Why You Believe What You Believe Techniques for Revealing Subconscious Programming

Why You Believe What You Believe — Revealing Subconscious Programming

Have you ever stopped to wonder why you believe what you believe?  Well, guess what?  A significant part of our beliefs is formed on a subconscious level.  Understanding the influence of subconscious programming is important.  It’s the key to creating a healthy mindset.

What is this programming of the subconscious?  It’s a process that influences thinking, beliefs, and behaviors.  Subconscious thoughts are like equations; if X exists, then Y happens.  From now on, this equation will control our thinking and operate without us knowing.

Our minds operate on two levels: conscious and subconscious. The conscious mind is like the tip of an iceberg, visible on the surface. The subconscious mind lies hidden, influencing our thoughts and beliefs. Whoa, who knew there was so much going on beneath the surface? Let’s explore techniques for revealing subconscious programming.

Our Evolving Subconscious Beliefs

To understand the subconscious, we must appreciate its relationship to the conscious mind. Just like the moon affects the ocean tides, these two aspects of our minds are intertwined and constantly influence each other. Recognizing this connection is the first step toward understanding the subconscious mind.

It’s important to understand how beliefs differ from instinctual preferences.  Our preferences for something are hard-wired in our instincts.  We each have a unique variation of three instinctual elements.  Self-preservation and social and sexual instincts are stronger than personality inclinations.

Meanwhile, beliefs are choices we make about something.  Our emotions and passions can be attached to our instincts and our beliefs.  They are often intertwined because of subconscious programming.  Like the rising tides caused by the gravity of the moon, we may not realize what’s going on.  We may not see how the subconscious influences thinking.

This means you can have the same belief system but have differing feelings about it.  You can have variations in what you hold more or less authoritative.  Feelings about your beliefs ebb and flow based on circumstances and time.  Our evolving subconscious beliefs are reflected in the conscious mind and emotions.  This makes understanding the influence of subconscious programming important.

Have you ever wondered why we behave in certain habitual ways or succumb to social pressure?  It has to do with the level of our exposure to ideas.  The more we are exposed, the more likely we are to believe it.   It’s the power behind all types of propaganda.  We find these tactics used in advertising, religion, and politics.  Most people don’t see how the repeating of something affects their minds.   Subconscious programming is the process where our minds adopt beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes.  Sometimes, this happens without conscious awareness of accepting the underlying premises.

By analyzing how our minds work, we gain valuable insights into this process.  We understand why humans tend to think and behave as part of a collective rather than as individuals.

Everyone has some reason or reasons why they believe what they believe.  Even if you live in a culture controlled by religion, you still have the power to change your beliefs.  We are each responsible for our thoughts and actions.

Why You Believe What You Believe

evolving subconscious beliefs andunderstanding the influence of subconscious programming

The mind is constantly reviewing old thought patterns and forming new thoughts.  As we think about the same subject or point of view, we change it; we evolve what we think.

One of the main reasons religions develop creeds is to codify the primary tenets of belief.  These are the litmus test of faith.  One must agree to these tenets in order to be acceptable.  Despite this, religion cannot stop the mind’s relentless desire to push the boundaries.  We are constantly evolving subconscious beliefs and opinions.

Our subconscious mind often operates based on ingrained beliefs and conditioning from experiences.  If you want a healthy mindset, you must address any unhealthy beliefs.  They are the ones that contain bias and prejudice.  To unleash its true power, we must actively rewrite the scripts that control our thinking.

Even if you have long-standing religious beliefs, your understanding changes over time.  These evolving subconscious beliefs either strengthen or weaken your confidence in your beliefs.  Your beliefs link to your instincts.  In this way, your beliefs nurture and support your instincts.

Taking Control of the Programming

Meditation, affirmations, and positive self-talk play a pivotal role in reprogramming our subconscious.  By replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, we consciously change our subconscious mindset.  A healthy, skeptical mindset is a positive platform for making rational decisions.  These changes bring about positive changes in our daily lives.  They also have a positive ripple effect on the community.

Some join a religion because they think it will meet their desire for spiritual things.  Others join a religion because they need healing or finances.  Some people are just born into families where beliefs are passed along.  Children don’t have a choice in this situation; they adopt what they are taught.  All of these are the wrong reasons to pick a belief system.

Perhaps you believe in a God, or Gods, or a higher power or universal force.  That’s okay.  These philosophical positions are all acceptable.  Or, maybe you’ve concluded that Gods or higher powers don’t exist; that is all right, too.

Maybe you think there isn’t any evidence of the existence of Gods.  That is also a valid point of view.  And maybe you have a different opinion from anything mentioned here.  That is fine; these are all valid positions.  We all have different backgrounds.  So, philosophical and religious beliefs run a broad spectrum.  Who is to say who is right or who is wrong?  What we can do is measure the results of our thinking.  If something promotes bias, prejudice, and violence, then we know it is unhealthy.

Techniques for Revealing Subconscious Programming

Religion has played a prominent role in shaping societies and cultures.  It often presents itself as being an agent of positive values and beliefs.  Yet, behind the façade of faith lies, it employs groupthink manipulation tactics.  These are powerful tools that alter the programming of the subconscious.

