Words Are Like Honey — Words Are Spells Thoughts Become Things

Words Are Like Honey — Words Are Spells, Thoughts Become Things

Our words shape our reality. Words are spells; thoughts become things. However, most of the time, we aren’t aware of it. Words are like honey, but you must learn to handle bees.

Shamanism recognizes words as fundamental tools that shape reality and determine the trajectory of our thinking. Many religions use these same principles but talk about using different techniques and practices. Religions use formulas they believe will invoke the power of their prayers. The esoteric philosophy of Hermetics also references the use of words of power.

Words Are Like Honey

Bees make and protect their honey. Honey contains antioxidants, including phenolic acids and flavonoids, that provide anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial agents. But don’t forget about the bees. The bees are your inner critic.

The inner critic is that voice in your head telling you that you can’t do it. You are too something, too weak, untalented, just plain stupid. This kind of internal dialogue will destroy all of your work with affirmations. Harmful thought scripts are at the root of many mental illnesses and are the slippery slope for all kinds of harmful thinking, from plans for revenge to self-injurious behavior.

The words we use alter our perception of reality. (1) Positive words are like honey; they are sweet. Negative words have the opposite effect.

Proof Words Shape Reality

Language is a complex formula of sounds strung together in packets that create meaning. If you want to use the recipe for language, you must follow the rules that make the formula work.

Words are Spells; Thoughts Become Things

Ideas turn into things we make with our hands, and words also affect things directly.

Words and Water

If you have a microscope, you can see how music vibrations change the structure of water in a petri dish.   In the 1990s, the scientist Masaru Emoto took it a step further. He noted how pure water, when frozen, creates beautiful ice crystals in various forms, just like snowflakes. However, if the water has other additives or pollutants, it forms misshapen clusters with voids when it freezes. The effect of polluted water differs from unpolluted water.

So, Dr. Emoto thought about how musical vibration affected water and wondered about the effects of negative or positive words on the effects of frozen water. So, he filmed an experiment using positive and negative words. (2)

He poured water into glass vials while saying negative words like, “I hate you.”  He documented this on film and the effects of the frozen water in the vials with negative words. The water showed misshapen and grey clumps rather than crystals.

He then poured water into the vials using positive words like, “I love you.”  After the clean water was frozen for 24 hours, it revealed perfectly formed hexagonal crystals in varying sizes.

You can replicate this experiment yourself. Pour clean water into a glass while saying positive words, and then put it in the freezer for 24 hours. Then, do the same thing while saying negative words. The results will make you a believer. Our words are like honey or acid; the choice is yours.

Tactics for Shaping Our Lives

1. Identify the Honey from the Bees (changing self-talk)

The first thing you must do is learn to observe your thinking. Self-observation starts with being in tune with your internal dialogue. An ancient practice will help you do this; it’s called journaling. People used to do this all the time because it is so helpful on several levels.

Tools to Identify Harmful Self-Talk

Use a journal! One of the main benefits of journaling is how it reveals the honey from the bees, the positive from the negative. Once you can “see” the negative thought processes, you can do something about them. Words are like honey if you can use them without being stung by the bees.

You can change your self-talk from negative images into positive, affirming self-talk. The “best practice” for changing self-talk is writing the phrases you hear yourself repeating.

A spiritual journal will enable you to identify harmful programming. You’ll see the things that trigger your negative self-talk. Then, you can prepare healthier ways to handle them. Many people find connections between memories and emotions that drive their negative self-talk. Words are spells; thoughts become things that materialize in our lives. They are tools that shape our reality and emotional frame of mind.

The more you become accustomed to this practice, the more you will be aware of your self-talk. Then, you’ll start to see how these phrases affect your thinking and mood, which will show you how you are reframing reality. You know what you want to change if you notice negative words and patterns. If what you are saying to yourself is what you want more of, if not, alter your self-talk.

Enhancing your observational skills starts with the inner world. It would help if you cleaned the lens of perception before taking accurate pictures of the external world.

Another great tool is the Enneagram personality profile. A simple questionnaire will help you see your personality and instinct’s underlying default thought scripts.

2. Remove the Internal Bees and Save the Honey

It’s not enough to recognize the harmful programming. You need to remove it from your vocabulary and replace it with positive.

Here’s a simple example: You find yourself saying, “I can’t do this.”  Instead, learn to replace it with, “I’m struggling with this, but I’ll find a way.”  It seems like a lot of work for such a short statement, but if you substitute, “I’m struggling, but I’ll find a way,” you’ll discover the solution.

Sometimes, it comes from the most unexpected places or sources. That’s because the Universe listens and responds to your new “improved” programming.

First, write the negative words and phrases you recycle in your head. Then, write the language you WANT to use to replace it. Afterward, when you catch yourself involved in negative self-talk, stop yourself. Insert the desired language into your self-talk.

