The importance of assessing learner readiness cannot be overstated. This process provides valuable data for overcoming limiting beliefs that hinder learning.
Spiritual Tales, Legends and Stories of Rebirth Renewal and Reincarnation
Many cultures have mythical, spiritual tales. These are legends and stories of rebirth, renewal, and reincarnation. Sacred renewal ceremonies are common. These doctrines dominate Western religion and our modern culture. Learn how they affect your beliefs and values.
The Curious Paradox — Change Is Easy When I Accept Myself Just as I Am
Many people want to change to overcome bad habits, prejudice, and bias. To do this, you must accept who you are. Acknowledging who we are gives us the right mindset for positive change. Are you ready for this exercise?
Watching the Thinker — Self-Discovery and Freedom Observing the Thinker
Sages talk about self-discovery and freedom as a function of self-awareness. It starts with watching the thinker, the Ego, and realizing that we are not our thoughts. When we do this, we gain the perspective of the observer, our true self. To do this, we must achieve a high degree of self-awareness.
Techniques to Overcome Fear — When Life is Like Living in a Disaster Movie
Reality is often stranger than fiction. The timeline of current events doesn’t seem real. When life is like living in a disaster movie, what is the intelligent thing to do?
When to Save or Break a Friendship — Navigating Changes in Friendships
If you have friends who support harmful ideologies, what do you do? Navigating changes in friendships can be challenging. Knowing when to save or break a friendship can have lifelong consequences.
Learn How to Strengthen Spiritual Energy Between Two People
We are living energy vibrations that we call the soul or spirit. A healthy relationship can be a source of happiness. Learning how to strengthen spiritual energy between two people is important. It gives you the tools to boost your health and well-being.
How Religion Defines Spiritual Health Vs. How to Define Spiritual Health
Much of the cultural narrative is influenced by Western organized religion. How religion defines spiritual health differs from how many others see it. Let’s unpack the subject of spiritual health and help you define what it means to you.
List of The Top Techniques for Expanding Awareness and Consciousness
Techniques for expanding awareness and consciousness are powerful tools for growth. Consciousness expansion techniques are one of the four pillars of spiritual exploration. They are methods to create your path. Find out how to use them to your full potential.
Channeling Spiritual Wisdom and Insights of Ancient Traditions and Truth
The idea of channeling spiritual wisdom and insights is appealing. Many are driven on the quest for wisdom by the belief that ancient traditions and truth are within our grasp.