We Cannot Overcome Fear with Faith Use Facts to Overcome Fears

We Cannot Overcome Fear with Faith, Instead Use Facts to Overcome Fears

Faith cannot overcome fear; it substitutes one fear for another. However, by confronting fear with logic, you are empowering yourself against fear. Come and see how to do it.

It’s a fact that people are afraid of what they don’t understand. And most are too lazy or ignorant to find out more. ― Richelle Mead, Silver Shadows

When we face something fearful, we engage our primitive brain, our monkey brain. This brain is an integral part of our nervous system and helps us react quickly to danger. The monkey brain pumps adrenaline into our systems. Adrenalin is harmful to our higher brain functions, so it shuts off circulation to the frontal cortex to protect it.

The problem is that we need to engage our higher thinking functions to make better decisions. If the higher thinking function is not engaged, we react out of fear instead of with a rational, calculated response. The key is learning how to spot the sources to avoid triggering the primitive brain and being manipulated by fear. Using facts to overcome fears is a mindset for better decision-making capability.

Debunking Myths and Revealing Facts

Debunking myths can be is dangerous because religions protect their myths and superstitions with any means. They are not above using intimidation and violence. The Abrahamic religions are the most popular religions based on membership size. They are based on mythology, superstition, and legends. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are copies of the ancient mystery religions. These cults come from the Mediterranean region, Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, and Persia.

Myths and legends can be helpful if used in the right way. Some fairy tales and legends contain spiritual and practical lessons. They use metaphors, analogies, and word pictures to communicate underlying principles. They can also be used as tools to overcome rational thinking and replace it with nonsense.

Confronting Fear with Logic and Rational Thinking

There are several sources of positive thinking that can help overcome fear with facts, logic and rational thinking.

1. Use a Gratitude Journal, focusing on what you’re thankful for can shift your mindset from fear to positivity. Keeping a gratitude journal can be a great way to start.

2. Practice Affirmations can help rewire your brain to think more positively. Repeating phrases like “I am strong” or “I can handle this” can build confidence. They seem too simple to work, but they help insulate the mind from the negativity that surrounds us.

3. Engage in Mindfulness and Meditation Daily. The two-step beginning meditation method is easy for everyone to learn. These practices help you stay present and reduce anxiety about the future.

4. Cultivate Supportive Relationship because positive, supportive people boost your mood.

5. Regular Exercise releases endorphins, which can improve your mood and reduce stress. Even a short walk can make a big difference.

6. Read a variety of books and articles that inspire, uplift and give you a positive outlook.

7. Use SMART Goals: Achieving small, manageable goals can build your confidence and reduce fear. Celebrate each success, no matter how small.

8. Seek Supportive Advice for unbiased support. A therapist or counselor can provide strategies and support for overcoming fears.

9. Question Everything! Learning to question things is a healthy way to keep open-minded.

Confusing Religion with Spirituality

Western religion tries to dominate the arena of spirituality to control the narrative. They inject every spiritual word with their own meaning. They contradict their holy texts repeatedly. For instance, Jesus was a rebel who taught against the formulation of organized religion. He told people to find their own path. Then, his followers turned around and created a religion in his name. It is the same story with Mohammad and those who formed Islam.

Don’t get caught in their propaganda and substitute one fear for another. You can’t overcome fear with faith or by pretending. They are counterfeits that help make you a customer. You cannot learn about yourself by pretending. The belief in fairy tales is a dead end. Spiritual growth is an inward journey; it has nothing to do with organized religion.

The belief in myths leads to unhealthy, irrational thinking. Every extremist ideology is built on false narratives, flawed assumptions, and logical conclusions. Western organized religion doesn’t want you debunking myths and revealing facts. Empowering yourself against fear erodes their control, which is bad for their cash flow.

Why You Cannot Overcome Fear with Faith

Faith is a shell game which is built on the premise of illogical magical thinking. The problem begins when you mistake metaphors and analogies for facts. When religion substitutes folklore and mythology for facts and evidence, you miss the lesson of the story and take things out of context. It is especially harmful when religions link our primal fears to these myths.

This misdirection is no mistake; it’s how they gain and maintain control. Religion and politics, which trigger fear and anger, are mind-control tactics. They keep people in the fight, flight, or freeze mode. You are more susceptible to their programming when you are in a highly emotional state.

Trying to overcome fear with faith leads to unresolvable conflicts. Religious beliefs don’t mix well with facts, science, and evidence. You must work hard to deny the modern world based on science and logic.

Program Emotional Triggers

Triggering primal instincts of fear and anger is the key to programming irrational responses. Cambridge Analytica used social programming to alter the outcomes of elections. These actions culminated in skewing the 2016 Presidential Election. (1) It is a significant example of how propaganda can influence elections. The rhetoric used to convenience people was not truthful; it was emotional. They targeted those most susceptible to creating social acceptance. Sadly, it worked.

Western religion uses emotional triggers to control people and make them paying customers. They profit from your fear. They don’t want you to overcome fear with facts, evidence, and science because that undermines their business model. When you use facts instead of myths, they can’t trigger irrational responses.

Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that has ever infected the world. — Voltaire

Is it not a species of blasphemy to call the New Testament revealed religion, when we see in it such contradictions and absurdities? — Thomas Paine

You can only overcome fear with facts when someone uses facts and rational thinking to make conclusions. When someone uses belief myths and propaganda to make decisions, you can’t use facts, reason, and logic to change their minds.

