Come explore shamanism and the shamanic journey. This is the spiritual journey to other dimensions is rooted in indigenous cultures. Today, many people are rediscovering the value of the spiritual journey within. Come find out how to do it.
Time for a 13-Month Lunar Calendar Based on The 13 Cycles Of The Moon?
Lunar calendar traditions are the basis of many ancient calendars and time-keeping systems. Why do we use the zodiac for our calendar? Is it time to consider a calendar based on our closest celestial satellite, the moon?
Embracing Spiritual Minimalism and Spiritual Minimalist Practices
Spiritual minimalist practices are healthier than following a religion. By decluttering the mind, we reveal healthy from unhealthy beliefs and values. The benefits of spiritual minimalism may surprise you. Come and see for yourself.
The Symbolism of Windows and Doors — Spiritual Meaning of Windows
If we want to grow, we need to open the portals of consciousness that govern the bandwidth of awareness. The trick is knowing what these portals are and opening them in the right order. Do you know what they are and how to access and open them?
What Are The Virtues of The Spirit and Ways to Cultivate Spiritual Virtues
What are the virtues of the spirit? Are they the attributes in holy texts or something more concrete? There are ways to cultivate spiritual virtues without following a religion. Find out how to do it.
Soul Tests and Trials — The Great Spiritual Experiment for Self-Discovery
What are soul tests and trials, and the great spiritual experiment for self-discovery? It pays to know the answers to these questions. You are already participating, so it makes sense to learn the rules of this unique adventure.
Happiness Versus Success — Secrets of Mastering Time for Personal Growth
Our culture tells us personal growth and happiness depend on career and financial success. But, is this assertion accurate? Explore the dichotomy of happiness versus success and how it relates to the mastery of time.
38 Famous Architectural Marvels Around the World — Earth Grid Ley Lines Map
Did you know that 38 famous architectural marvels around the world share a unique link? They are part of a global energy network called the Becker-Hagens planetary grid map. Some of these archeological treasures are probably on your travel wish list.
Learn About Virtual Wellness Activities for Improving Health and Durability
Learn why virtual wellness activities for improving health and durability should be the focus of your health plan. Join us as we review the pros and cons of each of the most popular methods.
Cultivating the Inner Observer and Inner Observer Self-Awareness Practices
The inner experiencer or observer is the real you. It is the aspect of awareness that watches or our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It exists beyond ego or cultural programming. Learn why cultivating the inner observer self-awareness practices is essential.