If we learn how to balance head and heart, we achieve our life’s true potential. It requires restoring ego, soul, and self to their natural healthy states without the harmful programming of religious bias and prejudice. If you want a healthy life, relationships, and community, you must achieve this balance.
Why Does Prejudice Exist — Prejudice and Ignorance Disguised as a Choice
Why does prejudice exist? Religious, ethnic, and racial prejudice exist as a part of an accepted subculture. Ignorance disguised as a choice is bigotry, hiding in plain sight. Learn how to spot this tactic and expose the hidden agenda behind it.
Are The Most Famous Myths of Religion Vehicles of Superstition or Truth?
Are the most famous myths of mainstream religion vehicles of superstition or truth? What are the limiting beliefs that hold us back? Could they be myths and superstitions? What do you think?
Avoiding Unwanted Group Hypnosis Sessions and a State of Hypnosis
Are you living in a state of hypnosis under the power of hypnotic suggestion scripts? These self-hypnosis scripts are more common than you think. Let’s find out.