Religion is a belief in invisible beings, inaudible voices, intangible entities, undetectable forces, and events and judgments that happen after we die. It therefore has no reality check. And it is therefore uniquely armored against criticism, questioning, and self-correction. It is uniquely armored against anything that might stop it from spinning into extreme absurdity, extreme denial of reality and extreme, grotesque immorality. — Greta Christina

Mockery is a Healthy Way to Overcome Fear with Facts

Mockery and making fun of yourself and your crazy ideas is one way to change your perspective. But, in some cultures, mocking or making fun of their imaginary friend is a capital crime punishable by death. To be a non-believer is a capital offense. (2)

Mockery of religion is one of the most essential things because to demystify supposedly ‘holy text dictated by god’ and show that they are man made. What you have to show is there are internal inconsistencies and absurdities. One of the beginnings of human emancipation is the ability to laugh at authority. It is an indispensable thing people can call it blasphemy if they like. But if they call it that, they have to assume there is something to be blasphemed — some divine work, well, I don’t accept the premise. — Christopher Hitchens

Faith Cannot Overcome Fear Just It’s a Substitute

Our existential fear of death should drive us on a journey of inner discovery. Unfortunately, many people fall for the counterfeit answer from religion. One common method of this deception is afterlife beliefs. When you accept this scheme, you then fear the loss of afterlife benefits. Will it be an eternity in heaven or hell? No matter which religion you pick, you will be wrong. Those who believe in other faiths think you are wrong. We are all going to be in someone else’s religion.

You cannot overcome fear with faith. Faith, belief, and pretending only substitute one fear for another. This ingenious tactic allows religion to monetize myth and superstition. Instead of facing the object of our fear, belief replaces it with another. The most misused fear is our existential fear of death.

Fear is a trigger. It engages our primitive brain, activating our fight, flight, or freeze response. This tactic helped us survive by reacting in the wild, but it is counterproductive when we consider the best answer. Belief, pretending, and faith cannot overcome fear; it is another name for denial.

If faith equaled fact all gods would be real debunking myths and revealing facts faith cannot overcome fear overcome fear with facts empowering yourself against fear confronting fear with logic

Faith is believing religious mythology is a valid substitute for facts. But, if faith equaled fact, then all gods would be real. Unfortunately, this is the logical conclusion of faith. Some people are proud to say. I live by faith. And they are proud of such a declaration because it is a part of their false identity. It is like putting a blindfold on common sense and logic. They don’t just attempt to overcome fear with faith; they use faith to overcome facts and rational thinking,

For we live by faith, not by sight. — 2 Corinthians 5:7 New International Version

It’s dangerous not only for the person who believes but also for everyone in their circle of influence. After all, it takes a lot of work and self-hypnosis to maintain this worldview. Maintaining a mindset based on mythology means learning to reject ideas. It requires the automatic rejection of anything that does not support the system’s folklore and mythology. This is why blind faith cannot overcome fear. Faith and pretending are counterfeit answers. They teach people to substitute one fear for another.

Living in a constant state of denial is unhealthy magical thinking. It makes you a pawn to the manipulation of those who promote false narratives. It causes the “religious headache,” better known as cognitive dissonance. This state of tension becomes normal, and people learn to cope by immersing themselves deeper into the mythology.

Using Facts to Overcome Fears

Facts and evidence can help eliminate fear in several ways:

1. Reducing Uncertainty: Fear often stems from the unknown. Evidence, facts, and logic reduce uncertainty and make situations more predictable.

2. Build Confidence: When we understand the facts, we feel more in control. This confidence can diminish fear as we know what to expect and how to handle it.

3. Dispelling Myths: Facts and evidence are powerful tools for debunking myths and revealing facts. When we use facts to overcome fears, it helps us think clearly. For example, understanding how a vaccine works can remove the fears about its safety.

4. Provides Greater Perspective: Evidence can put risks into perspective. For instance, knowing the actual statistical likelihood of an event can help us realize that our fears may be exaggerated.

5. Healthy Decision-Making: Accurate information helps make better-informed decisions. A healthy mindset reduces the fear of making the wrong choice.

Empowering Yourself Against Fear

Belief in fairy tales and mythologies are substitutes that religion uses to make us customers. Don’t be a customer, be a freethinker. When you use facts to overcome fears, you empower yourself against the fear that pervades the cultural narrative. Facts and evidence give us knowledge on which to build long-term solutions.

Follow the advice of science; this is a better antidote. If you find yourself caught up in negative feelings, stop. Regain your emotional equilibrium and think instead of just reacting. The emotional check-in process helps you regain emotional equilibrium. It can help if you are aware enough to recognize when your emotions of fear and anger are triggered.

Religion always tries to insert its prejudiced beliefs into politics.   In the dark ages, religion had complete control over much of the world. It made the Chuch the most powerful entity in Europe. Many people would like to see us return to the dark ages. Religious fanatics and extremists have infiltrated governments to install Draconian beliefs as law.

Science and reason are champions standing against oppression and discrimination. They help us in debunking myths and revealing facts. To do this, we must turn away from organized religion’s self-hypnosis.

In Conclusion

Learn how to overcome fear with facts, evidence, and rational thinking. Be vigilant. Don’t underestimate the power of faith. It is a slippery slope leading to greater and greater levels of irrational thinking. Faith substitutes one fear for another fear that they control. They substitute the afterlife for the existential fear meant to propel our inner quest.

Facts and evidence are the building blocks of sound thinking. Applying common sense and logic has brought about all the benefits of living in the modern world. Unfortunately, we have yet to eradicate the effects of Dark Age dogma that create world tensions and sparks violence.

To use facts to overcome fears, you must avoid the sources of harmful thinking and promote positive ideas. Confronting fear with logic, facts and hope is the role of the spiritual warrior.


(1) Cambridge Analytica, Wikipedia.
(2) There Are 13 Countries Where Atheism Is Punishable by Death. theatlantic.com