefits of aligning shared values. Come and see how it can be done.
Surrendering to Spiritual Ebb and Flow Riding the Spiritual Waves of Life
Life is like the ocean, and we are simply riding the spiritual waves of life. We forget life is constantly changing, so we aren’t ready for the enormous waves. It’s about learning when to surf or swim. The key is surrendering to spiritual ebb and flow.
Key Concepts of Spiritual Axioms Embodying Spiritual Values and Beliefs
Most people think they are too smart to fall for propaganda, but this isn’t true. Many people expose themselves to harmful cultural programming every day. If we understand the key concepts of spiritual axioms, we can spot the tactics used in propaganda and mind control.
Enchanted Fairy Tale Characters and Legend-Inspired Fairy Tale Motifs
Enchanted fairy tale characters and legend-inspired fairy tale motifs are the first graphic novels. See how the symbolism in fairy tales still influences our modern culture.
12 Stepping Stones of Life — The Lessons of Wisdom
Developing wisdom is the way to create lasting value in one’s life. Many believe we find it by understanding these 12 essential stepping stones.
Healthy Mindset Habits and Positive Thinking Benefits
We tend to overlook the benefits of positive thinking and the impact of negative thinking on beliefs and values. Developing healthy mindset habits is more important than ever. Find out how to do it.