3. Give What You Want to Receive What You Want

Yes, people cause us pain, sometimes on purpose. But, when we voice words of negativity, the Universe bounces them back, just like it does positive vibes. So, speaking ill of others comes back to us. Negative self-talk is shaping our reality, whether we know it or not.

So, be kind and offer friendliness, kindness, and compassion. Give praise. It’s hard sometimes, but here’s an example. Harkers took over our Facebook Page and group; they were so good that they posted something to my personal account and Facebook banned me. So, I couldn’t log in to tell Facebook they hacked me. Wow, those guys are good.

They cause us a lot of pain, but they are good at it. They understand how Facebook’s Meta system works and know exactly what to do to exploit all the holes. Remember the chain reaction formula. “Words are spells; thoughts become things” that return to us.

“It helps if you remember that everyone is doing their best from their level of consciousness.” — Deepak Chopra

4. Avoiding the External Bees

If you have friends or family contributing to your negative thinking by making demeaning comments or name-calling, you need to let them know it needs to stop. If they think this is another reason to make fun of you, you must minimize or eliminate their contact.

5. Attracting the Positive Honey

An excellent practice is to write the positive words or phrases you want to use on sticky notes. Place them where you can see them and help you remember the desired expression. Please put them in your car, in the refrigerator, and everywhere. Set up an hourly reminder on your smartphone with these selected replacement phrases.

All words shape reality. So, we must be mindful of our thoughts. Using positive affirmations can also help change the course of your self-talk. But you must remove all harmful thought scripts first.

Words have “power” to project energy; that’s why they call it “spelling.” The fact is, all words are formulas or spells to a degree. The words we speak and think are vehicles that create meaning within the mind. Words are responsible for every modern convenience in the world, and they also shape our spiritual world.

Affirmations can help as long as you’ve removed the harmful programming first. Affirmations “affirm” the new programming scripts but can’t overpower negative ones if they still exist. You can put affirmations to solidify positive programming on your smart device, computer desktop, sticky notes in the car, refrigerator, etc. Affirmations use the basic tactic of repetition to reinforce good programming.

Most of the Mantras and Sutras available today were once closely guarded secrets. The ancient sages understood the power of words, which is why it is so important to be aware of and direct your self-talk.

The Universal Failsafe

Our words have great power; they can curse or bless. What and how we think creates a chain reaction. Thinking is the projection of energy into the Universe. Speaking them increases the intensity.   When we engage in negative self-talk, it is reflected in us. We are, in effect, asking the Universe for negative things.

Negative self-talk is like asking the Universe for more of what you don’t want. That’s why it is essential to increase our self-observation skills. We need to monitor and adjust our self-talk. Words are spells; thoughts become things that we think. Be mindful of your self-talk.

Your affirmations and mantras don’t work because Universal Failsafe is filtering your thoughts. The Universe doesn’t like negative things any more than you do. When a source sends out negative vibes, the Universe turns down the volume and the effects of harmful vibes. If this is happening to you, it’s a sign you need to start over at step one, identify the negative programming, and then remove it.

The Shamanic Journey

The Shaman teaches us that words are tools. They use words and mantras in songs and chants. Some terms and phrases were so powerful the Sages of many ancient traditions kept them secret. They did this to safeguard these phrases because they did not want people to misuse the words of power.

The Shamanic Journey has undergone a rebranding effort to make it more palatable in Western culture. It’s now known as “Creative Visualization” or “Guided Meditation” to appeal to the Western mind. You can use the proper drum beat or sing-bowl to reach what Michael Harner (3) termed the “Shamanic State of Consciousness.

We teach this process as part of the blended learning strategy we use. While in the shamanic dream state, you can replace faulty programming. This process is probably the first spiritual technology ever developed. It started the domain of spiritual exploration.

Find Like-Minded Partners

Culture is often also a source of negative self-talk. It often creates unreasonable standards that we cannot attain. Cultural influences are more difficult, but not impossible, to overcome. Everything on which you place your attention shapes reality. Do what you can to stay positive. On the other hand, don’t ignore destructive things.

Act within your sphere of influence to effect positive change. Learn what you can do to shape reality into a more just and verdant place for everyone and everything. Identify and remove any negative programming. In this way, you can mitigate future negative influences. You don’t want to re-install the negative self-talk. Words shape reality, whether we recognize it or not.

Remember, negative programming comes from several sources, which, unfortunately, might be family members or close friends. Recruit those who share your positive self-talk. Minimize contact with those who do not support your goal of positive change. Eliminate your exposure to religious programming because it is the primary source of bias and prejudice.

In Conclusion

One of the major things missing from modern education is how words are tools of the mind. Words are like honey; words shape reality and reframe our future. We learn about words and their meaning, but don’t know their full potential.


(1) The Athletes Way. Psychology Today.
(2) The Hidden Messages in Water. Wikipedia.
(3) Michael Harner. Wikipedia.