Western organized religions use these tactics to make customers.  These programming techniques promote conformity through psychological manipulation.  These tools influence their followers at a subconscious level.  When we understand these tactics, it empowers us to evaluate them.

Religious belief requires extraordinary levels of unbelief.  To support religious beliefs, you must sustain unbelief in all the other systems.  You must disregard everything that contradicts your beliefs.  So, if you believe Mithra is God, you must have equal unbelief in all other Gods.  You must exclude all areas of science and archeology.

One way to get around this dilemma is to take a polytheistic position and claim all Gods are real.  A polytheistic position leaves you with another dilemma.  You must sustain unbelief in the basic logic that contradicts “magical thinking.”

The belief in things that create these dilemmas requires a skewed type of logic to justify them.  This system is called “Christian apologetics.” This is a system that uses many of the logical fallacies to support its doctrinal positions.

The tools below will help you sort out fact from fiction.  They will unveil the unhealthy beliefs and values installed by religion.  It will show you why you believe what you believe.  Then, you have the choice to keep believing myths and superstitions.  Or, you can replace them with positive, inclusive, and progressive ideals.

1.  The Cultural Narrative Questionnaire.

The societal conditioning of our cultural narrative influences our subconscious beliefs.  The Cultural Narrative Questionnaire is one of the techniques for revealing subconscious programming.

This tool helps us to analyze the beliefs and values we have inherited from our culture.  Through a series of thought-provoking questions, we reveal our beliefs and values.  It also uncovers the societal norms and biases that shape the programming of the subconscious.  This awareness gives us the ability to change those beliefs that are not healthy.  We can choose our values and beliefs.  This gives another option rather than accepting those of the dominant cultural narrative.

2.  Comparative Analysis.

Comparative Analysis is a structured form of Comparative Religious Studies.   One way to reveal the programming of the subconscious mind is through research.  By comparing concepts and beliefs in our worldview with others, we gain a new perspective.

Understanding the influence of subconscious programming requires a critical examination of our beliefs.  When we compare our religious beliefs to others, it shows the true origins of the concepts.  It encourages us to explore different religious and spiritual beliefs.   By understanding the values and norms of various belief systems, we can identify the influences they may have on our mindset.  This uncovering of our strongly held beliefs can be emotionally challenging, but it is worth the effort.

3. The Enneagram Profile.

The Enneagram Profile is another powerful technique for revealing subconscious programming.  This personality typing system identifies nine distinct personality types.  Each type has its underlying motivations, fears, and desires.

Discovering our Enneagram type gives us insights into our subconscious patterns of thinking.  This self-awareness allows us to make conscious choices.  It breaks us free from limiting beliefs and behaviors.  And it alerts us to thought negative thought scripts.  These are the patterns that indicate we are disintegrating into unhealthy thinking.

4.  The Repeating Question Exercise.

Often, our subconscious programming is shaped by thought scripts that we may not even be aware of.  This exercise can help bring these beliefs and thought scripts to the surface.

It involves asking ourselves a specific question repeatedly, such as, “Why do I believe in God?” By doing this, we challenge the subconscious to reveal the reasons behind our beliefs.   This allows us to examine and reprogram them if necessary.  Asking the question over and over gets to why you believe what you believe.

5.  Delving into Memories Exercise.

Our memories often hold the key to our subconscious programming.  This exercise encourages us to reflect on past experiences.  By unearthing the hidden memories, we find themes and connections that we had not noticed.  This provides us with the opportunity to deal with the emotions, beliefs, and traumas of the past.

Memories can influence us in ways we do not understand.  That’s because they are tucked away in the subconscious.  By revisiting these memories with a non-judgmental mindset, we can heal old wounds.  This helps us let go of limiting beliefs and create a more positive future.  We take an active role in reshaping our subconscious mind.

Understanding The Influence of Subconscious Programming

The programming of your mind has a ripple effect.  If your mindset is positive, it will be reflected in positive actions.  If your mindset is tainted with harmful beliefs, these will also be reflected in your actions.  You affect everyone in your circle of influence, no matter how small or large.

We can choose what we believe if we have the clarity to see the programming and the values behind our actions.  If your actions are not producing positive life-affirming results, then it’s time to take a deeper look at your self-talk.

The techniques for revealing subconscious programming give us that clarity.  We can use the insight from these tools to gain perspective.  The future of the world depends on those who want to make a difference.  Learn why you believe what you believe.

So, it’s time to muster the courage to use these tools to see what is behind your beliefs.  Take any one of the tools we’ve discussed and start the process to make yourself a better human being.  Commit some time to using these inner work tools.  Understanding the influence of subconscious programming is only valuable if we act on it.

“Wherever you go, you will find people lying to you.  And as your awareness grows, you will notice that you also lie to yourself.  Do not expect people to tell you the truth because they also lie to themselves. You have to trust yourself and choose to believe or not to believe what someone says to you.” — Miguel Angel Ruiz